The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

club club a in the re- cis avenue, 6 Jean Van Horn, Charles Nixon Wed in Kentucky McCONNELSVILLE, May 24. Announcement is made of the marriage of Charles Nixon, son and Mrs. Oswald of near Malta, and Miss Jean Van Horn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Van Horn, of East Bloom township, which solemnized at Greenup, May 11.

accompanied by the groom's 'Pect and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eppley, who were also married at Greenup, Ky. May 11.

The groom is employed at the Edgewater filling station in Malta. Licenses Issued Marriage licenses have been issued to Warren C. Buckey, 28, Zanesville, and Mildred V. Rainey, 34, Pennsville. Rev.

G. L. Tennell officiating minister, Woodrow W. Pinkerton, 22. Sharpsburg, and Ina M.

Johnson, 21, Waterford Rt. 3, Case Heard A suit for alimony by Knox vs. Forest Knox, was heard in common pleas court, Thursday afternoon, before Judge C. M. Decision in the case has not been rendered.

News Briefs Mrs. Herman Matheney of near Malta, underwent an operation at Bethesda hospital. Thursday and is reported as doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs.

George Adrean and daughter, of Detroit, are expected here Sunday to visit his uncle, Sheriff L. B. Adrean and family. Mrs. Herbert Wells and two sons, of Willoughby, came here Thursday and on their return Friday, accompanied by B.

F. Wells Millgrove, who will visit were, his son, Dr. Herbert Wells and family. Herbert Jones, who underwent an operation at Bethesda hospital, a week ago, has developed pneumonia and is seriously ill. Mr.

and Mrs. H. B. Sharp and Mrs. J.

N. Barlow left Thursday to visit Mrs. Barlow's daughter and Mrs. Sharp's sister, Mrs. L.

D. Walker and family at Swanton, O. Alumni Group At McConnelsville Holds Meeting Recalling highlight events of their school days, more than 250 men and women attended a meeting of the McConnelsville High School Alumni association last night at McConnelsville. With Zanesville Attorney William L. Weber as the and principal speaker, toastmaster gram featured talks by representatives of various classes who of the whereabouts of their classmates.

This year's senior class at MeConnelsville high school attended the meeting, sitting at the table of honor. Miss Joan Phillips played a number of accordion selections during the dinner hour, while MeConnelsville High School Superintendent J. M. Turner offered the invocation. Paul Herron, president of the alumni association.

delivered the address of welcome and introduced Weber, who discussed "Federal Control of Narcoites." Weber has been cooperating with federal agents since appointment as U. S. Commissioner. He outlined their method of operating and described cases which have been called to his attention. Miss Helen Lynn, association vice president, introduced members of this year's senior class.

Representative of classes who delivered short talks included Lester White, Rufus Brown. Mrs. Lucy Bell, Mrs. V. L.

Jaynes and Mrs. Elizabeth Dye. Leonard Davis Called By Death CAMBRIDGE, K. Dennis, 67, died at 6:30 p. m.

Thursday at his home near Gibson Station following a lingering illness. Mr. Dennis was born near Middlebourne, a son of James and Mariah Dennis, but had resided in the Gibson Station community for the past two years. He had been engaged in farming practically his entire life. In 1800, he was married to Blanch Householder, who survives.

He was a member of the Gibson U. B. church. Surviving in addition to his widow are three daughters, Mrs. Frank Sebring, of Mt.

Gilead, Robert Haven, Cunningham and Miss of Winter Mary nis of the home, and two sons. Rodney of Winterset and Charles of near Lore City. Two children are deceased. The body rests at the home of Charles Dennis, where services will be held at 1 p. m.

Sunday. Additional rites will be held at 2 p. m. at the Middlebourne Methodist church with Rev. J.

L. Nuzum officiating. Burial will be made in Clark cemtery, near Middlebourne, by Corwin. Dusty Miller To Speak At Oakfield NEW LEXINGTON, O. Thurman "Dusty" Miller, well known humorist, will be the Memorial day speaker at services to be held at Oakfield.

Activities will get underway with assembly at the Baptist church at 1:30 p. followed by a parade to the old Baptist cometery headed by the McLuney high school band. After returning to the church a program of speaking and music is to take place. PLAN CHURCH MEETING The Rev. John V.

