SUNDAY SUNDAY, JOLT STAR, 11. 1956 With Regard to a Card of Thanks Very ofte card thanks The Ster which con hardly solved other Not gracious expression who sent floral tributes but also courteously acknowledges the services and kindof the many to whom sonal note of thanks cannot well be whose nomes and not known. Insertion card thanks may be arranged telephone to The Star, ST 3-5000 The Evening and Sunday Star Card of Thanks COOK. ALICE MILLER. The parents the late ALICE A.
MILLER COOK wish to express, their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the relatives and friends for the prayers. kindly helping hands, words of encouragement, Lowers, cards of sympathy, telegrams, use CATS and the spiritual comfort of the Rev. Dewey G. Robinson and the assistant pastors of the Metropolitan A. M.
E. Church. May God shed upon them all. EP AND IDA E. MILLER.
COWAN, MARTHA J. The family of the Jate MARTHA J. COWAN wishes to express Its deep appreciation and sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympaths. beautiful flowers and many sets of kindness during our recent bereavement. GRANDCHILDREN.
BART. MES. ANNA MAE. The family of the late Mrs. ANNA MAE HART wishes to thank the neighbors R110 friends for the many feral tributes and the use of cars.
Also for the lovely solos that were rendered, and to. Rev Green and Rev. Brown for their services. And especially do we want to thank the friends and organizations the sister of Mrs. Clara Y.
Lewis! for the cards and telegrams sent her. God bless each and every one. HUSBAND. IRVIN HART: SISTERS. CLARA: LEWIS AND WILHELGOVENER.
RADIN, JOHN G. We wish to express our appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy and condolence extended by our relatives, friends and neighbors during the loss of our beloved, husband and father. the late JOHN G. RADIN. THE RADIN FAMILY.
17 the SCOTT. late REV. Rev. JOHN JOHN R. The SCOTT.
family who of I died July 6. 1955. wishes to express Its sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the ministers, relatives, neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses expressions of sympathy extended during our recent bereavement. MRS. JOHN R.
SCOTT AND CHILDREN. Deaths ADDISON. JOSEPH. Suddenly. on Fridev.
July 15. 1955, JOSEPH ADDISON of Cedar Hill. Prince Georges County. father of Katherine Johnson. Joseph Addison.
and William B. C. Addison. Funeral services at the Holy Trinity Church. Collington.
on Monday, July 18, at 2 p.m. Interment Trinity Episcopal Cemetery. Upper Marlboro. Md In lieu of flowers, contributions be made to the Heart Association. 17 BANKS.
WILMA On Fri2 uly 1955 at Georgetown Hospital WILMA GRIFFITE BANES 3487 at. Shirlington, wife of C. R. Banks, sister of Oliver and Llewisn Grimth. Friends may call at the Demaine Funeral Home.
520 South Washington st. Alexandria, Services at Port Myer Chapel. Arlington, on Tuesday, July 19, at a.m. Interment Arlington tional Cemetery. 18 BARKER.
CATHERINE On Friday, July 15. 1955. at her residence, 502 Chillem rd. Chillum, CATHERINE BARKER, beloved wife of the late James K. Barker and mother of Mrs.
B. Contes grandmother of Charles Richard Metle. Funeral from the Timothy Hanion Funeral Home, 8831 Georgia ave. n. on Monday, July 18.
Of 9:30 Requiem mass at St. John the Baptist de La Salle Church, Chillum. at 10 a.m. Interment, Bangor, Me. BARE.
HOWARD B. On Thursday, June 30, 1955. in Harrisburg. HOWARD BARR of 4204 Russell Mount Rainier. beloved husband of Louise Barr.
Bethesda- Friends are invited Chase to Funeral call Chevy Home of Robert Pumphrey. Bethesda, where services will be held on Monday, July 18, at 10 a.m. Inferment Arlington dowers. National Cemetery. 17 Please omit BATES, LOUTS- On Fla.
Friday, LOUIS July 15. 1956. BATES of 517 Kewin rd. Silver Sprins, father of Howard William Bates. Mrs.
Nance Blanton and Mrs. Virginia Parks, brother of Arthur H. Bates. Services at the H. Hines Co.
Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. on Wednesday, July 20. 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 BLOK, PETER On Friday, July 15.
1955, PETER BLOK. husband Margaret Blok, father of Mrs. Marcaret B. Mayo of Priendly, David Blok of Moline, Mich. He also is survived by four grandchildren: brother of John Blok of Dearborn.
Mich. Mrs. Bare Francke and Mrs. Elizabeth Van Putten of Long Island, N. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel, 1766 Pa.
ave. until 4 p.m. Sunday. July (free parking opposite). Services and interment Grand Rapids, Mich.
17 BOARDLEY, SARAH ANN. On Friday, July 15, 1955. at her residence. 902 64th ave. D.c., SARAH ANN BOARDLEY, devoted wife of James R.
Boardles, beloved mother of Ernest and Eukert Boardley. She also leaves to mourn their loss one sister, Mrs. Elia Brown of Baltimore, one brother, Judge Price: three grandsons, Julius, Andrew and Eurkert Boardies: two daughters in-law. Dorothy and Malcoma Boardley, and host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence, 902 64th ave.
n.e., where friends may call after p.m. TuesJuly 19. Funeral services on Wednesday. July 20. at p.m..
at the Grace Methodist Church, 716 59th Edward Williams onciating. InterPairmount Heights. Rev. ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements Funeral by Home.
the John 901 T. 3rd st. Rhines S.W. 19 BOLLES. MAJ.
GEN. FRANK Seguin, CRANDALL. U. (retired). on July 14.
1955. father of Mrs. Robert Hewitt. Mrs. James Seaman P.
and John H. Bolles. ReB. Buck. Comdr.
Frank C. Bolles. mains at Chambers' Funeral Home, 8072 st Services at ton National Cemetery on Tuesday. July 19. at 1 p.m.
Full military honors. BONSAL. HENRIETTA MORRIS. On July 16. 1955.
at her restdence, after long Illness. HENRIETTA MORRIS BONSAL, wife of the late Stephen Bonsal, mother of Philip W. Sonsal, Richard M. Bonsal and Dudles Bonsal She also is survived by two grandchildren. Funeral private.
Please omit dowers. 18 FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC. Expressive.
Floral Tributes. holidays. Moderate orders also accepted. 6:30 to 9 p.m. prices.
Open daily, nights. 900 14th St. N.W. NA. 8-0106 Crematorium J.
William Lee's Sons Co. 4th and FUNERAL. N.E 3-8400 DIRECTORS MALVAN-SCHEY, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS New Jersey Ave and 80 NO. 7-0133 A Complete Funeral As Low as $95.00 Up CHAMBERS Undertakers the the World CO.
