The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)

Tyler Corler-Tla-e MONDAY, MAY 20. 1985 8 Sec. 4 Don Young Clotut Pippin Larry Pippin 849-2663 963-7895 581-4748 595-0653 imik urn COnr.lERCIAL OFFICE Travelers Cancel Out In Legionnaires Scare SutloRodford 5225 South Broadway 81-4144 "LEASE OR LEASE PURCHASE" IT-130: 1421 sq ft building on East Front St zoned RPO. Great location for medical, Insurance or other professional use. Very reasonable prlcell Call SUSIE REDFORO for further information.

"CONV. FOOD AND GAS" R-523: Prime corner location In Tyler. 150 ft of frontage on both streets. Ideal location for full service area or tune up and quick lube. Priced under $30,000.00.

Call WOODY PLOSSER at 5604029. 'COMMERCIAL BUILDING" S-COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND R-COMMERCIAL BUILDING "COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES" IR-501: Hwy. 1S5 South: 7.4 ac with BOO ft of Irontage and a lake. This property Is located near several commercial businesses and has good potential for restaurant development, etc. The house has 3000 sq.

5BR, 4V4BA, master bath, beautiful Qunlte pool In Tropical rm with a bridge and Is fully landscaped with lots of decking outside. Family rm has club type bar and opens to pool. There are many possibilities for this well located property only 3Vi mllse from the Loop. Call MARGARET HERRING at561-78. "INCOME PROPERTY 100 OCCUPIED" IR-554: This duplex located in Valley View Estates has a monthly Income of over $700 per month.

100 occupied. Call CLETUS PIPPIN. DETROIT (UPI) Hundreds of travelers canceled reservations at a hotel where a suspected outbreak of Legionnaires' disease left an elderly clergyman dead and health officials investigating 30 other possible victims. Seven of the 30 people showing symptoms of the disease, a major form of pneumonia first recognized in 1976, were hospitalized Sunday, the Detroit Free Press reported. The remaining 23 have been released.

At least 150 people left the Hilton Airport Inn in suburban Romulus after Wayne County officials publicly confirmed the Rev, Green D. Moore had contracted Legionnaires' disease. Banquet or restaurant reservations for nearly 250 people were canceled. One of the suspected victims is in poor condition. The condition of an Inkster, man was upgraded Sunday from critical to serious.

Five others, were listed in stable condition. "We have no other confirmed cases to date," Dr. Donald Lawrenchuk, Wayne County health director, said. "About 30 people are (still) suspect." Moore, 76, died Saturday night after a three-week battle with heart and lung failure. Cause of death was "cardiopulmonary Detroit Osteopathic Hospital spokeswoman Lee Ann Courier said in a statement.

"Legionnaires' disease quite frequently ends in cardiopulmonary arrest for those patients who do die," Lawrenchuk said. Moore was one of about 400 people who attended a church banquet April 27 at the Hilton Airport Inn. Authorities are trying to pinpoint the source of the ailment and said the threat of a possible outbreak had passed. Lawrenchuk said Sunday that blood samples from suspected victims and water samples have been sent to the Michigan Department of Health for analysis. He said officials expect the results from those tests later this week.

There have been no" reported symptoms from subsequent banquets at the hotel. Legionnaires' disease first was recognized when it struck 221 people and killed 34 at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in July 1976. The Centers for Disease Control discovered the disease was caused by a previously unrecognized kind of bacteria. The disease is now recognized as a major form of pneumonia and is treated with antibiotics. The elderly and those weakened by other illness are particularly vulnerable "STEAL S-568: This 53 150 lot Is zoned C-1 lust south of Gentry Parkway on College.

This location should have good commercial potential. Call SUSIE REDFORO for further Information. BUSINESSES FOR SALE "CONVENIENCE STORE" IU-519: Half million volume with 5 pumps and all necessities. Located on busy State highway. Call HENRY TOM at 593-6827.

IR-573: 1640 sq. ft. building. Vi ac with 208 ft of frontage. Located north of I-20 on main highway.

Owner may finance with a good down payment. Call MARGARET HERRING at 561 -2978. PROPERTIES FOR LEASE "OFFICE SPACES" IT-128, 131 With all bills paldl Three offices available at either of 2 good locations. Very reasonable rates and ready for occupancy NOWI Call SUSIE REDFORO tor details. "THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY LISTINGS-SEETHE CLASSIFIED SECTION DAILY FOR OTHER ADS." NOTICES ACREAGE 130 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SUBURBAN AND FARMS INCOME PROPERTY 151 129 124 CASH unit rem property arosslna S2000 monthly, priced St S135.0O0.

owner will take 2nd lien. OwnerAQept 583-50S1 6HICK UNITS, assume tlOO.OOO. 10. 15 yr. 130,000 eg curt flow, owneregent 830-2758 Surgery Gives Man His Sight After 41 Years MILWAUKEE (PI) David Ralla has PUBLIC NOTICES 170 advertisem*nt for Bids Sealed Bids for (Central Plant," Underground Piping Loops and Energy Management System) Tyler.

