The Shreveport Times Tuesdav. June 11. 1957 9-B EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT OFF THE RECORD By Ed Reed MONEY TO LEND FOR SALE ARTICLES I FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES SPECIAL PING-PONG TABLE Tops 5x9 $16 Caddo House Wrecking Co 2-3853 (40) Domestic Wanted (38) Female Help Wanted (36) Mala Hslp Wonted EKE out undti 'In Cntrl Ltetectiv Academy MY WOVE VOGK THIS YEAK7 Licensed Pawnbroker Money On Any Article of Value CADDO JEWELRY AND LOAN CO. 709 TEXAS ST. PHONE 1 IUT, Tnm v-V 6-11 Ttim tniill Furniture Items REFRIGERATOR, perfect condj- Tion.
Sl'J. ffOTte B-819. LINOLEUM RUGS 11 15 op Big setecfon Wnrtfieid Prihms Necchi Zig Zag Looks brand new Queen Ann mahogany cabinet. New cost S409.V5. take up balance.
$133 60 at oniy $7 80 month s-1503 SPRING CLEAR A NCI of used appliances, low or iced easy terms GUARANTEFD BE Wl FURNITURE CO 1843 Texas Ave Ph SEWING machine BRAND SI Electric eortahle Sews backward and forward Sews over 01ns $39 9f No money down only $5 per month SCHORR FVKN 721 Texas LATEST MODEL SINGER Slant Needle Machine with Zig Zagger. Sold new over $250. Take $150. WHITE SEWING CENTER 125 E. 70th Phone SI ACQ CANVAS AWNINGS Lawn and Casual Furniture SHREVEPOR'1 TFNT AWNINU 1519 Marke St 5-4274 New 2-Piece Bedroom Suite for only $1 with the purchase of any major Hotpoint appliance.
Easy terms at: Cedar Grove Furn. 321 E. 70TH. 7-3134 BEAUTIFUL RED Chinese rug, 9x12, excellent condition. 85-1397.
OVERSTUFFED couch and chair, grey. $30. Playpen. $12. 4-7003.
GAS range. 15; Lounge chair. $10; 9x12 Broadloom carpet and pad. $20: Console radio. $10.
7-6266. AUTOMATIC Bendix washer, per-fect condition. $50. 7-8564. Used Refrigerator Bargains 4-cu.
ft. GE $39 95 8-cu. ft. Kelvinator $49.95 8-cu. ft.
Philco with freezer comoartment across too $59.95 WEST END FURNITURE CO. 1813 Texas Ave. Phone 5-4813 6-J464 O.K. AUCTION We buy, sell or trade 4908 Greenwood Rd. A MODERN Dathroom not cost-ly At Fitzgerald Plbg 7-3615.
Repossessed: De luxe Admiral refrigerator, gas range. 7-piece living room group. 1 complete bedroom suite (includes spring and mattress), chrome dinette and 32-piece set of dishes. All items like new used only short time can be refinanced or buyer can pick up easy monthly notes BEST FURNITURE 727 Texas. Phone 2-0210 fService Accounts Welcomed BEDROOM Suites $1995 Living room Suites $9 95 Many other bargains at: CEDAR GROV( FURNITURE 321 70th 7-3134 7 FT.
PHILCO Refriegrator. excel-lent condition. $60. 65-2185. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Parts.
Service for White. Ken-more. Domestic, all other makes. Free Estimates on all makes. White Sewing Center "Exclusive Authorized White Dealer for the Ark-La-Tex" 125 E.
'70th 8-6224 NFW Laundramat Regular price $319 95 Onlys $199 95 Nothing down fay terms Wnht' Nu- Enamel 726 Milam 3-3581 WE BUY and sell new and used furniture MHOON FURNITURE CO 311 70th Phone 7-0905 SACRIFICE Necchi Portable Machine. BF latest model. Take up payments of $5.95 per month. 6-1662. FOUR rooms of furniture.
Rea sonable. 5-2740. BARGAIN CENTER FURNITURE 2433 Southern 3-5717 DEALERS IN The finest in used furniture SHOP US REGULARLY New shipments received weekly QUALITY CONSIDERED Our prices are the lowest. NEW FURNITURE SAVE OR MORE NOLAN TOWNSFND CO. 518 Aero Dr Phone 4-9573 NEW Range.
23-in oven Reg. $18S 95, $155 $10 down CASTON'S APPLIANCES 2739 Greenwood Rd (Bacon EDWARDS 6-P300. CUSTOM BUILT -Bookcases for encyclopedias other unfinished furniture at Jacee Sale Co 1015 Short Line 3-1913 GOOD used refrigerators. $49. 5 to $99.95 Guaranted.
FEIBEL'S INC. 1006 Creswell Ph. 8-1573 SINGFR ROUND BOBBIN All attachments La Sewin Machine 523 La. Ave. Phone 2-7514.