H. P. GOODING. 1606 North Stafford Arlington, Va. JA.
2-8772 CEMETERY LOT. site for National Memorial Park: value. 5695: owner will sell reas. JE. 4-6190.
SITES. LINCOLN: will sell cheap. Call LO. 5-3127. sites, Rockville: will sacrifice.
LO, 4-7427. -19 MAUSOLEUM NAT. MEM. CEM. Falls Church-2 burial rights, group 8.
No. cast terrace overlooking mall. PL. 8-2628 after 6. CEDAR HILL One site.
fine location. $70. RA. FORT Extra choice lots sites: memorial sec. or.
cate: over $400 value: sacrifice for quick sale: will divide, EM 3-0371, FORT LINCOLN 3 choice gravesites. bordering lake: reasonable! Call Poplar WANTED 40x50 feet in amall-town 85-mile radius of Washington: must permit above burial: give location in reply: will pay top price and contact promptly. BOR 103-R. Star. Washington, D.
C. Deaths Deaths this life on July 16. BRIGGS. JAMES BURGESS. Departed Freedmen's Hospital, JAMES BURGESS He leaves to mourn three daughters.
Mrs. Blanche Atkinson, Mrs. Floride Hatch and Miss Pannie Brices: three sons George R. Albert B. and John Briggs: two Mrs.
Mary C. Fields and Luis E. Tanrimore: eight grandchiidren. one sister-in-law Holmes, one daughters-in-law host other relatives and friends. The late Mr.
Briggs may be viewed the Stewart Funeral Home, el. after 12 DOOD Sunday, July 17. neral services on Monday, July 18, at at the Ebeneser Baptist Church. Lignum. Va.
Rev. John Jackson ofSciatine. Interment church cemetery. 17 BUTLER, JAMES the On July at Washington Sandtarium and Hospital, JAMES M. BUTLER of 8816 Ocala Silver Spring.
husband of E. Butler mother of Evelyn Sparshott and Robert E. Butler, brother of Mrs. Jessie Crockett and E. Butler.
Butler rests at the E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 ave. Silver Spring. where prayers will be said on Monday, July 18.
at 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery, 17 CAMPBELL. DORIS K. Saturdaz, Juls 16, 1955, at Garneid Hospital DORIS K. CAMPBELL of 61 Franconia Alexandria.
Va. beloved wife 01 the late Adelbert N. Campbell, mother of Mrs. Edward R. Dillon and Mrs.
James V. Martin, sister of Mrs. Porest C. Nichols. Friends may call at the 8.
H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 July 17. Services at the a above funeral 14th st. D.w., after 12 noon Sunday, home on Tuesday, July 19.
at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemeters. 17 LT. COL. LEO M.
U. 8. ARMY (retired). On Saturday. July 16, 1955, Mount Alto Hospital, Col.
LEO M. M. D. 8. Army (retired), of 7336 Carroll Takoma Park.
beloved husband of May R. Cavanaugh and tatber of Mrs. Anna Mrs. Helen Mrs. Mary Lee Skinner, Mrs.
Elizabeth C. Cook. Mrs. Jean Kimball, John. Miss Frances and Leo M.
Cavanaugh, brother of Thomas Cavanaugh. Funeral from the Takema Funeral Home. 254 Carroll st. n.W. on Tuesday, July 19.
at 9 a.m. Requiem mass at Our Lady of Borrows Catholic Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. (Please nmit flowers. Donations may be made to the Cancer Fund.F 18 CESTONE.
JANE. On Friday, 15, 1955. JANE CESTONE (nee McCann) of 4404 40th beloved wife of Anthony Cestone, mother of Marie John A. and Patricia C. Cestone, sister of Mrs.
Caroline Barry. Mrs. Catherine Basso, Mrs. Helen Blanche, Patrick McCann of Canada: Tommie McCann of Scotland. Friends William and Daniel McCann and mAy call at Nalles's Funeral Home.
3200 Rhode Island ave. at Eastern ave, n.e. Funeral on Tuesday, July 19, at 8:30 a.m.. thence to St. James Catholic Church where mass will be offered at 9 a.m.
for the repose of her soul Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 18 CHANEY, JAMES. At 1213 Eye st. s.e..
on July 16. 1955. husband of Susie C. Chaney, father of F. Melvin E.
and Donald Chaney, brother of George W. and Walter L. Chaney, Mrs. Margaret Norton, Mrs. Laura Hayes.
Mrs. Edith Staffel, Mrs. Viola Nicholson and Mrs. Ella Services at Funeral Home, 517 11th st. on Tuesday, July 19.
2:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. re CORRIDON, JAMES BERNARD. On Baturdey, July 16. 1956, at his residence.
4603 13th st. beloved of the late Sara Elam Corridon, father of Miss Marie Elizabeth, J. Bernard and John Elam Corridon, grandfather of Mrs. Barbara Everly and James J. Corridon, brother of Robert Corridon.
Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Home. 2901 14th st.
on Tuesdas, July 19, at 8:30 a.m., thence to St. Gabriel's Catholic Church, 26 Grant Circle n. where the holy sacrifice of mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
18 CRAVER. EVANDER Suddenly. on Friday, July 15, 1955, EVANDER J. CRAVER of 3909 Oliver st. Hyattsville, beloved husband of Jane M.
Craver and father of Theresa, Marlyn and Susan Craver, He also is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craver: four brothers and six sisters. Friends may call at the Gasch Funeral Home, Hyattsville, 6 p.m.
Sunday, July 17. where services will be held on Tuesday, July 19. st 1:20 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery.
COLLIE. 18 CRUMP, Suddenly, on Thursday, July 14, 1955, at Bethesda, COLLIE CRUMP of 1523 st. n.w.. beloved son of Frank Crump. devoted brother of Mrs.
Cellie Harris. Mrs. Myrtle Wall, James and Charles Crump. He also leaves to mourn their loss other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T.
Rhines Co. Funeral Home, 901 3rd st. S.W.. where friends may call after 4 p.m. Monday.
July 18. Funeral services on Tuesday. July 19, at 1 p.m.. at the above-mentioned funeral home. the Rev.
B. H. Whiting officistine. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 18 CUTLER, CECIL On Thursday, July 14, 1955, at Garfield Hospital, Washinston, D.
CECIL CUTLER of 3507 Upshur st. Brentwood, beloved husband of Ester Cutler and father of Margaret Cutler. He also is survived by his mother. Margaret Cutler: three brothers and three sisters. Services at the Gasch Funeral Home, 4739 Baltimore ave.
a Hyattsville. on Monday. July 18, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Port Lincoln Cemetery, 17 CUTLER.