Texas will be received In the Board Room at Tyler Junior College. Texaa until 2:00 P.M. June 20, 1985. Bids shall be addressed to Dr. To Your Good Health Paul G.

Donohue, M.D. 126 acres on P.M. 860. t.1 miles East of Highway 31 Approximately 65 acres good grass land. 2 small lakes and other lake sites.

Community water system. Financing available call Tyler Production Credit Association 6:00 AM to 4:30 PM 593-0151 or 593-9742 15 MI. W. OF LOOP CHANDLER AREA $1 .000 down, on 4 acres, $132mo. 12 Interest, 15 all utll.

FM front. 112,000. 10.5 AC Open, timber, creek, 15 down, 15 12, excellent bldg. site, all some restrictions. TEXAS VET Several quality parcels, all some restrictions, pines, oaks, (1) 3 bedrooms, 2 bath frames, 10 acres; Lots of extras, Fish in the large creek that borders North side-lots of deer; deep well; another building site with septic Katem, water and electricity.

ar Lake Tyler on Hwy 64. Only 75.000 00. (2 Lovely 3 bedroom. 2 bath brick; Formal living room; beautlufl trees; lots ot extras on over 3 acres. Hwy.

64 (3) 3 bedroom, 1 bath frame-remodeled, less that 2 acres. Hwy. 64. ONiy $40,000 00 Jewell Stanger Realty 214-634-6463. 3480-East Texas charmer between Jacksonville Henderson.

3 BR, Vh BA 2-story Colonial, 75 acres, beautiful lake. Owner needs to sell. $159,900. Must see to appreciate. UNITED FARM AQC ATHENS, TX 1-214-675-5606 Maymond M.

Hawkins, Kresiaeni, Tyler, Texas and will be publicly lived in the Same ROUSe for 17 years, but the 82- year-old man hasn't been able to see it until now. Tears came to his Dear Dr. Donohue: I would appreciate you explaining my vertigo. I have had it for about two years. I also have hardening of the arteries.

Do these two problems go together? I have not found anything that helps my vertigo. Can this be a symptom of Meniere's disease? B.P.C, opened ana reaa at r.M. Any bids received after closing time will be returned unopened. A Bid Bond In the amount of 5 percent ot the total maximum bid amount Is required. Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds for 100 percent of the Contract amount will be required.

It is Intended that all work will be fierformed under a Single Con-ract. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 80 days after the actual date ot the opening. mas, creeks, meaoows, lu.a once-sightless eyes as 11 jjcv a bain auuui iiic iiiuci cat iiioty, xiiab aica vi mic; un mv luuwvivuo, DON BULLOCK E. waive any Informalities or I 5400 ACRES COTULLA BEST DEER OUAIL -DOVE HOGGS IN TEXAS. EXCELLENT HUNTING RANCHING FENCED AND CROSS-FENCED -MANY IMPROVEMENTS FOR WILDLIFE GOOD FOOD CROPS.


FRONTAGE 50 MILES OF INSIDE ROADS SEVERAL BIG TANKS 8 MUCH RUNNING WATER. EXCELLENT TERMS. CALL GEOR-GEANN 581-1500. th i It's where sound waves are transmitted to the brain. And it's also where our tnrougn tne roons balance organ are located.

Like a very complex gyroscopic system, those a back window to see organs keep us properly oriented as we move our bodies about, th tn th varrl ow to vour problem: Vertigo is a sense of motion that really doesn't exist For the fiwt time in except in the brain of the The Person feels that either he or his 41 vews Ralla could surrouncl'ngs are spinning. And because the person's balance is being dis- ur hj k- turbed. the place to look for tha answer usually is within the inner ear, see again. He had been i blind since 1944 when whwe all those complex mechanisms are located. damage from chemicals Much can g0 wron8 there.

A viral infection can disturb things. So can a in the tannery where he tumor ear nerves. Occasionally, poor circulation to the inner ear may lead worked caused him to to vertigo, which brings your arterial hardening under suspicion, ineo nno ovo nnH tho You specifically mention Meniere's disease. That's a special kind of ill- WARNING INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST The Tyler Courier Times Tele- Siraph does everything possible keep these columns free of misleading unscrupulous or fraudulent advertising. When a fraudulent ad is discovered In any Kper In the country we usually irn of It In time to refuse the same ad in this paper.

However It la impossible to screen all ada thoroughly aa we would like to, so we urge our readers to check THOROUGHLY any proposition requiring an investment. Apartment Protects for sale on very unconventional terms with 99 owner financing! 32 units In Winnsboro at $14,000 per unit and 48 units in Gilmer at $15,000 per unit. 1 down payment, Interest only first three years, and soft terms on balance. Both projects In good condition, fairly good occupancy rates. Buyer should be area resident with strong experience in rental property and sound financial statement who can personally over see details of management.