Lacy, pastor of Central Methodist church, will be the principal speaker at a thankoffering meeting, sponsored by the Missionary Society of St. John's Lutheran church, Stovertown, at 8 o'clock Sunday evening at the church. STRUCK BY CAR, UNHURT Wilbur Jones, 50, 136. South was struck by an corner of Eighth and late last night. He city jail charged with THE TIMES RECORDER: SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1940 Married At Somerset Routine" Plans For Final Meets Today Although the year's final meetof the Y.M.C.A, Pioneer and Friendly Indian clubs will be held this morning at the Fifth street institute, Boys' Secretary Merl W.

Killinger last night said "only routine" programs were scheduled. the The secretary Pioneers at 9:30 will o'clock, confer while with the Indians will congregate an later. Novelty stunts will be the only deviation from the usual hour test-passing and talks heard weekly. Emblems for the current month will be distributed at brief session a week from today, it was said, but these will be considered as meetings. Regular clubwork will resume next fall.

Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday At Crooksville CROOKSVILLE, following presented at the baccalaureate service at the Methodist church here evening: Organ prelude "War Sunday, March of the Priests," Mrs. FlorMyers; invocation, Rev. C. A. Walter: "God.

Is a Girls' Glee club directed by Miss Mary Watkins; Scripture reading, Paul E. Ertel; "The Lord's Prayer," by Girls' Glee club; Baccalaureate sermon, Rev. Wood B. Cundiff; benediction, Rev. C.

A. Walter, and recessional, Mrs. Florence Myers. Heads Red Cross Drive At a meeting of the local organization of the Red Cross held at the Ohio Power company building here Wednesday evening, Miss Heskett was appointed to Gladys head of the committee in charge of the canvass for Red Cross funds to aid the war refugees of the war stricken areas of Europe. The names of the solicitors who will make the canvass will be announced soon.

News Briefs Mrs. Paul E. Ertel has been called to the home of her parents, near Cincinnati, on account of the illness of her father. Mr. and Mrs.

Gordon Weese and Mrs. Kathryn Watts were bus visitors Thursday. Mrs. Elwood Nelson was called to Stockport Wednesday on count of the illness of a relative. H.

F. Pickens was a business visitor at Columbus Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milligan have returned to their home in New Jersey after a visit with Mr.

and Mrs. Cyril Milligan of Hull street. Fred B. Hendricks of Wayne, transacted business here Friday. Somerset Schools Are Dismissed For Summer SOMERSET, in Somerset were dismissed Wednesday for the summer.

Various school activities, class day, private parties, picnics, marked the last few days for the pupils. 'The graduates of Somerset high school were entertained with A wiener roast Thursday evening in the yard at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A.

Cooper. On Sunday, 26 members of the class, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, will leave for a five-day trip to ington, D. and -other places of natural and historic interest.

During the past year the seniors sored several enterprises for the purpose of raising money to finance this trip. Holy Trinity Graduation Commencement exercises for the Holy Trinity high school will take place in the church on June 2 at 4 p. m. The graduates are Helen Snider, valedictorian: Dorothy Flautt, salutatorian: Margaret Bever. Flautt, Pauline Krumlauf, Hilda and Helen Noll, Helen Janet Shiplett, Madeline zer.

Snider. Clara Marie Smith, Rita Noll. Donald Dittoe, George Krumlauf and Walter Bushue. The annual entertainment and school play will be given in the public school auditorium on Friday evening, June 14. News Briefs Mrs.

H. R. Yost was hostess Friday evening at a meeting of the Priscilla embroidery club. Mr. and Mrs.

'Frank Dittoe of Cleveland are announcing the birth of a son. The ladies of the Olivet Brethren church will conduct a market in the mayor's office Saturday afternoon. First Gun Club Shoot May 30 GRATIOT, May 24 -A group of Gratiot men have completed organization of a gun club and will establish a club house and traps in Gutridge park oll the north Officers chosen are: president. George Porter. and secretarytreasurer, Lloyd Martin.

The opening shoot of the will be on Memorial day. Bridge Club Meets Mrs. Mary Smith entertained the Gratiot Bridge club at her home at Brownsville recently. Prizes were awarded Gertrude Porter, Helen Hoskinson and Helen Holmes. The will meet two weeks at the home of Mrs.

Ralph Norman, Gratiot. News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. E. O.

Overman have returned from a fishing trip to Chesapeake Bay. Mrs. Bernice Baird and Mrs. Clara Neely were recently Newark visitors. Miss Anderson and Miss Williams, teachers in the local school, have returned to their homes in Pennsylvania for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, Charleston. W. have been visiting at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Morris. Mr. and Mrs. H.