CLASSIFIED DISPLAY (SI 1 Attractive WAITRESSES Good Salary Apply in Person Twilight co*cktail Lounge 2132 E. TEXAS. BOSSIER EXPERIENCED WOOL PRESSrR No other need aoply. College Cleaners. 6-9739.
Dictaphone S275 LEGAL Secretary. 5 day $250 RECEPTIONIST, steno. 5 day $245 TYPIST. Dictaphone $250-5275 TYPIST. 5 Day $200 TYPIST.
1 girl office S200 POSTING Machine $2r0 LABORATORY Technician $340 Airlines Need Women AGES 17-30 See Ad Under "Instructions" Jobs Open! Office Placement Bureau Call Adkins 5-1574 811 Johnson 412 Milam 1. Legal secretary, oil $300 2. Secretary to doctor $250 3. Secretary, insurance $250 4. Secretary, bookkeeper $350 5.
Typist, filing S225 6. Geological secretary $275 7. Posting machine $225 8. Typist, office trainee $175 MALE 9. Office manager $600 10.
Sales, car $400 11. Assistant manager $350 Experienced Bookkeeper 5-day week. Good salary. Apply 5514 Mansfield Rd. CALL 3-8562 Shreveport Employment Jim Lankford, Mgr.
405V2 Texas St. Jobs Open Jobs FEMALE SECRETARIES l.A. SECRETARY. 5-day week 1. SECRET ARY-Receptionist $275 2.
Barksdale ok S250 6. SECRETARY, insurance $275 7. SECRETARY-RECEPTION 1ST. 5-day wk. $290 8.
SECRETARY, learn legal 9. SECRETARY, dictaphone mostly 10. SECRETARY, light books 11. SECRETARY, begin 6 '2457 12. SECRETARY, light dictation $260 13.
PART-TIME STENO $1.50 hr. 14. JR. SECRETARY, North Caddo $175 TYPISTS 15. A.
KARDEX CLERK $200 15. TYPISTS, telephone reports $225 16. TYPIST, receptionist $235 17. TYPIST. correspondence IS.
HALF-DAY TYPIST $125 19. TYPIST, medical $200-8250 20. TYPIST, credit department $Open 21. PBX-TYPIST $200-S230 22. TYPIST, records, church S235 23.
TYPIST, cashier $200 24. TYPIST, receptionist. car helpful $200 25. TYPIST. File Clerk $200-J210 25.A.
JR. TYPIST. Posting rs. r.t.i 26. BOOKKEEPER, full set $300 UP 27.
BOOKKEEPER, typist, for doctor $250 28. POSTING MACHINE. Church NO TYPING 29. LAB TECH. medical 30.
X-RAY MEDICAL TECH-nician S400 31. SALESLADY $175 32. PBX. settled preferred MALE 33. OFFICE CLERK, trainee in repair of small machines $250 34.
OFFICE MANAGER-SUPERVISOR S600-S750 40. CREDIT TRAINEE $250 41. X-RAY MEDICAL TECH NICIAN $400 42. CITY SALES $325 43. SALES, car furnished $450 tin 44.
ADJUSTER $300 45. SHIPPING CLERK, high school graduate. 20-30 46. BOOKKEEPER-OFFICE MANAGER $400 up 47. POSTING CLERK, 5-day week.
20-25 $325 See Jim Lankford. Texas SHREVEPORT EMPLOYMENT Waitress and Carhops Amber Inn Restaurant 3-1184 Sales Ladies Girls Dept. FULL OR PART TIME POSITION ATTRACTIVE-SALARY AND WORKING CONDITIONS Apply Personnel SELBER BROS. Experienced Carhops Apply in Person KO KO MO DRIVE INN 321 E. KINGS HIGHWAY EXPERIENCED FOOD AND co*ckTAIL, Waitress Apply after 4 P.M.
STORK THEATER RESTAURANT CLASSIFIED DISPLAY COLLEGE MEN 1957 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Limited opening! for several full time andor Dart time men this summer for work in Shreveport area. Car necessary. Part time men earn 3S to 170 weekly. Full time $75 to Si 23. Commission ba sis.
Call Mr. Doue Snider, z-8351. Tuesday June 11. 11 a.m. to 1 m.
or 4 30 to 6-30 p.m. ISO GUARANTEED PLUS EXPENSES 2 men with car aie 2i-45. Distribution and sales for fuller Bruib Co Retirement and hospitalization benefit. for appointment. FUTURE UNLIMITED Are you a person now employed but feel that your present Job does not match your capabilities? Have you already realized that 15 years from now you will still be earning your present salary? Are you a person that has Just finished college and looking for a Job with a tremendous future? If you are a person with ambition and do not mind working for that goal, then you should take 30 minutes and talk to me.
Western Auto Supnly one of the largest retail companies in the country, wants to expand. To do that we need management trainees now. It is entirely possible for a person to be managing their own retail store within 18 months. We offer many employee benefits. Profit sharing, group insurance, paid vacation, incentive compensation, retirement plan and employee discount.