Buyer's expertise will be seller's equity! This is rare -opportunity for a person to earn themselves valuable real estate and enjoy substantial income tax benefits. Write: Owners, P.O. Box 1140. Tyler Texas 75710 AREA hardware store, Long ea-tablished. Full line of inventory.

Good area to live and do business. VRBB 581-4394 Are you a good manager? Grab a good toe hold. This swimming pool co. Is taking off like a rockef Good demand, good profits. Reasonable Price.

VRBB 581-4394 CHILDRENS shop in nearby town. Growing business. Cute as a bug. Have tun going to the Oal-las Markets. VRBB 581-4394 Dance Studio For Sale Established business for 8 years.

2000 sq.ft., hard wood floors and mirrored walls; everything stays Including stereo records. Call 581-5919 or 561-3944. OEALeftS WANTED Patented Proven Product $200 Profit On $300 Sale. Small Invest-, ment 214-757-1097 Excellently located Video "Store. Owner leaving area.

Priced right. Put yourself into a recession Rroof business. You can't beat aving fun and making money. VRBB Ml -4394 VACANT LOTS 126 Rest 8 ubd 2460 sq fl A.C uttl, Rice-Hubbard-Lee. Gresham area, priced to tell.

$9,450. Owner tin avail, dlc tor cash. S81-M12. A STEAL OF A DEAL A beautiful shady lot 40x100 with approx. 11 shade trees, located on Pine Trail Shore.

Come see today and enloy all the beauty It haa to otter. 11 250 cash. 592-2755. Beautiful wooded lot In Surrey Trail Dev. Convenient location.

Approx. 2 acrea. Owner 597-7988 Hampton Hills Lot 8, Lot 1508. 621 Wellington, aprox. 85 ft.

frontage. 125,000. Contact C. K. Fox, 19619 Enclno Way, San Antonio, Tx.

78259. PH: 512-366-4219. HOLLYTREE Beautiful corner lot with trees, ready to build on, walking distance ot Country Club. 597-1301 or 587-5107. IRISH MEADOWS 3 choice corner lots for sale Ready to build.

PH: 581-7855 GEORGE WINN REAL ESTATE Large Wooded Lot. Beautiful S. Tyler Subdivision. Established area, priced to sell. 561-1812 a after 5pm 581-3799 ask for Ken.

LEVEL wooded, residential bulld-Ing lot. In Royal Oaka South. 105x133 W.5O0. surtaea Lot For Sate Woods Subdivision By Owner. Call 581-2757 MUST SELL 1 Beautiful Lot In Cumberland Estates.

All Hardwoods a already cleared for house. 123,000 Calf 585-0572 NEW SUBDIVISION in WHITEHOUSE PARADISE PLACE jeci any ano an oias. The Bidder Is required to list with his proposal the subcontractors for Plumbing; Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning; and Electrical Work. Bonaflde Prime Bidders (General Contractors) may obtain a maximum of two (2) sets of Drawings and Specifications on or after May 20, 1985 from the office of Page Southerland Page, 606 West Avenue. P.O.

Box 2004, Austin Texas 78768. upon deposit ol $50 er set. Those who submit prime Ids. may obtain refund of deposits by returning sets In good condition no more than ten (10) days after Bids have been opened. Those Prime Bidders, ACREAGE 130 214675-1437 or 214-677-1487.

2 acres of land on Hardy Rd. Call 569-5935, collect. 4.4 acres restricted to home, community water, utilities available, Llndale schools. Super Owner Financing with $500 dwn. $181 .69 per mo.

12 for 20 yrs or $17,000 cash. CENTURY 21 Town Country Rlty. 882-6114 40 acre tract with road frontage approx. 10 miles NE of Llndale. Excellent location.

Financing available. $1250 oer acre. Call 882-9891. Nights, 597-5734. 42 ACRES South of Tyler 825-2678 5 acres partially cleared lots of trees, Idea building site, on CR 1130, call 502-7374 or 597-6515.

5 to 45 acres. Owner finance. Off Hwy. 110 N. on CR 425.

Call 561-8351. 5.2 acres, Llndale schools, com-munity water, utilities available, $17,000 or owner financed with $500 dwn. $181.69 per mo. 12 int. for 20 yrs CENTURY 21 Town Country Rlty.

882-6114 565-HOMESITE 40 ACRES On OmenTroup Rd. spring fed pond, 50 timber 4 50 cleared. tt i nr 1 I sight in the other. iiesa aimcuiig me inner ear. vve lun.uiiaieij' niiuw wiiai.

taus it e-tesaive fluid buildup in the inner ear. The person with Meniere's has sudden episodes of vertigo, and there is hearing loss and ear ringing. The person is "I am born again," he said Friday in his Vj ACRE building site. Three Creeks Estate, near new elementary school. 884-8177894-6498 AFFORDABLE 1V Ac.

homesite minutes from town. Trees, creek garden spot. Perfect for house or mobile. Elect. water available.