E. Morgan attended commencement exercises at Toboso Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Snider and daughter Jo spent several days at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Morris recently. CONDITION FAIR Maybelle Hopstetter Ratof Cliffwood avenue, who drunk a poisonous afternoon, was re- Gun fair condition at Good can hospital last night. and Wallace Beery To Feature Film At the Weller who teamed sensationally 85 Pancho Villa and his lieutenant in "Viva Villa!" join forces the first time again in "20 Mule saga of the pioneers of Death Valley, which opens Sunday at the Weller theater. Beery is seen as Bill Bragg, veteran.

muleskinner of the desert trail, driving back and forth through blistering heat to the railroad at Mojave, 162 miles away, while Carrillo appears as his faithful "swamper, the Indian Piute Pete. Completing the trio of leads is veteran character actress Marjorie Rambeau as Josie Johnson, owner of the hotel and saloon where Beery is the habit of "undehydrating" himself. Another Beery, Noah, joins his uncle for the first time, playing the romantic male lead of the young company paymaster, Mitch. Anne Baxter, newcomer the New stage, is the feminine heart interest as Jean Josie's daughter, who jilts Mitch and tries to elope with the gambler, Stag Roper, played by Douglas Fowley. Completing the featured cast are as the prospector, Arthur Bevans, Charles Chuckawalla: Berton Churchill, Halton, Hollinorem Watson.

Oscar O'Shea and Lloyd Ingraham. Filmed on location in the original locale, Death Valley, "20 Mule Team" has all of the wild riding and the gunplay of the to best locate Westerns as fight is on borax "mother lode." Richard Thorpe directed, J. Walter Ruben produced. Last times today Laurel Hardy in "A Chump Oxford" also Lana Turner in "Two Girls on Broadway." Liberty Sunday The New York of golden splendor is the background for the story of Lillian Russell, America's first and greatest glamor girl, the queen of them all. She holds the spotlight again in Darryl F.

Zanuck's production of "Lillian Russell," the 20th Century-Fox film featuring Alice Faye, Don Ameche, Henry Fonda and others which comes to the Liberty theater on Sunday. The amazing life and loves of the great Lillian Russell were headline news in her day, the and' picture, it is claimed, makes it easy to realize why the beautiful actress was SO famous and the songs of her day so popular. Some of the songs that are sung in the picture include: "After the Ball is Over," "Rosie, You are My Posie," "The Band Played "My Evening "Adored One," and "Blue Love Bird." Lillian Russell numbered Diamond Jim Brady and Jesse Lewisohn. two of the wealthiest men of her era, among her countless admirers. Women envied her and tried to be like her--men became famous just by being seen with her.

No one could take her place, and no one has. Also featured in "Lillian Russell" are such outstanding screen personalities as Edward Arnold (as Diamond Jim Brady), Warren William, Leo Carrillo, Helen Westley, Dorothy Peterson, Ernest Truex, Nigel Bruce, Claude Allister, Lynn Bari, Weber and Fields, Eddie Foy, Una O'Connor and Joseph Cawthorn. Irving Cummings directed from a screenplay by William Anthony McGuire. Gene Markey was asproducer. Liberty--Last Day Eddie Cantor relies on his wife, Ida, for everything -well nearly everything.

"The Eddie was making a scene for Story of Forty Little his new comedy now at the Liberty theater, in which he was kissed by Bonita Granville, Diana Lewis, Martha 'Driscoll, lotte Munier, Louise Seidel and Margaret Early in rapid succession. The comedian's face was covered with lipstick as in a daze he ascended an outside staircase presumably to his quarters as a professor in girls' boarding school. Opening door on a balcony, the first thing he spied in the hall was a telephone. That was the end of the scene but Eddie continued his own action. Dialing a number, he picked up the receiver.

"Ida, oh, Eddie pleaded the phone. "You'd better come and get your husband, Eddie, before it's too late." Judith Anderson heads the cast supporting "Cantor in "The Story of Forty Little Mothers." Also featured are Ralph Morgan, Rita Johnson, Bonita Granville and Diana Lewis under the direction of Busby Berkeley. St. John's Church Morning Theme "Dangerous Going" is the theme announced by the Rev. Willard M.

Hackenberg, D. pastor of St. Lutheran church, for his sermon to the congregation wor-1 there at 10:30 o'clock on shipping the first Sunday after Trinity, music for this service will Special Include one anthem "Consider and Hear Me" sung by the large chorus choir, with Mrs. Graham Bailey at the organ who will play two numbers, "Prelude on Aughton" by Matthews and a postlude by Dubois. Preceding this service the church school meets for Bible instruction at 9 o'clock.