College degree preferred but not necessary. "GROW WITH A GROWING COMPANY See R. M. Underhill Western Auto Store Corner Texas and Market Phone 2-7115 (37 talesman Wonted SALESMAN wanted bv major meat packer for established car route. Salary, commission and expenses.
Paid vacations, top benefits including retirement fund, free life and family hospitalization Insurance, sick leave. All replies strictly confidential. Please forward resume to Box 191-E, Times-Journal. INTERVIEWING men and women for sales positions. Contact Charles E.
Ray. Radio Station KLUE. 2-4617 Life Insurance Salesman W'th Ordinary-Industrial Life Insurance Co for long established debit Guaranteed salary 65 per week and liberal commission Permanent position with future for men willing to work Experience beneficial but not esntial We train you Age 23-45 have automobile. Apply 615 Jordan St For appointment call 3-5516 SALESMAN Fine papers by large Paper Distributor. Experience necessary.
South Louisiana territory. Guaranteed draw. Profit sharing arrangement. Other benefits. Must own car.
P. O. Box 1444. New Orleans. GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY National concern will emplov 3 men to serve as public relations counselors in North Louisiana.
No past experience reauired other than being between the aee 23-4i and own good automobile. DO NOT apply unless you are available for immediate employment and be able to adjust your income so you can live on $400 first month. For personal interview call Mr. Moore at Jo-Dan Motel. 3500 block on Greenwood Road.
Phone 6-0211 for anpointment Tuesday only. 9 a m. to 1 p.m. (38) female Help Wanted Laboratory Technician North Louisiana Sanitarium Secretary-Bookkeeper Haw nil rnmnsnv moving to Shreveport needs secretary and bookkeeper, light dictation, keep full set of books 40 hour week Downtown office Start 150 a month. Oil experience preferred.
Give age experience marital status and references. R-nlies frent confidential. write Box I'Z-v- Times-Journal. AVON COSMETICS Have 5 established territories now open. Customers now waiting for service.
Call 2-6793. SEE our ad unrter "Instructions. Central Detective Acaoemy MIDDLE aged woman lo care for Invalid man. Live in. 5-4560, LABORATORY Technician for lo-cal clinic.
Starting salary $350 per month. Write Box 157-C. Times-Journal. giving full particulars. CARHOPS WANTED Apply Harry'a Barbecue.
1760 E. Texas. B. C. LADIES To Sell Mary King Cosmetic PHONg 5-7752 SHARP GALS You'll love working for us selling the Fabulous RELAX-A-CIZOR TO QUALIFY YOU NEED: THE USE OF A CAR A NICE APPEARANCE REAL INTEREST IN PEOPLE We are in the glamour trade and our figure consultants make good money and live well.
You sell by appointment only. Your ambition cm earn you $500 to $1,500 monthly commission no matter what job you have bad previously. CALL RELAX-A-CIZOR MISS TACKETT 3-2329 WANTED Experienced waitress; short hours or full time. Apply SPOT CLUB. 610 Marshall.
(No phone calls, please) LADIES! Study Comptometry. See ad under "Instructions." SECRETARY, land or legal, major oil company. $300. See Adkins. Office Placement.
412 Milam. Electronics Need Women! See ad under "Instructions" Tri-State Employment MARKET AT TEXAS ST. 1. Secretary, days $275 2. Secretary, legal 275 3.
Typist, medical $225 4. Typist, dictaphone $225 5. Typist, light dictation $225 6. Typist, cashier $150 7. Laboratory technician $350 8.
Secretary, temporary $250 MALE POSITIONS OPEN A. Comp. Representative $350 B. Sales collector $275 C. Sales, intangibles $10,000 up 516 Commercial Bide.
509 Market 3-8313 ROY E. CURRIE 3-8314 WAITRESS wanted CLUB "80," 4840 GREENWOOD RD. 6-9111. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY FornHur Items QUALITY STYLE LOW PRICED BOOTH FURNITURE CARFfT Distinctive Niriwe since lg6 801 Texas Ave Pore S-ffS 3-ROGM group $3 20 weekly Whitfield Phiihps F-jra. 2-9519 Sewing Machine Rcapairs Your Neighbor Recommends RED KEEVE IRS Sovthem l-ft If It's Furniture YoaH find tt at THIBODEAUX 705 Milam Phone Reiriaerator Trade-ins $30 uc -BCKfl Texas St Fone 4-673 4-7409 for best Cash Price! CHARLES McLENDON WARFHOVSr FURN1TURJ OUT! FT 1214 MISSOURI New and Ued Buy and (S2 Cameras.
Supplies WE BUY AND SEU Osed Cameras and Projectors) DIF'S PHOTO S5UPP! 420 Market Phone a-155 CA RR'S CAMERA repair foreign domestic 819 Trivia Phone 5-E51I 52-A Wearing Apparel CHILDRENS' shorts and ahirts Cole swim sets S3. 8-6-123. (S3) Bikes. Motorcycles 1955 HIGHLANDER Scooter with '56 motor. 7-0696.