Super owner financing. 561-9592 Approx. 200 acres of land with ap- will forfeit their deposit and will be required to return alt drawings and specifications to the Architect. Additional sets may be ob- tained for the cost of reproduc timbar. Make beat offer.

Ing available. Call 882-9891, Jirjhtt. 597-5734. Nign ABER Real Estate 595-4716 Curbed-guttered asphalt street. City water-ae wage-natural gas TV cable.

Minimum home size 1200 sq ft. Locaed on E. Main across from First Baptist Church ft, Middle School. First 10 tots sold hospital room. "I al- nauseous.

(Tne reader wno excoriated me tor using tne adjective nauseous ways believed God was fr the verb nauseated, please take note.) The Meniere's attacks last going to give me my minutes to hours, but between episodes that person may feel perfectly well, sight back." although he may have some degree of persisting hearing loss and the ear "It's a miracle," said ringing, his daughter, Erlinda, Meniere's can be treated. Included are use of diuretics to help get rid of 35, who lives with him. the inner ear fluid. The drug, meclizine, is sometimes used to alleviate the The miracle began vertigo, and prochlorperazine relieves the nausea. Variations of these drugs when ophthalmologist in combinations may be used, but not all need be.

And finally, there is Richard Kenneth Olan- special surgery to drain off the fluid excess when all else fails. If you der decided something suspect that you have Meniere's you will need a diagnosis to confirm things, could be done to restore Dear Dr. Donohue: Can you explain what is known about "ANA speckled sight to Ralla's right arthritis?" I am 36 and have just started going through tests to see how bad eye. Tests showed the this is. I am an artist, and the mother of a 7 year old.

I am in good mental optic nerve and retina health, but I want to know as much about this matter as possible. I know it were good and that Ral- has to do with antibodies. M.M. la could tell when a ANA stands for anti-nuclear antibody. Its presence means that the body bright light was turned is making antibodies that can act against the nuclei of body cells.

These off and on. antibodies aren't harmful of themselves, but they mean the person with So he turned Ralla them harbors the potential for developing certain illnesses. High on the list By Owner beautiful 5 ac building site with mature trees In exclusive area South. 100 owner financing, at 11 interest. $39,500 894-1 77 or 894-6496.

Corner of CR1130 2661 6 acres excellent building site, call 597-6515 FOR SALE BY OWNER 43.4 acres ot land, 1 mile from Flint on Hwy. 346. Will sell all at $5,500 per acre or divide into smaller tracts. 894-6522 or 894-7009. FDA SALE BY OWNER 24.44 ACRES, Winona, owner finance, 214-286-5898 9.6351 acres-on Oak Grove Rd off Hwy 344 Hwy 69 S.

Bullard School district-all tenced-coastal grass-utilites-wiil divide in halt-owner per acre Call 825-2968 before 8pm DALE REEL 839-2423 For salE Oh leaSE 3,000 S.F. Office Showroom PLUS 3,000 S.F. warehouse with loading dock 1 ,500 S.F. covered area. IVAN MILLER ASSOCIATES 561-6710 I AM SELLING OUT MY PART OF THE SHOP AT AAA WELDING SHOP.

RT. 11, BOX 272 GREEN BRIAR ROAD. If you have an established busl- ACREAGE WANTED DALE REEL REALTY 839-4364 One of the last lots Inside loop, ivi ac. In prestigious neighborhood. SW corner of Colonial Dr.

Old Jacksonville Hwy. $137,500. 713-292-5183. 713-583-3236 Pleasant Retreat Acres Add. Swy.

31 Quail Run Rd. 175' 7' level lot ready tor bidg. Surrounded by nice homes. $11,900 131 tion. No partial seta will be issued.

Drawings and Specifications will be Issued to subbidders and material suppliers by the Architect for the cost ot reproduction which will not be refunded- Drawings and specifications remain the property of the Architect and must, therefore, be returned In good condition to the Architect within ten (10) days after the bids have been opened. (Note: Sub-bidders and material suppliers receiving subcontract awards tor this project may retain Plans and Specifications for use on the job.) NOTICE OF DISMISSAL OF CLASS ALLEGATIONS Attention: If you are or have been an employee ot McEvoy Oilfield Equipment Company In Tyler, Texas on or after May 13, 1961, and are Black, this notice may concern you. Mr. Herbert U. Taylor, In a suit entitled Taylor V.

Smith International; et Civil Action No. TY-62-203-CA. has complained that McEvoy Oilfield Equipment Company discriminated against him and ell other Blacks because of their race. The Plaintiff, Mr. Taylor, has asked the Court to dismiss his claim that McEvoy Oilfield Equipment Company has discriminated against a class of Blacks.

This means that If you have a valid claim as a member of the class, the Plaintiff will not represent you In Court and the time lor filing a claim wilt begin to run. It you feel that McEvoy Oilfield Equipment Company discriminated against you because you were Black, may notify the Court at the following FOR SALE: Three 1 Acre Tracts. Sell 1 or all. OWNER WILL FINANCE. 859-7142 or 659-9093 WANTED to buy or lease am.

a creage or lot, suitable for mobile home. Preferably S. or E. Tyler area. 566-0654, or Sat.