The adult classes follow the international series and will study the lesson entitled "Jeremiah Announes a New Covenant." The children follow the graded lessons of the Lutheran series. At 6:30 o'clock the Luther league devotional service will be held in the lower church. George Brenner will be the leader and present the topic "Lutheran World Convention." The vesper services are being omitted order to permit the congregation to attend the union services in the new municipal torium when the baccalaureate sermon will be delivered to members of the graduating class of the high school. THORNVILLE CLUB WINS THORNVILLE, O. Thornville club, sponsored by the AmeriLegion, defeated Crooksville Columbus here Francis Davis Of Noble County (Dies In Hospital CALDWELL, O.

Mrs. Frances Bartlett Davis, 64, wife of Otis Davis, ex-representative to the general assembly Ohio died in White Cross hospital, Columbus, Friday morning at at 2:30. Mrs. Davis stricken the family home near Belle Valley Sunday with a cerebral hemorrhage and was removed to the hospital. Mrs.

Davis daughter of James and Lucinda" Bartlett, and had resided her entire life in Noble county. She was the first to be called from life in a family of eight children. In addition to her husband, two sons and five daughters survive. They are, Raymond Davis, Columbus; Mrs. Alice Lafferty, Eaton, Albert Davis, McArthur; Hubert Davis, Syracuse, N.

Floyd Davis, Columbus; Miss Betty Davis, nurse in White Cross hospital, lumbus: Mrs. Dora Engle, Chicago, Miss Edna Davis of the home. The brothers and sisters are: Edward Bartlett, Cumberland; Roy Bartlett, Columbus; Mrs. Grace Hedge, Caldwell, Rt. Mrs.

Hat' Columbus; Mrs. Alice McAdams, Columbus: Miss Vina Bartlett, Columbus, and Mrs. Dora Palmer, Cumberland. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist church at Belle Valley, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C.

W. Cartwright, interment will be made in Olive cemetery, Caldwell, in charge of the Murphy funeral home. High School Commencement Dr. Forrest H. Kirkpatrick, of Bethany college, pictured American ideals, and opportunities for American, graduating youth, class in his of the address Cald- to well high school, at the -fourth commencement, held in the high Thursday evening.

Dr. Kirkpatrick, chose "American Traditions," for his subject, Fifty-five graduates, the largest class in the history of the school, entered the auditorium, with Miss Dwilla Lamley playing the processional, "The March of the Priests," in cap and gown, each wearing an American Beauty rose, their class flower, and were seated on the stage. The program was carried out as planned, with each number displaying outstanding talent. George McKee, president of the board of education, the diplomas, with every of presenteer the class present. The front of the stage and auditorium was banked with ferns and a profusion of spring flowers.

class motto, "Life is Now Our School," was displayed on the stage curtains. Miss Minerva Frazier was the class advisor. Annual Cemetery Cleaning Spring cleaning of the Hoskinsville cemetery will be held Saturday, May 25. A good turnout is desired by the president of the organization, A. C.

Still. Residents are asked to bring mattocks and shovels. Dinner will be served at noon in the usual manner. Library Closed For Week Miss Georgiabelle Gordon, 11- brarian of the Caldwell Public Library will attend the American Liassociation convention. which will be held in Cincinnati, next week.

During that time the library will be closed for repairs, from May 27 to June 1, inclusive. All books becoming due during that time will be extended until the reopening of the library. Home Coming Program The following program has been announced for homecoming, be held at the Hiramsburg Methodist church, Sunday, May 26: Sunday school 10:30 a. m. Morning worship, 11:30 a.

m. Basket 12:10 p. with pastors. p. m.

Fellowship, service at dress, W. D. Archer. Transferred to New York Dr. Louis Cleary, a son of the late Dr.

R. H. Cleary who has been employed with the U. S. Public Health service at Lexington and Louisville, for the past four has been transferred to New years, York, where he will be associated with the Coast Guard cutter, Comanche, until July 1.

Later Dr. Cleary will study psychiatry and neurology. Adamsville Briefs ADAMSVILLE, May Wisecarver and family have moved from the E. W. Spragg farm on Adamsville Rt.

1 to the Homer Grimes farm, East Greenwood. Miss Arelene Hanks of Adams township, spent this week with atives in Coshocton. Miss Eileen Littick visited Mr. and Mrs. Chester Littick in Norwich last Thursday and Friday.

Rev. K. J. Bishop returned home after attending a meetThursday, Lutheran synod at Youngstown. Floyd McHenery has moved his family from the John Cornell property to what is known as the Mill property on the A.