CECIL ANDERSON. special last Masonic rites for our late brother. CECIL ANDERSON CUTLER the 10:30 A. Temple. Hermon Monday.
communication purpose a.m.. is Lodge. July of Asattsville. at hereby No. 18, the of conducting 179, 1955.
called Masonic A. Mount the for for P. at RUSSELL RIPKA. Worshiptul Master. WILLIAM MORTIMER.
17 DOZIER. RONALD B. On Thursday, July 14. 1955, at Mount Alto Hospital, RONALD B. DOZIER of 5018 34th rd.
North. Arlington, beloved husband of Ruth H. Dozier, father of Robert Boyd Dozier of Arlington. and Mrs. Mariam D.
Teller of Silver Spring. Md. brother of Hoyt Dozier of Columbia. 8. c.
Friends may call the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd. Arlington. where funeral services will be held on Monday, July 18. at 2 p.m.
Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 17 DOZIER, RONALD Members of Grand Volture of 174. Forty and Eight, are hereby notified of the death of Voyageur RONALD B. DOZIER. Services by the National Guard of Honor to be conducted on Sunday.
July 17. 1955, at 8:30 at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson Arlington. Va. FRANK D.
NORTON, Grand Chef de Gare. TOM BYWATERS. Sou Correspondent DOZIER, RONALD B. Officers and members of United States Department of Agriculture Post. No.
36. American Legion. are hereby notified of the death of Comrade RONALD B. DOZIER and are requested to attend American Legion serve ices to be conducted by the National Guard of Honor at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson Arlington.
8:30 p.m. Sunday. July 17. 1955. HARRY R.
DU CHAINE, Acting Commander. ORVENE M. NELSON. Adjutant. EATON, MRS.
LAFAYETTE B. On Friday, July 15. 1955. at her residence. D.
3. Fairfax. Mrs. PAYETTE B. EATON.
wife of the late L. B. Eaton. mother of S. W.
Eaton. Mrs. Paul Michael Curran and William Carroll Fitzhugh: sister of Mrs. Richard H. Woodward.
Funeral services on Sunday, July 17. at her late residence. Interment Fairfax Cemetery. Arrangements by the Everly Funeral Home. Fairfax.
Va. 17 EPPS, IRETTA. Departed this life on Thursday. July 14. 1955, at the D.
C. General Hospital. Miss IRETTA EPPS of 1901 Vermont ave. n.w. devoted sister of Mr.
Austin and Eddie Epps. She also 1s survived by one devoted sister. Mrs. Mary Holly, and host of other relatives and many friends. Remains may be viewed on Sunday, July 17.
after p.m.. at the Hall Brothers Puneral Home. 621 Florida ave. n. where services will be held on Monday.
July 18, at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 17 FARRALL. FRANK of Landover, Md. on July 14.
1955. husband of Edith father of Raymond T. Elmer Lawrence Clarence 8. James 1 and William Parrall, Mrs. James E.
Chaney and Mrs. John B. Prayers at Chambers Funeral Home. 5801 Cleveland dales on Monday. July 18.
12:15 p.m. Interment Arlington National 17 FENTON. DENNIS 1955. Suddenlz, on July 16, at North Beach. DENNIS PENTON, Jr.
husband of Mayme Fenton, father of Mrs. Margaret Lyons. Betty, Mary nis and John Fenton, brother of James P. Fenton. Mrs.
Margaret Mrs. Woods. Mrs. Harves Schneider, Mrs. Agnes Madden and Mrs.
Regina Rosentreter, Remains resting at the Everly Funeral Home. Fairfax, Va. Are rangements will WILLIAM be announced Suddenly, later. on July 15, 1956. at his residence.
Bryant st. n.e.. Dr. WILLIAM F. FERRIS.
beloved husband of Elizabeth Perris. Services at the 8. 14th H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 st.
on Tuesday. July 19. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 18 FORNI.
CHARLES W. on Friday, July 15. 1955, at his home. 1604 South Springwood dr. Silver Spring.
Md. CHARLES W. FORNI. beloved husband of Mary Holladay p*rni. father of the late Mary Lou Ridgeway, son of George W.
and Mollie W. Forni of Barnesville. Ohio. and brother of Miss Lottie M. Forni of Barnesville.
Ohio: Mrs. Harry Brock of Bethesda. Ohio: Mrs. G. Clyde Cook of Martins Ferry.
Ohio: Mrs. Lucas of Somerton. Ohio. and Robert E. Forni of Sliver Spring.
Md. Mr. Forni rests at Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home 8434 Georgin Silver heid Spring on Monday, where July services will be 18. at GIDEON.
3 EDITH THERESA. of 3424 Cronut pl. on July 14, 1955. mother of Mrs. John C.
Owens, Joseph ter of Mrs. Lula R. Port. sister of Mrs. Frankiin and Wilfred F.
Paxson, daughJoseph George Gray, Brass. John Port and Charles Mrs. Clarence Shelton. Port. at st.
Chambers oh Puneral July 18. 517 10 a.m. Interment Cedar 11th B.e, Cemeters. GINGELL ROBERT C. Of United States Soldiers' Home, on July brother of and Warren Mrs.
W. Maude A. Waters of Remains Home. until Monday. July 18.
at 10:30 Services at Port Myer Chapel, Port Myer a.m. Interment! National 125 GOLD, JOSEPH Suddenly, July 16. 1955, in Port Worth. JOSEPH M. GOLD of 1380 body beloved husband of Gold and devoted father of Mr.
Sandra Kessler and Barbara Gold. also survived by his parents. Libe and Max Gold of Cincinnati Ohio, and three sisters, Mrs. Esther Safer and Mrs. Sally Goldbers, both of Ohio, and Mrs.
Dens Lieberman of Huntington. W. Va. Funeral services at the Bernard Dansansky Son Puneral Home, at 3501 14th at. on Mondaz, July 18.
11 p.m. 17 GOLD. JOSEPH special communi. cation of Hope No. 20 A.
in hereby called for the purpose attending the funeral of OUT late brother, JOSEPH GOLD. on Monday, July 1965, at 10 a.m. PAUL B. ELCAN, Secretary. Master, ROWAN, HAMILTON, 1955, NINA.
LYNN. residence, On Prides. 7219 at her Central ave. NINA LYNN HAMIL TON, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George T. Hamilton and sister of Dorothy Ann and George Hamilton. jr. Friends are Invited to call the Ritchie Bros. Funeral Home.
Upper Mariboro. Md. Mass of the angels in Bt. Margaret's Catholic Church, Beat Pleasant, on Monday, July 18, 9:30 a.m. Interment Cedar HAMMONDS, CARRIE.