WANT TO BUY: 1 acre or more close to Tyler. Call 692-4111 or 561-2131. over to his associate of those illnesses are some of the arthritis conditions lupus, rh rheumatoid Richard Lernor for a cornea transplant last week at Good Samar-tian Medical Center. When the bandages arthritis, scleroderma, polymyositis, etc. Those ANA substances are detected in the laboratory by mixing a specimen of the person's blood with cells than can be viewed easily under a microscope.

The antibodies, if present, coat the cells in various pattersn, which can have significance to the tester. One pattern is called "speckled," and it is a tip-off to look further for such illnesses as scleroderma and For Sale, 15 acres fenced, barn, creek. Good building site. 810 of a mile on FM 346. 1106.

She, ton Realty 597-3753 Frankston 5 acres tracts lake lots. Reasonable with some financing. Ph. 214-876-3591 Lake "Palestine Water front lot 100'x130' Oaktralt Shores $16,500. Owner Finance 5 yrs 214-673-3458 after 5pm wKdys any time Sat-Sun LINOALE SCHOOLS 1.3 ac.

beautiful wtall trees, rolling hills, community water, priced at $6,450, or owner has fabulous financing down 12fc Interest, 15 yrs. CENTURY 21 Town and Country Realty 882-6114. HOUSES WANTED 132 BUYING Houses, Lots Land Bill Wood Heritage Real Estate 595-5131 or 1-80W43-2781 Ext. C-75 I BUY HOMES CALL: KEN 894-6177 by owner. Neg.

terms owner tin. 593-7669 SOUTH TYLER Large Restricted Lots Available In Plantation South Addition. Tyler Schools, Public Utilities A Well Kept Neighborhood Makes Plantation S. An Excellent Place To Start A New Home. For Intor-matlon, 804-7006 or 894-6136 SOUTH TYLER Off Jeff Davis on Jeb Stuart Dr.1V.

ac lot owner financing $25,000 561-1035 $195 down and $95 per month buys you spacious 1V. acre mobile home tot In brand new subdivision near Swan. Lake, trees, all utilities, oil roads. Tired of crowds and paying Call Eastwood Estates 882-7451 Terms based on 12-15 years. 1 Beautiful Lot In Cumberland Es-tates.

All Hardwoods already cleared for house. $23,000 Call 5954572 were removed Thurs- ness on a main nignway wnn room for 4 to 8 all-wood portable building models; we will set up your lot; you sell, we build on site. Musi be located 25 to 80 miles from Tyler. 592-7011 MOVING and Storage Co that has been growing so rapidly the owner can't handle the pressure. Buyers, this Is a chance to capitalize.

Money maker. VRBB 581-4384 Need small Investors to help bring In touring groups 4. acts to East Texaa. Good return In short geriod of time. Call Howard at uke Productions 593-5285 OPPORTUNITY knocks only once 1 1 Operate your own business from you home.

Low overhead. Owner overloaded on business and needs to sell this subsidiary operation. Good extra in-' come for a little extra work. Clean operation. VRBB 561-4394 Owner desires to sell 2800 sq.

ft. retail franchise store located near highest traffic corner in East Texas. Net sales last year of $250,000 with 15 Increase this vear. S1 48.000 orice Includes a day, the old man looked Raynaud's disease. around the hospital Space does not permit me to go into details about the various possible room through new eyeg aumenis associated witn apna testing.

ut tney are wny you are going through other tests to see if you truly do have an illness or only an indication that you are more prone to one. Dear Dr. Donohue: My husband had a successful vasectomy reversal through microsurgery. One year later I conceived. Could vigorous exercise, lasses.

"I can see the doctor. He's wearing a nice United States District Court Eastern District of Texas Tyler Dicision Box 539 Tyler, Texas 75710 You must notify the Court ot BUSINESS PROPERTIES suit, a shirt and tie." 134 Then he looked at his like jogging, tennis, possibly sever what the surgeon has so successful- claim within 15 days ot the elite ot this notice. $45,000 inventory. Interested in- to: COMMERCIAL LOTS LOVELY LOTS For building that permanent home. Electricity, water, roads, close to Owentown and minutes from Tyler.

Owner Selling Financing. Call 077-3691 Milam County. Ben Arnold Texaa. several ftacts of black land farms for sale, on both sides ot Hwy 77 0 miles Noth ol Cameron. Price reduced to liquidate estate.

W50 per acre Ph Mobile Home Site. Utilities avail-able. near loop. Owner. 593-0983 M.H.

Lots For Sale Most Vj acre. 10 Owner finance. 077-3631 or 877-3651 SUBURBAN ACFtEAGT 24 acres on Neighbors Road, excellent location would make good residential development, across road from Dixson Acres Subdivision, assumable loan. 2 miles south of Tyler. Rice, Hub 1.