O. Adams farm. Mrs. Martha Dailey spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

M. H. Jordan near Bridgeville. Dutro and family have Harry. the John Cornell property in the south end.

L. V. Wisecarver was in Trinway on business last week. Mrs. Bertha Kinner, Mrs.

Edgar Stevens and Mrs. William Kinner of Columbus, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. C.

Jordan here Thursday. Mrs. Bertha Kinner will return to Adamsville in about two weeks at which time she will dispose of the personal property of Mrs. Mary Elsa at sale. Henry has moved private, his family to the E.

W. Spragg farm on Adamsville Rt. 1. Mr. Mrs.

E. C. Jordan and Miss Katie Sauer called on Robert Knicely and family at Wills Creek. Monday evening. Mrs.

Knicely roe cently underwent an operation for appendicitis, is getting along nicely. Ralph Krebs has been appointed superintendent of the Zion Lutheran cemetery, to succeed the late Hoadly Thresh. This cemetery has an endowment fund of several thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Roberts of Zanesville, called on W. A. Roberts Thursday evening. Howard Nowels, agriculture instructor in the Adamsville school. is spending a few days at the home of his parents at Warsaw.

Mrs. J. A. Littick spent Thursday at the O. B.

McCormick home on Norwich Rt. 1. Otsego Grange Presents Play Thursday OTSEGO, May 24 Bolts Nuts." a three-act comedy will and Thursday evening in be presented by the school auditorium here Otsego Grange. cast: Benita Bolt, Myrtle Stockum: Laura Klien; ReLutle Spinks, becca Bolt, Mary Buker; Martha Thelma Conway; Twink Grubb, Starr, Carl Buker: Or. Hippocrates Joy, Otho Simmons; Henry Goober, Gern Simmons; Phineas Plunkett, Erman Bell; Miss Prunella Figg, Martha Cooper; Caldwalleder Clippy, Walter Castor; Mrs.

Gertie Glossop, Glossop, Paul Pansy Slater; Castorck Gordon, Newton Hawthorne. The play is under the direction of Paul R. Rieger. Monroe County Man Dies When Hit By Lightning WOODSFIELD Charles Jones, 21 of West Union, 15 miles east of here, was instantly killed late Thursday afternoon when struck by lightning while standing in a shed on his father's farm. Jones had been plowing with a of oxen in a nearby field team when the storm broke, and took refuge In the shed.

One of the oxen also was struck by lightning and destroyed. The shed was only slightly damaged. Jones is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones, Sr.

Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at the West Union church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Four-H Advisors Meet advisors and officers of all Four-H. of county will attend meeting in the high school audia here Wednesday, at 9 a. torium m.

Judge Bernard G. Witten of Bellaire will be guest speaker. Judge Witten spent his boyhood in this county. Others who will assist with the program are; Lang, assistant state club leader: Miss MarD. Barker, former 4-H club garet assistant in Monroe county; Leo V.

Gaffin, county agent of Washington county; Miss Clara Feldner of the Spirit of Democracy, and R. W. Lang, county of Belmont county. Rev. Jungfer will assist with the singing.

A feature of the program will be presentation of 8 one-act play which received honorable mention in a contest conducted by the schools of the county. There will be morning and afternoon sessions the latter getting underway at 1 p. when parents may attend. John Relatives Roth Dead, Woodsfield have received word of the death of John Roth, 50, former Woodsfield man, which occurred Thursday at his home in Denver, Colo. The body will be brought to the Bauer, Willison and Turner funeral home Sunday, where services will be held Monday at 2 p.

m. with Rev. Jungfer of the local St. Paul's Evangelical church officiating. Mr.

Roth was well known in Woodsfield having been in the grocery business for several years. He attended the St. Paul's Evangelical church and interested in all church and civic affairs. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. William Bauer of Sidney, O.

and a sister in Pittsburgh. His parents preceded him in death. Burial will be made in the Oak Lawn cemetery. Dinner At Cady Home In Corning For Faculty Club CORNING. O.

As the last affair of the school year, Mrs. F. A. Cady entertained the 'Women's Faculty club of the school, when the men were guests, o'clock dinner at the Cady home, Thursday. Seated at the table were the host and hostess, Mr.

and Mrs. F. A. Cady, Mr. and Mrs.

John Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Penrod, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spence, Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latta, Clarence and Edna Dew, Veneta Wilson, Eliza Murray, Margaret Schlingerman, Viola Rogge, Alice Mae Wilson, Lenore Young, Margery Hoffert, Edna Price. The evening was spent in reminiscing and playing games and cards, Past Chiefs to Meet Mrs.