On Wednesdaz, July 18, 1955. at D. C. General Hospital, CARRIE HAMMONDS of 511 3rd st. She is survived by one daughMrs.
Donnella Aldrich: one son, Habakuk McKeever: other relatives and many friends. Remains resting Horton's. Mortuary, 1324 You st. D.W. Funeral services July 18.
at p.m from Temple Church of God in Christ. 801 6th st Bishop Samuel Kelsey Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. HANDLEY. HARRY B. On Memorial Friday, July 16, at Physicians Hospital, Plate.
HARRY B. HANDLEY, beloved husband of Clarice Handles father of Harry B. Handles. cf Couneaute Lake. William of New Delhi.
India: Ray. mond G. Handley of Los Alto, Calif. He also 18 survived by six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral from the Arehart Funeral Home, Plata.
Md. on Monday. July 18. at 9:15 a.m. Mass at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Issue.
10 a.m St. Ignattus' Cemetery. Chapel Point. Md, RELEN CRAWFORD. On Thursday July 14.
1955. at Georgetown Hospital, HELEN CRAWFORD wife of Leslie daughter of Octavia and the late Samuel Crawford and sister of Mrs. W. Gibson of Tampa. Mrs.
C. B. Storms of Tulsa. Miss Crawford of Washinston. D.
C. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st. and Mass. ave, where services will be held Monday July 18. 10:30 a.m.
Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 17 HARPINE. DAISY VIRGINIA. On Saturday. July 16.
1055, DAISY VIRGINIA HARPINE (nee Zirkle). widow of the late Sidney Clinton Harpine. mother of Mary Frances Hoover and Allan Quinton Harpine, daughter of the late Solon P. and Barbara C. Zirkle, sister of Myrtle M.
Reid and the late Arthur, David and William Zirkle. Dinah Shatter and Eddie Lishtfoot: grandmother of Athea Le Rue Murphy. Leona C. Baker and Lois Morgan, of Carol Ann Mur phy. Services at the W.
Deal Puneral Home, 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. On Monday. July 18. at 7:30 p.m.
Services and interment Forestville, Lutheran Church at p.m. Tuesday. July 19. 18 BARPINE, DAISY. Officers and members of John L.
Burnet Council, No. 5. D. of are requested to assemble at the Deal Funeral Home, 4812 Georgia ave. n.w..
on Sunday, July 17. 1955. at 8 p.m. for the purpose of conducting services for our late sister. DAISY HARPINE.
EDNA PARKS, Councilor. JOSEPH C. HERBERT. Rec. Secy.
HAUSER, ELEANOR On Saturday, July 16. 1955. ELEANOR HAUSER. beloved mother of Melvin E. Womble and beloved daughter of Mrs.
Hattie Fewell, sister of Mrs. Morse trell, Shirley 8. and Currie B. Fewell. Funeral services at the Simmons Bros.
Funeral Home, 1661 Good Hope rd. I.e.. on Monday, July 18. at 11 A.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.
HAZELL, CLARA On Saturday. July 16, 1955. at her residence. 615 st. CLARA HAZELL.
beloved wite of the late George H. Hazell and mother of Mrs. Adelaide H. Rose and Arthur M. Hazell.
Funeral from the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home, 1661 Good Hope rd. s.e., on Tuesday. July 19, at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Peter's Catholic Church.
where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul, Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. (St. Marys County Beacon per please copy.) HEDRICK, HENRY CLAY. On Friday.
July 15. 1955, at Carroll Hall Sanitarium. HENRY CLAY HEDRICK of 237 Missouri ave. D.W., beloved husband of Katie P. Hedrick, brother of W.
8. Hedrick of Va. Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines Co.
Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. Services at the above tuneral home on Tuesday. July 19. at 2 p.m.
Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 17 HEDRICK, HENRY C. Federal Lodge. No 1. 1 1.
F. A. A. M. will hold special communication on Tuesday, July 19.
1955. at 1 p.m., at the Masonic Temple, for the purpose of conducting the Masonic funeral services for our late brother. HENRY C. HEDRICK. Members please attend.
HEDRICK, HENRY C. Officers and members of Federal Chapter No. 38. 0. E.
8.. are hereby notified of the death of our late brother, HENRY C. HEDRICK. Funeral services 8. H.
Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. Tuesday. July 19.
W. ALEXANDER On Saturday, July 16, 1955, ALEXANDER D. HOLLAND. Jr. Notice of funeral later.
Arrangements by Frazier Funeral Home. HOOVER. HARRY CHESTER. On Thursday, July 14. 1955 at Georgetown HARRY CHESTER HOOVER.
beloved husband of Ruby Osborne Hoover and father of Howard 0. Michael and Mrs. Ruby M. McCarthy: grandfather of Michael. Ronald He also Michael is and survived by three brothers and one sister.
Friends may call at his late restdence, 4600 Asbury pl. D.W after 8 p.m. Friday, July 15. Funeral services at his 18, above late residence on Monday. July at 11 a.m.
Friends and relatives invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 17 RICHARD L. On Fridas. July 15.
1955, at his home. Clarksburg. RICHARD L. HOWARD. beloved husband of Ester M.
Howard and father of Catherine Duley, Dorothy M. Boyd, Margaret Tresley, Betty Mills. Helen Luck, Ruth A. Mitchell, Doris Bondnecker, Richard Douglas Norman M. Carroll Jessie J.
Edward, Vera Jean and Earl L. Howard: brother of Lottie Redman. Mary Earp, Elizabeth and Arthur N. Howard. Friends invited to call the CoIonial Funeral Home of Robert A.
Pumphrey. Rockville, Md. Services at the Neelsville Presbyterian Church on Monday, July 18. at 3 p.m. Interment church cemetery.
17 HUNTINGTON, MARY ELIZABETE. On Saturday, July 16, 1955, at her home, 1041 Wisconsin ave. MARY ELIZABETH HUNTINGTON. beloved wife of Charles F. Huntington, mother of Mary Virginia Huntington and the late Ethel Huntington Chaconas, sister of Mrs.
Ethel E. Norris and Ernest V. Ather. She also is survived by two Mrs. Ray E.
Smith and Theodore Chacones. Friends may call at the residence after 2 p.m. Sunday. July 17. Services at the Grace Episcopal Church.
1041 Wisconsin on Tuesday, July 19. at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 18 MARGARET, On Friday, July 16, at Prince Georges Hospital. JOECKEL of 3605 40th Colmar Manor.
Md. beloved wife of the late John Henry Joeckel, and mother of Charles Edward Joeckel. Services at the Gasch Funeral Home, Hyattsville, on Tuesday, July 19, at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter-1 ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery.