7-7677. 1947 CLEAN 61. loaded S300. phone 6-2603. BOY'S doodie bug scooter, reasonable.
136 E. College. It a PLEASURE ride a BFLLA Try one and see. at: McCOLLUM SCOOTFB SALES 1519 Barksdale B'vd NEW 1957 HARLFY -DAVIDSON $75 Down 24 Months to Pay Wallace Harle-Davirton Sales 1805 Texas Ave 3-428 FUQUA CY'CLE CO LAMBRFTTA SCOOTERS- tniM nes or oleasure Fas terms. Barkdale Bivd 4-1TS? (54) Building Materials CLOSE OUT at bargain all Cannon brick and HiUstone at 141 finn St 4-2654- TEXCRETF WE BUY BUnXINGS TO DEMOLISH Cafh for building materials and plumbing fixtures CADDO HOLSF WRECKING CO Rear 110? Market lxS FROST YP Decking $79 Jouert's Economy Lumber.
6-011 NO STUDS. S99 lx StSB $95 MOORF tt MOORF Lumber 6137 Line Ave Ph NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 YEARS BALANCE BUY lumber and building material from us Anything build with Outside white paint f2 50 gal Al'iminum caint $2 85 gal Caddo House Wreckt Co Peer 1102 Market Ph 2-385S DEMOLISHING house at 817 Cotton St and modern house at 315 Stoner All material bargain orire en job. DALE LUMBER CO 7-91TL GET a mooern bathroom at low copt Fitzgerald Plhs 7-3615 W. Wrecking Co 1618 VAN LOAN ST Phone t-O40e We demoliah anything, anytime anywhere' Special Redwood Fencing Material Random length- 1x6 per lineal ft. Random length 4x4 post 20c per lineal ft.
Rockwool and fiber flasa Insulation. Wholesale less Medium thick or full thick. Bossier Millworlc Supply Co 403 Hamilton Ra. BC 4-1465 f5S Gifts. Antiauet Will Buy Antioues ANTIQUE HOUSE 804 LOUISIANA 4-S071 MRS EDNA 3.
HTTNLEY (561 Dogs, Cats, Pets Boarding 6-3778 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS Even it you now have loan on your property ALSO LOANS on your signature only or ether plant! PHONE S-7707 Rome Finance Service 50S Market Street lira-JLlrr Hf-rrTTHiTr-i-ni-im -iwnrira if Trmnrigf inirssMay Ad Today! Writer Will Help! (SI) WHITE HOUSEKEEPER Light duties, child care. Prefer LDS. 3-7215. COLORED MAID who can cook and serve. Must be neat and trim.
State age, weight and experience. Good working conditions. Good salary. All applications confidential. For interviews, write P.O.
Box 1783, Shreve- port GOOD DEPENDABLE maid general housework, care of children. 5'i days. $20. 3614 Madison Park Blvd. (Highland Trolley.
w-li neip you write aas 'rial ami Times-Journal maintains experienced ad-writers The service tr fai 1-7131 J)3R1 (41 Male, Female Wanted EXPERIENCED portrait printer, retoucher and colorist. Write Box 180-C. Times-Journal. WANTED Experienced Real Estate salesman or saleslady. APPLY IN PERSON TO Taylor Smith, Realty Co.
260 OCKLEY DRIVE (421 Work Wanted. Male MECHANICAL DRAFTING PHONE 8-3362 18'j-YEAR-OLD Fair Park graduate. Top references, desires delivery work or chauffer. Excellent driver. Any hours.
Ph. 7-6814. SENIOR, sophom*ore, college boys. Anything, considered. 8-8961.
COLORED man desires work, anything considered. 4-5791. COLLEGE accounting graduate. 24, married, dependable, seeks opportunity. Call Adkins, Office Placement.
S-1574. YARD WORK, house cleaning. general repair. Experienced. 4-9380.
COLLEGE GRADUATE Marketing and merchandising. Age 28. Married, one child. Interested in sales work with opportunity. Phone 6-0720.
ALERT young man for office trainee. Good typist. Draft exemption. Call 3-8313. TRI-STATE EMPLOYMENT.
(43) Work Wanted, Female IRONING done in my home. Also domestic maids available. 8-3136. COLORED girl will care for elderly people. 7-7945.
COLORED girl desires 5 days maid work. 2-9637. WASHING and ironing. Free pick-up-delivery. 4-2574.
COLORED girl desires 4 days maid work. 5-4848. EXPERIENCED maid desires day or afternoon work. 8-7911. COLORED girl desires position as baby sitter.
5-2398. MIDDLE aged colored woman de-sires day work. 4-7375. EXPERIENCED maid desires work. 5-day week.
4-8730. COLORED girl desires office or housework. Good 4-4114. EXPERIENCED maid desires job. references.