Mildred Ferguson and Mrs. Julia Ferguson will be hostesses Tuesday night at the K. of P. hall when they entertain the members of the Past Chiefs association of Pythian Sisters. A business and social time will be held.

Ball Game Postponed Due to the rain, the softball game which was to have been ed between the girls team of Corning and the girls of Nelsonville was postponed until Memorial day. "Scatter Sunshine" Column Sol Henry who has been a shutin for several months will be the recipient this week of cards to be sent by friends. Mr. Henry is now at the home daughter, Mrs. Ara Post, Corning, Social Time Enjoyed Mrs.

Mildred Ferguson and Mrs. Helen Shonkwiler entertained with a social gathering for the young people of their groups following the prayer service Thursday night. A wiener roast was enjoyed and a recreational hour held. Twenty eight members were present. Members of the adult of group were guests the young people.

Membership Group Of Y. W. Makes Plans The membership committee of the Y. W. C.

A. discussed plans for getting new members and for newing the interest of old bers Thursday afternoon when the group met in the association building. Mrs. Paul Knoedler is chairman of the committee. The members will contact those whose membership expired five years ago and try to get them interested again.

They will work on this through the summer, no but more regular meetings of the committee will be held until autumn. Quite a number of new members and old members hive joined with- several weeks. Different activities were discussled for the fall. Sentenced To Ohio Penitentiary For Burglary SOMERSET, Mrs. William R.

Beard, the former Maxine Emmert. whose marriage took place here May 18, is a daughter of Mr. City May Purchase Cruiser Monday 'The city purchase board may award a contract for a new police cruiser Monday, City Service Director A. S. Herzer said yesterday.

The board has deferred awarding a contract pending consideration of bids opened earlier this week. Calendar of Events Inventory Estate of Anna E. Wilson. Appraisers Ray Fox, Francis Burkhart and Harry Smith. Marriage Applications Meade Edward Ginter, 26, of Zanesville.

and Ruth Elizabeth Leasure, 25, of Zanesville, Perry F. Butler, 28. South Zanesville Rt. 2, and Bernice D. I.

Paxton, 30, Zanesville Rt. 2. Lawrence Bishop, 33, of Zanesville Rt. 6, and Beulah Davis, 18. of Zanesville Rt.

6. Divorce Action Roman J. Reibel of 313 Wayne avenue, against Dessie Reibel of Columbus, gross neglect alleged. Births Mr. and Mrs.

John Orndorff of 733 Caldwell street, son at Good Samaritan hospital, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Newsom of South Zanesville, at Bethesda hospital, Friday. Mr.

and Mrs. Church, Zanesville Rt. 5, Adamsville road. son at Good Samaritan hospital, Friday. Deaths DAVIS.

Mrs. Frances, 64, of Belle Valley, in White Cross hospital in Columbus, Friday. OLDEN, Wilkes 72, Philo, Friday afternoon. Agents Nab Three In Liquor Raids On Local Spots Making what they termed a "routine swing" through Zanesville last night, a squad of state liquor agents in cooperation with city police arrested two and one man on illegal possession and sale charges. These were Gertrude Slofer, 22- year-old colored girl, Marie Cooper, 38, also colored, and Fred Brown, 60, white.

All were nabbed at their places of residence. Slofer at 461 Linden avenue, Cooper at 453 Linden, and Brown at 620 Fountain alley. The agents, working under E. Is. Cullison, in charge of the Columbus district, said all will be arraigned in municipal court this morning.

Arrests are made when the operators, posing as private citizens, successfully purchased liquor at residences, restaurants and pool halls that they have been "tipped" are making illegal sales. Club Continues Membership Drive The Optimist club, meeting yesterday at the Y.W.C.A., decided to continue its current membership drive for the next two months. Club President Robert Factor complimented members for the success of the drive. He urged them to redouble their efforts during June and July. The program which had been arranged by William Bey for yesterday was postponed until a later meeting.

CLUB MEETS AT Members of the Mokanna club were entertained Thursday evening at the Y.M.C.A. with Mrs. William Parshall hostess. The club includes past mighty chosen ones of Amrou Caldron. Dinner was served at 6 p.

m. and games followed. The door prize was awarded to Mrs. Laura Cooper. MEMORIAL SERVICES NEW LEXINGTON, O.