P.O. Box 127 V4 ACRE lacing Chapel Hill S. Hwy ME. Concrete floor BARN to remodel, OWNER M.000 do; K50 mo; 9 Int. 877-2024 Approximately 1 acre oi land on Loop 323 between Hwy, 64 31.

Ideal (or commercall. Please call 592-OH63 Large lot with 2 buildings on site, prime commercial property on W. Erwln. J75L000. financing available.

Call 882-9891. Nights, 597- 5734. 4ACRES Multi-purpose Huge Bern 4-lane Hwy 271N trontage near t-201 Health Center area. "Steal" $75.0001 terms 877-2024 ATTENTION PHYSICIANS, LAWYERS ANDOR OTHERS. RPO ZONED LARGE HOUSE SUITABLE FOR SEVERAL INDIVIDUAL OFFICES, SHOPS, OR RESIDENCE SHOP COMBINATION.


Hwy 64 E. next Oil Palace. 17,142 sq. tt. 592-3967 or 561-3344.

Hwy. 64 East, large frontage on i sides ot property. Over 3,000 tt. In 2 buildings, nigh overhead doors, now being used as truck repair, in location ot planned outer Loop. 350 ft on Hwy.

64 East for 1104.000. 5800 a.f. of frame metal buildings. Consisting of office, showroom, shop. 271 Hwy.

Irontage, daughter seated across ly joined back together? Mrs. M.T. the room. After the period of healing, which can be determined only by the urologist, "And I can see my exercise is safe, daughter." Tears came Herpes may be killing the sexual revolution, but having it doesn't mean to his eyes, as well as to the end of your life. Or the end of your sex life.

In his new booklet, Dr. Paul those of the hospital Donohue separates the truth from the fiction about this controversial health staff. problem. For your copy of "Herpes: Don't Panic," send $1 and a stamped, He had never seen his self-addressed envelope to Dr. Donohue, P.O.

Box 11210, Chicago, 111.60611. daughter, since she was Dr. Donohue welcomes reader mail but regrets that, due to the tremen-born after he lost his dous volume received daily, he is unabje to answer individual letters. Read-sight. Ralla's wife died ers' questions are incorporated in his column whenever possible.

17 years ago. News America Syndicate Scientists Seek New Vaccine Against Leprosy, Tuberculosis bard. Lee school district. L-an Geora or 56f4778 TEXAS VETS EdomBrownsboro area, wooded tracts wpond, owner financing available. PECAN GROVE SUB DIVISIONS 128 2030.

Tyler. TX 75710. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO Fully equipped In nearby community, no competition In area, beautiful picturesque facility- A steal at 123,500. LADIES FASHION STORE-Long established local business, sales average 300K annually, excellent lease. $35,000 plus inventory.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BUSINESS-Vital to area construction, utility companies, and oil firms. Established years in Tyler Fully staffed. One of the best opportunities available. $375,000. Some aaaumable financing.

FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY-TwO established facilities included In this prosperous business. Annual sales exceed 700K. Purchase price of $250,000. AMERICAN BUSINESS BROKERS Brian P. Taber.

Broker 1929 S. Beckham' 597-1266 SERVICE station on maor hwy. Established 23 years by same owner. He has made his, now It's your turn. VRBB 581-4394 SEt UP YOUR OWN foil or part time business on Lake Palestine.

We are developing a Trade Market Shopping Center and have room (or 6 custom buildings for lease. Low aa $1 25 per Square Foot: Heavy Traffic, Growing Area. Need Furniture; Furniture; Appliances; etc. Phone 592-7011 BulldlngLots Restricted inChapel Hill Leighton Realty 566-1487 approx. acre lot.

All buildings secured bv fenced front. nts property can serve wholesale or RQTlCE Of INTENTION TO INCORPORATE Notice is hereby given that Tyler Medical Supply and Equipment Company, doing business in Tyler, Smith County, Texas, with its principal place ot business at 2114 South Broadway. Tyler, Texas 75701, intends, on or before April 26 1065, to become incorporated without a change of firm name. This notice is given pursuant to Article Ot the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation Laws Act. Section 6.103(7) of the Texas Business Commerce Code, and Section 35 ot Article 8132b of the Texas Civil Statutes.

Dated; May 10, 1985 TYLER MEDICAL SUPPLY ANO EQUIPMENT COMPANY NOTICE OFTU BLICATION Martin Mill ISO is accepting bids tor a 24'x68' portable classroom building to be located on the school campus. Bid documents may be obtained from Martha Tubervllle, Superintendent of Schools, Rt. 2., Box 280, Ben Wheeler, Tx. 75754 or call 214-479-3234. Sealed bids will be received until 12:00 noon, May 28th.