Phone 6-1909; COLORED maid desires 5 days. References. 5-4998. FOR PERSONNEL Call "AD" ADKINS 5-1574 Office Placement Bureau COLORED MAID desires 5-day week. 7-1205 HOME LAUNDRY Specialize in curtains.
Phone 3-4074 VATTVT. AnilTSJ ivmilH like to earn room and board while attending school. Call SPENCER PR A UGH UN LULLf-UK. z-n no. EXPERIENCED colored maid de sires day work.
8-3577. COLORED MAID wants 3" or 4 days work. 5-3348. Party Cooking, 4-7825 MAID desires housework or ironing in my home. 8-8025.
COLORED maid desires house-work. ironing, cafe work. 8-9981. WASHING and ironing done In my home. Call 8-8025.
COLORED GIRL wants cafe work in afternoon. 2-5924. EXPERIENCED ironing, washing, curtains. Free estimates. Also baby sitting, day or night.
5-7B92. JR. SECRETARY. Age 19. Six months' experience.
Good student. Neat Call Mr. Lankford. 3-8562. SECRETARY.
Age 32. Neat. Handle some bookkeeping also. Call Mr. Lankford.
3-8562, Shreveport Em ployment, CLERK typist-bookkeeper. 31. 11 years experience. JR. Secretary, 19.
some college, some experience. Call Adkins, Office Placement. 5-1574. BABY-SITTING, housework, 5'i days, $4 a day. 4-1917.
BEGINNER stenographer wants permanent position. Salary secondary. Call 3-8313. TRI-STATE EMPLOYMENT (43-A) Nursery, Child Care Boddie Nursery Summer Kindergarten Handicraft 4-9626 Licensed 8-3975 WILL care for children in my home. By week or hour.
Refer ences. BO-3PD1 3529 CLAIBORNE Experienced child care. Br the day. week or hour. Call 65-4728.
CORBITT NURSERY Child care. all ages. Pickup, deliver. 7-0142. NEAR BARKSDALE Child care in my home; day or week.
2-6490. LAKESHORE Child care in my home, after June 20. 3-1960. DAY AND NIGHT NURSERY Infants to 6 years. Complete care.
Toddler training. Open 24 hours. mirse. pick up. qeuver.
CHILD care in my home. (Free pickup, delivery). 8-2052. I WILL KEEP your infants and toddlers by day or week. Prices reasonable, wueensnoro BROADMOOR Nursery Play school insured health approved.
8-2359. (43-A) Nursery, Child Care Desiere's Licensed 7 a.m. 6 p.m. Infants, up. 4-4798.
otIFlriMSRriRn Child care in my home. Day weelft Board. 5-1386. 1416 SNOW ST. Colored children 2 years up, meals, transportation.
St. James center, a-aaa. WILL KEEP child in my home for mnrkine mother. 2437 Midway. 6-8637.
CEDAR GROVE Experienced child care Days, weekly 7-1342 The Playhouse 2 to 5 years. 8-8368. DOWNTOWN BOSSIER Settled lady will give best of care to any age child in her Christian home. Hot meals, TV. Best of references.
J6 weekly, z-bhzz CEDAR GROVE, child care. Days, weekly, board. 7-5496. 65-1573. MORNINGSIDE nursery.
Babies only. Open day and night. Nurse on duty. 85-1966, RELIABLE baby sitting. Night, day.
Mrs. K. campDeii. (-3U. INSTRUCTIONS Majestic Beauty School Margaret Metcalf, 1827 Line Ave Phone 3-8641 K'nnrt.
Rpantv School Mannello Diplomas Awarded 400 Milam St. Vera Rogers. Pres. AIRLINES NEED Men and Women, 17-39 to train for good positions in communications, station agents, reservations and hostesses. Top pay.
free travel passes, glamor, public contact, hospitalization, and retirement. For confidential interview call 2-9351, James Thomas. Captain Shreve Hotel. Room 324. Dollars AND Sense It's good sense to learn Comptometry.
an exciting career at above average salary after only 60-DAYS of easy training and with our FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE ENROLL NOW! Air-conditioned downtown office. See, phone or write; Miss E. L. Scott, Registrar. Comptometer School Commercial Bldg.
Ph. 4-0529 SPECIAL 20" --peed Window fan. $29 95. $1 down. $1 week.
NEW YORK FURNITURE CO. 864 Texas Ave. Ph. 3-6221 SOUTHWEST GASOLINE pumps. 36 months to pay: tanks, air compressors Buy and sell equip- meni.
u. Box 6074. SAVE UP TO $100 on an Ironrite Ironer Demonstrator. $17985 Shreveport Refrigeration Co. 411 La.
Ave Phone 2-3187 USED AIR CONDITIONERS ECONOMY FURNITURE 424 Trrffic St. fB.C.) 3-5720 PRICES SLASHED: on New Room Air Conditioners. Save up to $140 $5 Down Delivers. FIRESTONE STORES 501 Crockett St, Ph. S-5161 MODERNIZE your bath for less now.