Menbers of the Daughters of Veterans, Women's Relief corps, and other patriotic orders are asked to meet at the Methodist church at. 10 a. m. Sunday to attend memorial services in a body to be in the church beginning at 10:15. CONDUCT SALE NEW LEXINGTON, Members of the United Brethren church will conduct a home made doughnut sale this Saturday from the parsonage on Swigart street.

Deliveries will be made anywhere Jin the city. and Mrs. T. D. Emmert.

The bridegroom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Beard.

is associated with the Delaware and Mrs. Beard will reside in Delaware. George Reynolds Children Set Attendance Mark MURRAY CITY, 0, Children of Mr. Mrs. George Reynolds of Coalgate, who attend the Murray City school, have attained an excellent attendance record during the past.

few years. George, 10th grade, has a perfect record for the past six grade 9, has attendance, not. missed for four years; Don, grade 7, has not missed for four years; Alice, grade 6, has not missed for three years, and Myrna Sue, grade 3, has never missed a day since she entered school. This is her first year to attend the local school, her first two years being New Town of the East Ward rural district. During the past semester, Mrs.

Reynolds underwent operation and was at the hospital six weeks, but the children attended school regularly. They four miles from school, and all take an active part in school activities. Memorial Day Services Planned For Portersville NEW LEXINGTON, ial services for Bearfield township will be held May 30 at. Portersville, opening with a program at the Zion church at 9:30 as follows: Song, orchestra and assembly; Invocation, Rev. Arthur C.

Shonkwiler; Appointment of nominating committee by Harry H. Ketcham, president; March, "Adalid" (The Chieftain) R. B. Hill, orchestra; Lincoln's Gettysburg address, Francis Sidwell: songs, "A Song of Peace," Memoriam." Girls' chorus of Sayre school directed by Christine Haley; "Sahara" (A Desert Episode) H. J.

Crosby, orchestra: Declamation, Pauline Ketcham; Songs, Pledge," "Weeping Willows," Bear school; Overture, "The Olive Branch," E. Hazel, orchestra; Song, "The Sentinel Fairy," Sayre girls; "La Danse des Sorciers. orchestra; Song, "Yo Ho," Bear Run school; Report of committee and election of officers; "Memories of War, 1861-1863." orchestra: address, Rev. Schonkwiler; March, "Manhattan Beach." McLuney school band directed by Chester Lehman. Following the program activities will be shifted to the township cemetery where soldier's graves decorated color guard assisted by children and Boy Scouts.

An eulogy to soldiers who sleep in unknown graves will be given by Rev. Shonkwiler. The sounding of taps and band music will conclude the service. Movie Features Club Meeting A motion picture, sponsored by the H. J.

Heinz company, featured a meeting of the Zanesville Exclub last night at the Y. change, The picture showed modern methods of canning fruit and the precautions taken to eliminate bacteria. Samuel R. Torrance and the Rev. Harold R.

Ely, pastor of Fair Oaks Baptist church, had charge of the program. Truck Driver Hurt In Crash At Shawnee NEW LEXINGTON, O. Severely cut and bruised and in an unconscious condition, Robert Stickrath of Jackson, was taken to Cherrington hospital at Logan Friday morning, after trailer truck he was driving for the Grant Trucking of Jackson, heavily loaded with soil pipe, struck a bridge in Shawnee. The impact threw the cargo against the cab the driver, and the pipe crushing, hurled into the creek. MUST MAKE NEW ARGUMENTS COLUMBUS, May (P)- The recent death of Judge George Myers will make new arguments necessary on suits involving constitutionality of the intangible tax law's "immunity clause," the supreme court announced today, The clause exempts persons from a tax liability from 1926 through 1930 on intangibles declared after 1930.

CARBON MONOXIDE SUICIDE DAYTON, May -The body of Vincent Lehman, 20, who would have graduated from Fairmont high school this year, was found in the trunk of the family automobile today, with a hose leading from an exhaust pipe to the trunk. The youth left a suicide note, Deputy Sheriff C. M. Combs said. CAMBRIDGE, Walkup, who was indicted on two co counts burglary of an uninhabited building by the May grand jury, pleaded guilty when arraigned in common pleas court Friday and was sentenced to Ohio penitentiary for not less than one year on each count of the indictment by Judge Charles S.

Sheppard. The defendant was without counsel and Atty. J. Sherman Taylor was appointed by the court. Walkup and two other men, Frank Johnson and William Latrison, allegedly stole a number of chickens from the farms of Andrew Kennedy and Waiter Duff, it was charged.