18 JONES, July LOTTIE 1955. L. BROWN. On Thursday, JONES of 14, 609 st. LOTTIE L.
BROWN You p.w. She survived by one brother. Daniel Pinckney: aunt of Irene A. Robinson. Lottie Davis.
Cora J. Marshall. Ophelia Gregory, Loretta E. Bryant. Dorothy Stone.
Hester L. Ineze Fox. Euraline Oats, Mildred Marshall. Doris Lyles, Charles Marshall. Robert Coffer and Odessa Cotter.
and many other relatives and friends. After p.m. Saturday July 16. friends may call at her late residence. Funeral services at 1:30 p.m.
Sunday. a July the Mount Horeb Baptist church. 16th st. and Constitution ave. n.e., Rev Gregory Trueheart officiating.
Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 17. KING, JOYCE LAVERNE. On Friday, July 15, 1955. JOYCE LAVERNE KING.
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robett King of 312 Taylor st. n.w. Interment on Monday, July 18.
at the Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements by Jarvis. KNIGHT. MILDRED. On Thursday, July 14.
Mra. MILDRED KNIGHT of 1408 st n.w.. beloved sister of Joseph Peterson and Miss Harriett Peterson, devoted aunt of Mrs. Madeline Brown Mrs. Caroline Paulcon.
Richard Peterson and Earl Glover. She also is survived by other relatives and friends. Remains resting with Son. 1337 10th st. where friends max call after p.m.
Sunday, July 17. Funeral services on Monday, July 18. at p.m.. the Mount Gilead Baptist Church, Rev. Coleman officiating.
Interment Harmony Cemetery. Family 5320 Deaths LYLE. VICE ADMIRAL ALEXANDER U. 6. N.
On July 1965. at Portamonth. Vise miral ALEXANDER G. U. (retired husband of Ruth Committal services Arlington tional Cemetery on July: 19.
at 11 Please de not send Bowers. LYNCH. WILLIAM On Fridas, 15, 1965. at the Circle Terrace Hospital, WILLIAM E. LYNCH of 201.
Luray bustand of Gertrude Lynch. of William Robert James 1. and Miss Lynch: brother of Harry Lynch, E. Pope, and Mrs. Leo Chisholm.
Friends call at the Demaine 520 South Washington st. Alexandria Va. Mass will be offered Catholic Church on Monday. July 18, st 9 a.m. Interment Mount Comfort Cemetery.
MASTIN, NELLIE On. 16, 1955, at her Third D.e, NELLIE R. beloved wife of John Mastin, foster mother of Mra. Mars Joy sister of Daniel step-sister of the Josech Fealy, Lane. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th Massachusetts ave.
Notice of neral later. MALLAN, BLAINE. On 14, 1955, at Doctors Hospital MALLAN of 820 Connecticut ave. son of the late Dr. Thomas F.
and Adele J. Gallagher of Washington, D. Blaine Malian and brother of Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Free of Felends may call Gawler's Chapel, 1756 Pa.
ave. (free parking opposite). Prayers will said at Garler's Chapel on Mondez. July 18, at 9:30 p.m. Mass will be offered at St.
Matthew's Cathedral: Connecticut and Rhode Island aves. at 10 a.m. Interment at. Mount Olivet Cemeters. Please omit dowers.
MoNEAL, ROBERT C. On Friday, July 16. 1965. ROBERT C. McNEAL, husband of Mra.
Elisabeth McNeal, of Mrs. Elisabeth Lee. Littleton. thaniel. Mary Roulett Howard and Robert C.
Naand McNeal, stepfather of Floyd Pollino. After 3 p.m. Monday, friends may call Carver Memorial Funeral Home, 529 st. held n.w., on where Tuesday at funeral 1 services Interment, will be p.m. Woodlawn Cemetery.
MILLER. OLIVE P. On July 16. 1966. OLIVE P.
MILLER of 4700 Davenport st beloved mother of Mrs. Ruby M. Newell ADd Milton B. Mille: Also surviving are grandchildren and Friends Funeral may Home, call 5103 at the Wisconsin Chevy Chase n. where services will be held on Monday.
Gienwood July Cemetery. 18. at 11 a.m. Interment MINNIE LEE. 18th st.
on Saturday, July 16. 1956. beloved wife of Conrad. Charles hardt. mother of Mrs.
Paul Steinbach, Mrs. Don Smith. Edward and James Cortyriendt. Charles, and Conrad. Neidhardt, sister of Mrs.
Nina Phillips. Mrs. Joseph Branstepter. Mrs. Lillian Ballard.
Mrs. Joseph Guerino and William Garrett. Services, Chambers Funeral Home, 517 11th st. on Wednesday, July 20. at 11:30 a.m.
Interment Cedar FIll Cemetery. NESBITT, KATHERINE. On July 14. 1956. KATHERINE NESBITT (nee Quinlin).
wife of the late John Nesbitt. mother of Thomas Nesbitt and Katherine Pitta. neral Funeral Home. from 1722 the North Costello, Fuon Monday, 18. 8:30 a.m.
Requiem mass at the Holy Comforter Church at 9 a.m. Relatives as and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 17 O'CONNOR. ABBIE On Friday.
July 15. 1955. at Georgetown University Hospital. ABBIE A O'CONNOR of 3417 Brown n.w.. beloved daughter of the late Daniel and Joanne O'Connor.
Funeral from the De Vol Funeral Home. 2224 Wisconsin ave. on Monday, July 18, at 8:30 a.m.: thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart. where requiem mass will be offered at 9 Friends and relatives invited. Entombment Port Lincoln Mausoleum.
17 PETERS. LAURA On July 15, 1955, at Suburban LAURA E. PETERS of 806 Grandin Rockville. daughter of the late Sarah G. and John Peters.
sister of the late Ernest H. Peters. Friends are invited to call at the Colonial Funeral Home of Robert A. Rockville, where services will be held on Monday. July 18.
at 3 p.m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. PHUCAS, BASIL Suddenly. on Thursday, July 14, 1955. at his residence.
6630 16th st. BASIL A. PHUCAS. father of Mrs. George Maroulis: Mrs.
Constantine Gogos and Andrew B. Phucas. He also is survived by eight grandchildren and one great-grandson. Friends may call at the Hines Co. Funeral Home.
2901 14th st. n. w. Services on Monday, July 18, at 2 p.m.. at St.
Sophia's Greek Orthodox Church. 34th st. and Massachusetts ave. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 17 POOLE.
HERBERT On Saturday, July 16. 1955. at his residence. 1335 Kalmia rd. HERBERT POOLE.
beloved husband of Ella 8. Poole. father of John C. Poole. Mrs.
Phyllis P. Watts. Herbert Dr. Robert 8. Poole, Mrs.