Fitzgerald T-3615. CLOTHESLINE POSTS $8 150-ft of line and tightener Installed $13 50. 6-2807. 6-0812. NEW and used filling station equipment all kinds: also service repair, all makes.
CADDO OIL EQUIPMENT CO. 2-5537 Used TV Sets Bargains WHOLESALE TIRE SUPPLY 1121 Spring St Ph. 4-1411 SEWING Machines. Rented $3 month Repairs, parts for all makes Hemstitching. Heiman's Sewing Center 517 Barksdale.
3-4705 BEAUTIFUL Mahogany back and front bar. 6 stools and solid beveled mirror. See at Lone Oak Lounge. Red Chute Hwy. 80 E.
Poulan Chain Saws for Rent. Poulan Chain Saws. Sales and Service. Southern Saw 4623 Greenwood 6-4231. P.O.
Box 9004. SACRIFICE $365 Necchf Automatic Console $185 HEIMAN'S SEWING CENTER 517 BARKSDALE BLVD. 3-4705 6 FT. KELVIN ATOR Refrigerator S2995 Terms Whitfield's. 2-9515 COLORED CONCRFTE WAX BRITEN A LI Floor Cleaner BUILDING SERVICE CO 1245 TEXAS AVE.
3-7106 CLOTHESLINE POSTS $8 Installed $13 50. 6-8418 Frigidaire, 3-7653 PIPE PIPE PIPE 15.000 ft. 2' and 2 upset and plain tubing. Used Casing to 10i Casing Sucker Rods 4" 1- Reasonable priced A. A.
GILBERT Pipe and Supply Co. 4Q37 Mansfield Road 2-5529 AUTO SIZE surplus 5 piece Open End Wrench set. Good quality, bargain $1 50 set. Davis Tool nnuit. diu jeweua bq.
e-7330 NATIONAL cash register, scales. meat box counters and shelves. 7311 Southern. ONE 7 ft zero plate beverage box. draft or bottle beer.
$350. 3-6013. FOR SALE Seven used showcases. KIDD RUSS CO. 505 Milam.
8 mm. movie camera, new. $30. Colt SA black powder model, good working condition. $40.
2-9109. HOSPITAL BED Phone 2-1386 ONE 54" double drain cabinet sink, 2 fans, window and floor. 7-0696 and 7-7677. 12 FT. FRIGIDAIRE ICE CREAM BOX Like new.
Sacrifice. See at Woods Gulf Kef vice Station. 2200 Barksdale Blvd. THREE WESTINGHOUSE laundromats. Guaranteed and delivered $45.
3-2128 or 3-3E80. 2 WHEEL Garden-All tractor, motorized, disc, plow, cultivator. $175. 4-6788. USED TV's Fully Guaranteed $5 Down Delivers B.
F. GOODRICH STORE 735 La. Ave. Ph. 2-3174 NEW BROWNING automatic 12-guage shot gun.
Light weight. Ven-tilated rib Case Included. 4-7523. MONROE electric adding machine. Almost new.
Sacrifice. 5-5436. Used Plumbing Fixtures GIGLIO PLUMBING CO. 1250 Jordan St. Ph.
2-4455 Used Office Furn. Co. RENTALS and SALES 617 Lake Phone 4-5697 WHOLESALE FISHING TACKLE Dealers Only MORGAN-WELDIN 131 Market 4-2600 ALUMINUM SCREENS Installed to fit. Free estimates. GIFFORD SCREEN CO.
6-8629 $10 Delivers New Power Mower. Dillie McQuire. Lazy Boy. Exeello REEVES SERVICE CENTER 1900 Texas Ave. Phone 2-7892 CHAIN LINK FENCE 100 ft $24.95 Can install if desired.
HAGAN STORM FENCE CO. 4555 Greenwood Rd. Ph. 65-5351 WE RENT Water Softeners 30-dav free trial. Bossier Caddo Servi-soft 3-1819.
Ark-La. Servisoft Springhill. 357W. REDUCING MACHINES for sale or rent. Call 8-6023.
RIFLE SCOPES Bausch Sc Lomb. Kollmorgen and Weaver. W. H. WOMACK Riflesmith 2124 Meriwether Rd.
Ph. 65-1969 GARDEN TRACTOR. 2-wheel with disc, cultivator, and turning plow. $100. 4-4228.
CLEAN 21 in. TV set. $50. Call 3-5418. 2832 Judson.
34 TON Mathes air-conditioning unit and Westinghouse Mobilaire fan. 7-8269. Furniture Items SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Parts, service for White. Singer, Kenmore, Domestic, Necchi. Elna, Brother and all Japanese Makes.