Bids will be opened at a special session of the School Board, May 28th, 8 00 P.M. Martins Mill ISD Board ot Trustees shall reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Public n6tic notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the dis- trict adult probation department budget for 1985-1086, as prepared by the chief adult probation officer and the fiscal officer, will be held in the grand jury room of smith county, texas at 9:00 am on thursday; may 30, 1985, at which time said budget will be considered by the cial district judges of smith county. texas. any person has the right to be present and participate in-said hearing.

copies of said proposed budget will be available on may 28, 1985 at the smith county auditor's office. room 107 courthouse, tyler, texas. carroll moseley FOR 3 lots in subdivision close to Chspel Hill School. Call 409596-3311. Luke Motley BROWNSBORO AREA 215 acres wB acre take.

38 ACRES 3 Br. 2 Ba, barn Si greenhouse, rolling terrain spring ted creek. STEVE GRANT REALTY SUBURBAN AND FARMS 129 raian irautj or nam manuiagiur--Ing. $136,200. TOTAL REALTY 4411 Old Bullard Rd.

581-4556 REDUCED OVER $15,000 1 ac. of prime S. Tyler commercial property. 325 feet trontage on new street. 1200 sf, block bldg, cha.

$79,500 Call Mel Carter or 581-3880. 12 yr old" medical duplex, fully leased wboth long short term leases, on Clinic Or, near Hospitals A very good condition 4 yr old 2324 sq ft metal building, acre. 565 sq ft office, 1739 so It warehouse, eave heights ot 14 VI 1 mlU Ct nf I Ann IB1 QtVt 675-3503(214) 675-4109 Vz TO 5 AC TRACT, lots Ot grass and treeBjl mile ot East Texas Center 877-2173 Owner financing available, fx. -Veteran Land St 500 per. acre, trees.

Van schools. For more Info, call 214-662-6475. WHITEHOU51 nd Set Mfa. business. Auto machined tools.

supplies. $12,500. 593-2150 restricted finance, 839-2323. "AC" "ATT next good road fronts. go i imoer, to Lake Palestlne-Bultard 1571-CLOSE-IN Matal 40x60 building on almost an acra with RR trontaga.

Currantly used tor welding; 344.79 on Hwy. 155 lust past School Adm. Bldg. WO, 000. Possible owner flnanc Ing Call Fran at or MARGARET ABER Real Estate.

T-SHIRT FRANCHISE For Sale. Broadway Square Mall, Tyler. Easy to learn, profitable, low overhead, established repeat business. Excellent location with long term lease. Call George or Kim at 214-581-5222 or 214-592-8610 VERY PROFITABLE Business for sale by owner A continuously growing very profitable Co.

6 yr. average income" B3K, A 57K into retirements plans tor same period. Average gross 1.1M Current Inventory 20Kr Cash price 600K. Inquire to Business BOX 81 53 Tyler Tex 7571 1 CHIEF ADULT PROBATION OFFICER SMITH COUNTY, TEXAS STOR-N-LOC MinTSloTagVTwTsh-Ing to avail themselves of the previsions ot Chapter 59. Texas Bv Owner: Country Home on 12.3 acres.

1 ml. N. of I20, Llndale area, 3BR. 2BA, gameroom, sunken den wcorner fireplace. Community water plus well for garden spot.

Call 882-4239 Country living on nms'tde 18.4 beautiful acres, large brick home, 3BR-2V Bath, fireplace, terrace, 26x26 recreation room with spa and pooltable, swimming pool, fishing pond, 30x60 workshop. many extras, must see to appreciate. 7 miles north of Qladewa-ter 1162.000 214-734-4606. HORSE QUARTERS tor quarter horsesl Check this ftve acre with contemporary three bedroonv two bath home in Tyler School District between Tyler and Noonday in Tyler's horse country. Fenced and cross-fenced, barn with stylish atria, council fireplace and decorator touches.

-Convenient to loop and Klced lower than you'd expect, tit Jeanelle: DOUG PROCTER REAL ESTATE 692-3419 597-9061 n6 Commission" By owner beautiful 3BR brick wl trees on 1.9 ac. Huge den wFP. 2BA. utll. (enced.

garage, sto bkto. 10 ml East on Hwy 64. Appt only 566-3200. OWNER MOVING must sell. Re-duceu from 12000 00 to 1100 000 00.

Over 3.000 eg. ft. 4 bedroom, 2VJ oath brick, Swlmm-Ino Pool, bath house. Brick floor Informal dining room; brick privacy fence and more Only 30 m'lnutes from -Ju" Sungef Realty-214-634-6463 pleaisnl Retreat Acres Add (Hwv 31 Ouall Hun Rd. Wir level lot ready for bldg.

Surrounded by nice homea 11 900 by owner Neg. terms wl owner tin. 583-7669. mEAUTIfUL Rolling Wooded things contain instructions for making proteins. Some of these proteins are recognized as foreign invaders by the human immune system.

When this happens, the body makes antibodies that latch onto these proteins and kill the bacteria. The new technique allows researchers to find all of the proteins that alert antibodies, as well as to track down the genes that make them. The researchers start by chopping up the bacteria's genetic material, or DNA, into millions of pieces. In the process, they produce a copy of every gene that's capable of making a protein. These fragments are inserted into a virus known as lambda gtll.