Anne P. Collins and David G. Poole: brother of William T. Poole of Long Beach, Courtney Poole of N. and Mrs.
Marguerite Poole Talks Washinston, D. C. Services at the 8. H. 14th Hines st.
Co.r Funeral Home, July 2901 on Tuesday. at 10 a.m. Interment wood Cemeters. 18 REICHLEX, CHARLES On Thursday. July 14, 1955.
at Russellville, CHARLES W. REICHLEY of 819 Great Falls Falls Church. husband of Lillian Elizabeth Reichley and father of Roydon L. Reichley of Elkridge, Mrs. Betty Gudenkof Russellville, Ky.
and Norman of Arlington. Va. Funeral Friend: may call at the Pearson Home. 472 North Washington Falls Church, after 10 a.m. Sunday, July 17.
Recitation of the rosary at the above funeral home on Sunday, July 17. 8 p.m. Requiem mass St. James' Catholic Church, Falls Church, Va. on Monday.
July 18, 10 a.m. Interment St. Cemi tery. 17 REESE. MAJ.
THOMAS On Wednesday. June 1955, at Clarke Airdeld. Manila, Philippine Islands. MAJ. THOMAS REESE.
the beloved husband of Loretta Riley Reese of Washington. D. son 0. Mrs. Martha Bonset, brother of George Reese, both of Philadelphia.
Pa. Friends may call the Lee Funeral Home. 4th and Sunday, Massachusetts July ave. until after 9:15 p.m.. a.m..
Wednesday, July 20. Services will be held at Fort Myer Chapel 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 19 ROACH, July 14. CHARLES On Thursday.
1955, at George Washinston Hospital. CHARLES E. ROACH. of 6710 Hillandale Chevy Chase. Roach.
father beloved of husband of Roach, son 01 Anna H. Virginia Mary Helen M. McCarthy, Catherine Kellz. brother of Rosanne L. Christopher.
Becker. William Neale Roach and Maj. Richard E. Roach. 0.
8. M. C. Friends are invited to call at the Bethesda- Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey, Bethesda, Md.
Services on June 18. Our Lady thesda. of Md. Lourdes Catholic Church, Bewhere requiem mass will be Lincoln offered at Cemetery. 9:30 a.m.
Interment Fort 17 ROACH. CHARLES The Holy Name Society of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church are requested to meet at the Robert A. Pumphrey Funeral Home. Bethesda, on Sunday a July 17, 1955, to recite the rosary for our past president. CHARLES ROACH 8:15 p.m.
On Friday, July 15, 1855, his residence. 5419 Uppingham st. Bethesda. Md. WALTER H.
husband of the late Anna and father of Walter Hi. Schoellkopt, He also is survived by two grandchildren. Services and interment. Butfalo, N. 17 SMITH, LAMIE 1 On Saturday.
July 16. 1955, MAMIE L. SMITH of 1782. Euclid st. beloved mother of Mrs.
Beryl Smith, Pierce, John, Roger, Phillip and Archie Smith. Also surviving are other relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements McGuire. Inc.
July 15. 1956. at her residence, STEIGER. MATILDA M. On Friday, Spring pl.
MATILDA M. STEIGER, beloved wife of the late Jacob Steiger. mother of Mrs. Edna D. Pierce.
Mrs. Mildred S. Dodd and Mrs. Erma Patterson. She also is survived by two Barbara and John Patterson.
Friends may call at the H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.
W. after 6 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Private services at the above funeral home on Monday, July 18. 3 p.m Private interment.
Rock Creek Cemetery, 17 TWITTY, MARGARET. On Thursday, July 14, 1955, at her residence, 506 8 it. MARGARET TWITTY. beloved mother of Mrs. Bessie Hemphill, Mr.
Junius Twitty. Mrs. Johnie W. Holland Mr. Robert Miss Marcaret L.
crandmother. of Mrs. Betty Lou Other relatives and many friends also survive her. After 5. 5p.m.
Saturdaz July 10. friends may call at Funeral Home, 51 n. W. Services on July 17. 2 p.m.
at the Charlotte Mission House Prayer. 7th st. n.w. Elder Mitchell Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements by Crouch Ford WATKINS, BESSIE.
On Friday July 15, 1955. BESSIE WATKINS of 1430 st. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. Deaths COLLINS FUNERAL HOME Francis J.
Collins 3821 14th St. N.W. Telephone Randolph 6-71171 H. Schoellkopf Dies; Ex-Diplomat Prominent Here Funeral services for Walter! Horton Schoellkopf, well-known Washingtonian and former diplomat who died Friday, will be held in Buffalo, N. Y.
at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery there. Mr. Schoellkopf died of a heart lattack in his home, 5419 Uppingham street, Bethesda.
He was 73. His family came to this country from Germany, according to legend, because a member had to take his hat off to the mayor of his, village. "If I have to remove my he said, "I'll go to America." The Schoellkopts were pioneers in water power and its development at Niagara Falls. Mr. Schoellkopf was born in Buffalo and received his early education there.
He was graduated from Cornell University School of Engineering in 1906. Until World War I he managed the family business interests in Buffalo. 'He joined the Army, rose to the rank of major, and was decorated for his service in France. After the war he forsook business for diplomacy, serving the country in Paris, Vienna, Bucha-sion rest, Panama and Buenos Aires. He served in Spain under three ambassadors.
When the Spanish civil war broke out, he sailed through rivers in northern Spain on a Coast Guard ship, picking up stranded Americans to take them out of the war -torn country. He went with ambassadors to present their credentials to the WALTER H. SCHOELLKOPF Spanish government on totally different occasions- once, during the monarchy, in four gilded coaches amid great show and pomp, again to the Republicans in a single limousine. With his wife, who died in 1950. Mr.
Schoellkopf built one of the show place homes in Washington- Georgian manat 2700 Macomb street N.W., now occupied by the Indian Embassy. The house included grill work and marble from England and a floor from a French chateau. It was accupied by the Schoellkopts in the fall of 1931. Mr. Schoellkopf is survived by his son, W.
Horton Schoellkopt, 2733 Thirty-fifth street N.W. and two grandchildren. Herbert A. Poole, Official Of Geographic Society Herbert A. Poole, 64, treasurer of the National Geographic Society, died unexpectedly of heart attack yesterday at his home, 1335 Kalmia road Deaths July WHITE.
14. 1055. CHARLES at his On residence. Thursday, ave. T.
WHITE. son of the late Fannie and Charles T. White, beloved father or and Elizabeth Charles Black. White. brother of Eme father of Ruth and Earl Black.
also is survived by two great-grandchildren and host of other relatives and friends. The late Mr. White may be viewed the Stewart Funeral -Home. 30 n.e.. after 3 p.m.
on Saturday Sunday. July July 16. at Funeral Peoples services munity. Church. 11th and G- stas n.e., at 1 p.m.