Free estimates. Satisfaction guaranteed. White Sewing Center "Exclusive Authorized White Dealer for the Ark-La-Tex" 125 E. 70th 8-6224 Phoenix Furniture Co. All New Furniture For 3 Rooms $289.95 84 PIECES INCLUDING LIVING ROOM: Modern sofa.
step tables. 1 coffee table 2 lamps. BEDROOM: Double dresser and full-size bed innersprtng mattress coil springs. pillows. 1 bedspread KITCHEN: 5-piece dinette.
32-niece set of dishes. 32-niece flatware set Open Thursday nights 'til 9 869 Texas Ave Ph S-061 Sell household furnishings, appliances, out-grown clothes, for cash A Times-Journal ad will do tt 2-0381 3-7131. SINGER portable sews backward and forward $24.95. Phone 4-3998. NECCHI portable with attach-ments S5 SO Call 2-7514 WHITE CONSOLE Machine.
Less than 3 years old. Sold new $259.95. Has all attachments. Cell for $35. WHITE SEWING CENTER 125 E.
70th Phone 8-6224 GE Automatic ironer. like new. Cheap. 2-6347. $1,000 Value 16-ft.
upright GE freezer. Practically new black bedroom suite. FIRST $500 TAKES ALL Phone 7-4661 for appointment. TAKE UP PAYMENTS Singer Walnut Console sewing machine. $8.33 per month.
$36.04 balance. See at 717 Texas. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE COMPLETE. Living room, beoroom dinette $249.95 American Furniture Co. 710 Texas St.
Phone 2-3196 For Quick Sale Modern youth bed. mattress and nite stand. All for $50. 8-6339. SINGER Round Bobbin Portable.
Like new. Has all attachments. $39 95 WHITE SEWING CENTER 125 E. 70th Phone 8-6224 Used Furniture 10 Refrigerators. $25 and up, 23 gas ranges, $10 and up.
11 bedroom suites. $30.50 and up. 7 dinette sets (chrome $22 50 and ud 15 odd chairs. $2 and up. 40 sets of bed springs and mattresses, $8 and up 50 washing machines, trade ins, $5 and up.
7 TV sets, $10 and up All kinds of baby furniture, fans, lawn mower and radios, odd sofas. Many other items. Some like new. BOSSIER FURN EXCHANGE 2068 Texas. BC 4-4587 Own till late at night.
17-INCH Motorola TV with stand and rabbit ears, range. complete bed, full size bedstead, dresser, heaters. 7311 Southern. QUICK CASH LOANS $20 to $1,500 AETNA FINANCE CO. 22 Travis Phone 3-5175 QUICK CASH FULTON LOAN SERVICE 315 Ricou-Brewster Bldg 2-0345 PERSONAL LOANS SHREVEPORT SECURITIES CO.
212V Ph. 85-1454 Thrift Finance Co. Money on Anything of Value 1524 Barksdale B.C. 5-3244 Low Rates On Loans Financing Refinancing Cars SEE MADDEN OR WHTTENIR Motor Finance Co. SHREVEPORT'S OLDEST HOME OWNED FINANCE CO.
21 2-21 4 Milam St. Phone 3-5241 Licensed Pawnbroker Money on Anything of Valfle Max's Loan Jewelry Co. 538 COMMON ST. PHONE 2-8227 Real Estate Loans First nr Second Mortgage SIGNATURE LOAN SERVICE Ph. 3-4116 203 Simon Bldg.
LOAN I Say "Yes" "I'm the Beneficial manager. When people ask me for a cash loan for any good purpose I LIKE to say 'YES I' For a loan in ONE TRIP to the office, iust phone me first. My company is the largest in the US so you can DEPEND on our service. Just phone me or drop in." THE BENEFICIAL LOAN MAN LOAN'S $25 TO MOO OR MORE BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (PERSONAL FINANCE CO.) 610 Marshall St.
iCor Milam) Phone 2-8771 Shreveport (49) keal tstate Loons 1st MORTGAGES Caddo and Bossier Parishes MONEY the day you ask for itl 6 interest and up Lawrence L. May, Rltr. Cail MISS LEE 3-0541 Real Estate Loans SHREVEPORT-BOSSIER CITY 48-Hour Service Barrow Leary Co. 515 Market. St.
Phone 3-2573 Real Estate Loans No Red Tape No Delays MOTORS SECURITIES 217 Texas Shreveport Ph. 5-7731 Loans on Real Estate In or Near the City: 6 Up FRANK GRAHAM 22S Milam St. Phone 3-35R1 2ND MORTGAGES CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS WITH A 2nd MORTGAGE NOTE. If you are in a "jam" we may be able to help you. Northern Securities Call MISS LEE 3-0542 2nd Mortgage Real Estate Loans FULTON LOAN SERVICE 315 Ricou-Brewster Bldg.
2-0345 FOR Home Loans Southern Ac-ceptance. 305 Market. 4-6608 (49 -A) Mortgages Notes CITY RESIDENTIAL LOANS CHARLES T. HALL 4-8121 FOR SALE ARTICLES MIRRORS made any size or shape. C.