The cases of JohnLarrison, who were also indicted on two counts of the same have not been heard yet. Others arraigned in common pleas court, Friday, who were indicted by the grand jurors were Leo Nickey Johnson, who pled not guilty to a charge of unlawful assault and was placed under $300 bond, which he furnished; George Troyan, pled not guilty to a charge of assault and battery, bond $300 which he furnished; Lloyd Ford, defendant waived reading of charges, pled not guilty placed under $1,000 bond, which he furnished, was charged with burglary in daytime; Walter Mike Callahan charged with unsafe operation, pled not guilty and furnished bond of $100. Therman Fannin and Wilford Craft, indicted for burglary in the daytime, each pled guilty and both defendants were without counsel, Judge Sheppard appointed Atty, Frank Denello counsel for Craft and Atty. Theodore Stubbs counsel for Fannin. Both men were returned the county jail.

Couple Injured In Accident Dr. Charles B. Morrey, 70, retired bacteriology professor at Ohio State University, Columbus and wife, Mrs. Grace H. Morrey, 63, were injured Friday at 1:15 p.

m. when their car left U. S. Rt. 40 about three and a half miles west of Cambridge and turned over in three feet of water.

Dr. and Mrs. Morrey have been living in South Miami, since his retirement and were enroute to Columbus at the time of the accident. The doctor's car skidded after passing another machine and he lost control of his car. The accident occurred just west of the Olliver farm.

Dr. Morrey saved his wife from drowning, as she was possible, unconscious, and he held up her head from the water until help arrived. Both Dr. and Mrs. Morrey were rushed to St.

Francis hospital in the McMillen ambulance. Dr. Morrey sustained bruises and a cut over his left eye while his wife underwent X-ray examinlation and it was disclosed that no bones were broken, as was first believed but she is suffering from bruises and a badly bruised right shoulder. They remained at the hospital for further treatment. The accident was investigated by the state highway patrol.

Six Will Graduate Six will be graduated St. Benedict Catholic high school at annual commencement exercises to be held Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the church auditorium They are Helen Ammar, Joseph Buttress, John J. Cullinan, Peter T. Nelson and Ruth Ann Trischler. The class patron is St.

Thomas Aquinas and the motto "With the Hopes of the Past, We Shall Ring the Bells of the Future." The white rose is the class flower and colors are maroon and gray. Rev. Father Anthony Nickel Harriettsville, will give the commencement address and Rev. C. C.

Crock, superintendent of St. Benedict Catholic schools, will preside at the service and present the certificates of graduation to the seniors. music will be presented Special, church school choir. Child Dies Friday George Henry, two and a half months old son of Mr. and Mrs.

George Pontius of Cambridge died Friday at 1:45 p. m. at the home after an illness lasting one week. In addition to the parents the baby is survived by five brothers and sisters, John, William, Mary Pauline, Charles and Catherine of the home. Ronaldin The body was removed to the Scott funeral home, East Steubenville avenue, Funeral ments are incomplete, Committee Re-elected Executive, Theodore J.

Stubbs, Cambridge, and his entire staff of Republican executive men were re-elected unanimously Thursday night at the annual reorganization meeting of the Guernsey county central committee. The meeting was held at the American Legion hall with more than 50 of the 66 central committeemen present. Stubbs' staff is comprised of David Ferguson, Cambridge, vice chairman; Chauncey M. Oldham, Cambridge Rt. 3, treasurer, and Ed Allison, Cumberland, secretary, Ross Robinson, Wills township, is chairman of the central committee; Ralph Davidson, Washington township, is secretary, and W.

K. Dugan, Cambridge. vice chairman, and than Todd. Byesville, vice secretary, Sentenced James Otis Davis, 22, Cambridge, was sentenced to serve a year and a day in a federal correctional institution by Judge Mell G. Underwood in U.

S. district court at Columbus. Davis was granted a suspended sentence several months ago by Judge Underwood and was arrested recently by Deputy Sheriff Bean on a charge of stealing tires and was taken before the district court for violation of his parole. Hospital News Mrs. Robert Thompson and infant son.

John Robert, were dismissed from Children Maternity hospital Friday to their home in Byesville. Kenneth Taylor, 543 Madison was admitted to St. Franhospital where he underwent surgical treatment, Friday, His condition is reported satisfactory, SUBPOENAE WITNESSES NEW LEXINGTON, witnesses were subpoeneed Friday automobile at the is said to have Main streets liquid Thursday was lodged in ported in A intoxication. Samaritan to testify before the jury grand during it's first day's session next Monday and 27 have been called for It Tuesday. is expected the jury will be in session three days,.

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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