Rev. G. T. Long Interment Woodlawn Cemeters. 17 WALKER.
PHILIP M. on Friday July 15, 1955, PHILIP M. WALKER of 1526 of Trinidad Virginia ave. Walker. father beloved of husband Leonard and William Walker, brother of Lewis Walker.
He also is vived by twelve grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. After p.m. Monday. July 18. friends are invited to call st the Jarvis Chapel, 1432 You st.
n. W. where neral services will be held 1 p.m. Memorial Tuesday. July Cemetery.
19. Interment Lincoln WOLFE, PRANCES. On Saturday. July 16. 1955, Suburban Hospital, MARY PRANCES WOLFE OF 3018 Tennyson: st.
n.W.. beloved wife of W. Wolfe, sister of Charles. William and Miss Neilie Campbell. Boston.
Mass. Services at the st. on Monday, July 18. Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th p.m.
Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 17 WRENN. NORA E. On Saturday. July 16, 1955.
at her home. 9218 Manchester Silver Spring. Md. NORA E. WRENN.
wite of the late John L. Wrenn and mother of Mrs. Margaret W. Neumann. Mrs.
Wrenn rests at the 8434 Warner E. Georgia Pumphrey Silver Funeral Spring. Home. Services will held on Tuesday. July 19, at 10 a.m.
Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 18 In Memoriam CRAIG. NORMAN H. tribute of love and loved devotion to the NORMAN of our one, CRAIG. who died in the service of his country eleven years ago today, July 17.
1944. at Port Chicago, Calif. In memory's lovely garden. Where remembered joe bloom fair, Your memory. dear Norman, Is the brightest blossom there.
How dear, how near your memory: How sweet, how close it stays. To watch above your loved ones And guide them through the days. DEVOTED FAMILY. GILLIAM. CATHERINE tribute of love to the memory my darling mother.
CATHERINE M. GILLIAM. who left -four years 450 today. July 17. 1931.
Mans years have passed since that sad day When the one 1 loved was called away: God took her home, it His will, Within my heart she liveth HER LOVING DAUGHTER, VIRGINIA. HARRISON. LESSIE. In loving memory SON, our dear mother, away LESSIE six years HARRIago. who passed July 17.
1940. Dear one, althoush we'll no more see Your, lovely face and gentle smile, We're happy that the good God us you, only for while. HER CHILDREN, JOSEPHINE. JOHN AND HOLMES, MELVIN N. In memory HOLMES.
beloved who entered into eternal rest husband, MELVIN two years ago. July 17, 1953. God knew the was setting rough And that the hills were hard to climb, So He closed his wears eyelids And whispered, "Peace be But he's not dead to me, who loved him. Not lost. just gone before: He lives in my memory now.
And will forever more. HIS LOVING WIFE. HOLMES. LANGHORN, our PHILIP. husband Sacred to the memory of and father.
PHILIP who departed this life nineteen years today. July 17. 1936. Loved remembered death. WIFE.
In lovins memory of our mother, ROSETTA ACHSAH LETCHER, who departed this life July 17. 1928. Today On the think battlefield of those life: who left us Thes have sone, but deep in memors, We relive their pain and strife: BERT. COURTS AND FLOSS. MOBERG.
IVA BETHEL. In loving memory our devoted wife and sister. IVA BETHEL MOBERG. who was taken away one year AgO on July 16. She is not dead but just away.
Beyond all grief and pain. She walks the bright celestial way: Earth's 1055 is Heaven's WE MISS YOU DARLING: EDMUND H. MOBERG, JAMES B. BETHEL SWINSON, EDWARD. AND SMITE.
TIE. tribute of love in memory of my dear father, EDWARD SWINSON. who passed July 1937. and my cousin. RETTIE SMITH, who passed AWAY July 1949.
How often my thoughts gO wandering To the days when you were here, The Food times we had together Are memories I'll cherish AND for sears. DEVOTED DAUGHTER COUSIN. MAUDE S. TWITTY. He was to have retired in about a month.
Mr. Poole began his career as a runner with the Washington Loan Trust and rise to assistant treasurer of tht bank. He left in 1927 to join the National Geographic Society as assistant treasurer, a position he hed held ever since. Dr. John Oliver La Gorce, president of the National Geographic Society, said: "Mr.
Poole has been a valued member of our executive crew. He was greatly admired and respected by everyone at our headquarters, I am greatly touched by his sudden and unexpected passing." Mr. Poole was born and educated in Washington. He was a trustee and past treasurer of the Volta Bureau and a member of the Sixth Presbyterian Church. Survivors are his widow, Ella four sons, John 216 Granville drive, Silver Spring, a Washington lawyer; Herbert 301 West Clifton Terrace Apartments: Air Force 1st Lt.
Robert S. Poole, Del Rio, and David of the home address; two daughters, Mrs. William Watts, 4426 Greenwich parkway N.W. and Mrs. Sidney Collin, 8805 Melwood road.
Bethesda, two brothers, Courtney Germantown, N. Y. and William Dos Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Robert W. Talks, 106 South Clifton terrace Apartments, and 10 grandchildren.
Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Charles W. Forni Of Silver Spring, Engineering Aide Charles W.
Forni, 45, an ploye of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, died Friday at his home, 1604 South Springwood drive, Silver Spring, Md. A native of Somerton, Ohio, Mr. Forni came to the Washington area more than 25 years ago. He was employed by the Griffith and Perry fuel company and the National Dyeing and Cleaning Institute before joining the staff of the sanitary commission as an engineering aide six years ago. He had been ill for the past three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Forni would have celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in September. Their only daughter, Mrs. Mary Lou Ridgeway, died six weeks ago.
Mr. Forni was a member of the Woodside. Methodist Church in Silver Spring, and served as an usher and steward. He also was active in the church's dramatics club. Besides his wife, Mr.
Forni is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Forni, of Barnesville, Ohio; four sisters: Miss Lottie M. Forni, of Barnesville; Mrs.
Harry Brock, Bethesda, Ohio; Mrs. G. Clyde Cook, Martins Ferry, Ohio, and Mrs. Anna Lucas, of Somerton, Ohio; and brother, Robert E. Forni, 913 Thayer avenue, Silver Spring.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Warner Pumphrey funeral home, 8434 Georgia avenue, Silver Spring. Burial will be in the Rockville Cemetery. Mrs. H.
M. McGregor ALLENTOWN, July 16 -Mrs. Howard M. McGregor, 40-year-old wife of the treasurer of Muhlenberg College and a former resident of Frederick, died at her home here last night. Announcing the Opening of the ADAMS FUNERAL HOME 4748 Wis.