The virus, in turn, carries the scraps of DNA into E. coli bacteria. Each E. coli gets a different gene from the original leprosy and tuberculosis germs. And each of these genes contains the genetic code that's necessary to produce a different protein.

Eventually these E. coli bacteria reproduce, Fitted out with their transplanted genes, each colony turns out large quantities of a different protein. In recent years, scientists have compiled large libraries of antibodies that are produced against different germs. As the final step of their new technique, the researchers combine the newly manufactured proteins with different antibodies to see if they react with each other. This way, they determine which proteins will trigger an immune response, and they know what gene was responsible for making that protein.

The scientists have gotten this far in analyzing the tuberculosis and leprosy bacteria. Their next goal is to pick out the genes that are the most powerful signals of invasion for the human immune system. Then they hope to splice these genes into the BCG bacteria and use that as a new vaccine. BOSTON IAP) A new method of isolating bacterial genes may help scientists develop a vaccine that will prevent both tuberculosis and leprosy, diseases that afflict more than 40 million people around the world, researchers say. The new technique allows scientists to zero in on the bacterial genes that alert the body that it's being invaded by a dangerous germ.

If all goes as planned, scientists will' splice these genes into a harmless bacteria. This bacteria will induce the body to make protective antibodies so it will be armed for an encounter with the real germ. "We've isolated many of the genes that we" think will be important for immunity," said Dr. Richard Young. "To actually generate a useful vaccine will take some time." -A report on the latest research is being published in the May issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences'.

It was conducted by Young at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge in collaboration with Dr. Ronald Davis of Stanford University. About 30 million people around the world have TB. A weakened strain of the tuberculosis bacteria, known as BCG, has been used as a TB vaccine, but it has been ineffective against the disease in India and other parts of Asia, where many victims live. A newly developed vaccine also appears to be useful against leprosy, which affects 10 million to 15 million people worldwide.

But this vaccine must be grown in the laboratory in armadillos and will be too scarce to help the millions wh'o could benefit from it. The researchers hope their new work will lead to the development of a single hew vaccine that will be highly effective and available in large quantities. The genes of bacteria and all other living 'ropeny L-ooe, win conouci FOR SALE OR TRADE tne manes i uui 136 mtlre contents o( the LOANS 153 following unit on our premises at 7620 Waljim, Tyler, Texas on May 25, 1985 at i0 00 A.M. Unit 198 -Dough Fleming- The sale is to satlsly landlords lain. The public Is Invited.

LETT'S TRADE you sre unable to aell your home and desire to move to a larger, smaller, newer or older house in the Tyler area, call Barry 592-2008 and let talk trade. beautiful land, lots of game, will Subdivide, 10 AC mln. 13500ac; (2TEASELVILUE'-07 AC-same as above except tor limited road (3) WHITEHOUSE-18Ac-Jlm Rus-aeli Road, of the tend la high ground with good building site and excellent road frontage. Vt rolling terrain with 1 ac. lake, Vjlow with spring fed creek, nice one owner tract, Whltehouse schools, $3500ac (4) EMERALD BAY-300 AC All marketable timber, 75 Plantation Pine, 25 P4HW; excellent Rd frontage; 40 minerals, lake frontage on Saline Bay.

some owner tin. possible, outstanding subdivision potential, Bullard Schools, community water, 5EMERALD-1 SAC. -same as (6)CHAPEL HILL-15AC. 15AC. 30 AC 32 AC $1 500 ac A 1.87 Acre Water Front Lot in Country Place Sub-Otvlalon Heavily wooded Beautiful Building Site.

Privately owned. Call 581-1915 days or 596-2106 aft 6:00. PAWN LOAKlS T6 Jf.JM KODIAK PAWN A GUN 1500 Gentry 50X1230 SLAY CaSHCSnSTES 214-26 3336 1 st Mortgsges on Real Estate STOCKS AND BONDS 1400 Shares Am Natf. 156 FINANCIAL 180 CASH TOR VOun MORTGAGE NOTE, It you sold your property and had to take a fat or 2nd Hen note TRADE your monthly payments tor CASHI Call 597-0 Newspaper Carriers earn their own spending money! snare win div 6276 nights OIL AND GAS PROPERTIES 156 Tor Sal. Working, interest In ap- 22 BOPO from 2 Call'597-1121 to subscribe.

proximately leasee In Bi Bruhlmavar und for iS acres, heavliy wooded, rtomesMe. restricted, access to 250 acre private lake. 4,000 ft. air strip, hardtop roads, community water $20,000 Texas Vet Welcomed, 1V4 hours from Tyler. (71 4) 845-2966 or (21 4) 045-5222.

mation In Cook Co. Texaa. for a btd package writs Federtioff Production co P.O. Box 738, Gainesville, Tx. 76240.

The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.