Ave. N.W. EM. 3-3323 Large service chapel with adjoining family room, private parlors, ample parking. Former co-owner Chevy Chase Funeral Home.
Ernest A. Ademi Mary Healy Adams (LICENSED IN MD. AND D. Mrs. Cestone, 53, Was Active in Church Affairs Mrs.
Anthony Cestone, 53, native of Scotland and resident of the Washington area for 32 years, died Friday at the NaItional Institutes of Health, Bethesda. Mrs. Cestone, who had been ill for the past six months, came to this country in 1923 and settled in the Washington area. The former Miss Jean McAnn, she was married in 1934 to Mr. Cestone, of the Cestone Roofing and Sheetmetal Co.
They have lived for many years at 4404 Fortieth street, Brentwood, Md. Active in church affairs, she was a member of the St. James! Catholic Church, Mount Rainier, and the church's sodality and Guild. She also was a. member of the Daughters of Scotia.
Besides her husband, she survived by a son, John and two daughters, Marie Ellen and Caroline. Also surviving are four brothers: Patrick McCann, of Canada: William J. McCann, 124 Darlington street S.W.; Daniel A. McCann, 13391 Otis place N.W.; and Thomas McCann, of Scotland; and three sisters, Mrs. Caroline Barry, of the Otis place address; Mrs.
Catherine Basso, 918 Langley drive, Silver Spring, and Mrs. Helen Blanche, 309 Lexington drive, Silver Spring. Funeral services will be held at a.m. Tuesday at St. James Church, Mount Rainier.
Burial will be in the Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Capt. L. W. Bates, Lived in District Most of Life Retired Navy Capt.
Louis W. Bates, 75, former District restI dent, died Friday at McDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fla. Capt. Bates spent most of his life in Washington. A tennis tournament player and golfer, he lived at 5430 Connecticut avenue N.W.
before moving to St. Petersburg, about five years ago. Capt. was born in Brooklyn, N. and was graduated from Columbia University and an electrical engineering school.
He worked at the Bureau of Yards and Docks here, both as a civilian and while on active duty in the Navy. He retired about 10 years ago Survivors are a son, Howard 517 Kerwin road, Silver Spring, a Washington Gas, Light Co, employe; two daughters, Mrs. Nancy Blanton, St. Petersburg, and Mrs. Virginia Parks, Deale, brother, Arthur H.
Bates, Brooklyn, N. and seven grandchildren. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Hines funeral home. 2901 Fourteenth street N.W.
Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Rudolph Ripper, 73, Inventor of Brush, Dental Instruments Dr. Rudolph Ripper, 73, 4 a retired Washington dentist who invented toothbrushes and dental instruments, died July of a heart attack in Vienna, Austria, according to word received here by friends. He left in February on a business trip to Austria. He, lived at 1515 Webster street N.W.
Dr. Ripper came to Washington in 1948 as a displaced person and became a citizen of the United States. He was a director and consultant of the Tri-Dent which manufactured toothbrush he invented. Born in Germany, Dr. Ripper was a graduate of Humboldt University in Berlin and attended the German Clinic at Prague University.
He practiced dentistry in Yugoslavia, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Austria before coming to Washington. He is survived by his widow Sophia. Services and burial were held in Vienna. (Henry C. Hedrick, Veteran Builder Henry Clay Hedrick, 77, long time resident of the District and retired construction superintendent, died Friday at Carroll Hail Sanitarium, Kensington, Md.
Mr. Hedrick was born in Bockingham County, where he was educated He came to the District in 1900. In 1953, after 45 years service, he retired from the firm of Davis Wick Rosengarten builders, as a construction superintendent. During his long career he supervised construction of buildings at Dunbarton College and embassy buildings on Sixteenth street N.W. He was a lifetime member of the Masonic Federal Lodge No.
1 and a charter member and past patron of Federal Chapter No. 38, Order of the Eastern Star. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Katie P. Hedrick, of 237 Missouri avenue N.W., a brother, William S.
Hedrick, of Harrisonburg, an aunt, Mrs. Minnie P. Ritenour, of the District, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m., Tuesday at the S. H.
Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery with Masonic graveside rites. Mrs. Eaton, 91, Of Fairfax County Mrs.
LaFayette Browne Eaton, 91, died Friday at her home, "Hillcrest," in Fairfax County, Va. Born on "Roseberry" tion in Saluda, Mrs. Eaton was the former Mary Purkins, daughter of Edward Thomas and Betty Jones Purkins. Her father was a cerchant and lumberman. Mrs.
Eaton formerly worked 15 years for the Treasury DeI partment. She was a charter member of the Fairfax Historcal Society and for many years was registrar of the Fairfax Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, She was member of Truro Episcopal Church and the Garden Club of Fairfax. She had lived in Fairfax since 1908. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Paul Michael Curran, Route 3, Fairfax; and Mrs.
William Carroll Fitzhugh, Canandaigua, N. a son, Samuel Williams Eaton, Oreland, a sister, Mrs. Richard Henly Woodward, Saluda; five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Her husband, a former Indian Affairs Bureau employe, died in 1941. Services will be held at 3 p.m.
today at her late home, with burial in Fairfax Cemetery. Malcolm G. Chace, 80, New England Financier PROVIDENCE, R. July 16 (P) -Malcolm G. Chace, 80, Providence financier, who was for years a leading textile figure in New England and one of the most influential men in the development of electric power in the Northeast, died today at his summer home in Hyannis, Mass.
Mr. Chace organized the Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates, now Berkshire Kathaway, Ine. He was founder Association. of the England Power Paintings on Peru To Be Exhibited An exhibition of paintings on "Peru of Past and Present" will open at 3 p.m. Tuesday in the foyer of the Smithsonian Institute's Natural History Building, Constitution avenue and Tenth street N.W.
The artist, Kristian Krekovic, is a native of Croatia, but went to Peru in 1950 to study Inca and pre-Inca cultures and is now citizen of Peru. His paintings include aspects of ancient cultures and present-day Peruvians. The exhibition will be open daily from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through August 28.
Publicists to Meet The American Public Relations Association will meet at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Hotel Burlington, 1120 Vermont avenue N.W. Wells Gray, of the United States Chamber of Commerce, will address the group. Price Plays No Part In The Gawler Tradition Of Service To All -Of 1,000 Consecutive Gawler's Funerals: 159 cost under $300 234 cost $301 $550 283 cost to $750 258 $751 to $999 66 cost over a century of service JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS. INC.
FUNERAL DIRECTORS "The Finest Costs No More" 1756 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE N.W. (just west of the White House) PARKING DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET Telephone: NA. 8-5512.