Dillman. 6-8136 also evenings. $1 DOWN Delivers Any Fan HAVERTY'S 618 MILAM ST. Aluminum Awnings Completely Installed $1.75 sq. ft.
Screens 55c sa. ft. Factory-like service. DIXIE VENETIAN BLIND CO. 2916 Gilhert Phone 7-3605 MONROE full automatic electric calculator.
Bargain. 5-5436. 8x10. 4-ft. sides, heavy duty 2-wheel trailer.
Safety chain and lights. $125. or will trade for out-hard motor or shotgun. 65-3124 or 65-5474. GOOD HEAVY DUTY Welding Cable 35e per ft.
CADDO IRON SUPPLY 3811 Greenwood Rd. Phone 6-1881 Shreveport, La. ATTENTION CONTRACTORS Starrett leveling instrument with tripod. Also bench saw. jointer planer with 1 h.p.
motor and metal stand. 7-3298. FEW bulbs left $2 hundred, trade for double iron bed or what have you. Leonard refrigerator looks good and runs, needs little repair, motor worth price asked $10. trade for couple good used 600x16 tires.
Plumbing fixtures new and used. Bargains. Monkhouse. 3820 Greenwood Road. Phone 6-4261.
WINDOW fan, 24 inch. 2 speed, S30. Ceiling fan. 2 blade. 3 speed, $30.
Good condition. 4 GRAVE PLOT Choice location. Centuries Cemetery. 7-8742. NEW, USED 1957 1 H.P.
$139.95 WINDOW UNITS HARPER-MATHES 1600 Birksdnle Blvd. Bossier Behind Chamber Commerce ONE TON AIR-CONDITIONER. 1st $35. Call 6-1470 COLDSPOT 16-ft. Chest type deep freeze.
6-7718. SIMMONS panel bed. new baby mattress, car bed. 7-7619. ONE TON air-condition unit.
$150. Used one summer. 2-1447 or 3-6909. Large stock of used TV's. $30 up.
1114 Texas Ave. 2-3846. 1955 WESTINGHOUSE laundro-mat. In good condition 3-0792. Westinghouse air conditioner, used 1 1 i seasons.
Good condition. $129.95. WHATLEY'S 4840 Line Ave. 7-5349 BARGAINS! Used Singer Console $65. New Brother Zig Zae Portable.
$98. HEIMAN'S SEWING CENTER 517 BARKSDALE BLVD. 3-4705 SPECIAL BARGAINS Set of 5 piece wicker furniture. $25: Upright Shaeffer piano. $60; Antique Circle dining table.
3 matching chairs. $27.50. 3-5448. STEEL PIPE 12,500 Feet 412 inch O.D. 10.79 weight.
Good No. 2 Grade Priced 50c per Foot A. A. GILBERT Pipe and Supply Co. 4037 Mansfield Road 2-5529 NEW RCA TV set $1.73 weekly.
Whitfield's 2-9515. BLINDS RE-TAPED! Cash and carry: Cotton tape and cord $2.50: plastic type and nylon cord $3.50. Pick up and deliver extra service charge. Factory-like repairs all makes. DIXIE VENETIAN BLIND CO.
2916 Gilbert Parking 7-3605 NU Vent Awnings, Aluminum screens and doors, glass jalousies, carports. Venetian blinds. FREE ESTIMATES Shreveport Aluminum Awning Co. 2723 Amhurst Phone 6-1179 PAINT! OUTSIDE white gal. $1.79 FLAT wall 7 colon sal.
$2 60 PORCH and deck gal. $2.94 ALUMINUM paint gal. $2.73 Turnage Sales 610 Commerce 2" P.E. Pipe. No.
1 Price 2dc Ft. GOLD SUCKLE SUPPLY CO. 4154 Mansfield Rd. 4-3219 BUS. OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED down town cafe.
bar GROCERY. Filling Station. Owner retired, am Berbench, 4-3373. 8-6340. FOR SALE Grocery store with living quarters.
Reasonable. 4-9191 NICE BAR and cafe at cosL Call 6-9366. IF YOU ARE looking for a paying business in Drug and Liquor at a sacrifice price. $6,500. call 6-0539 or 6-0739.
WANTED Sober gentleman with small capital to invest and help manage thriving business. Write Box 171-C. Times-Journal. BUSINESS property financed bv Southern Acceptance. 305 Market.
IN VIVIAN. LA. GERALD PONTIAC AGENCY Complete franchise, fully equipped garagei building and grounds. Reason for selling illness. A-l opportunity.
Bargain. Phone 6120 or 6819 Vivian, La. FULLY equipped 2-chair barber shop. Well located. Good business.
Priced for quick sale $825. J. T. Reese, Box 43, Logansport. Phone 203.
BOSSIER BAR. located in nice brick building. Has dance floor and practically- new eauipment. Plenty narking space. Call 3-9501 or 5-3848.
(47) Minerals, Royalties In Center of Oil Play! Grogan Field Nakotosh-Paluxy Production FOR LEASE and immediate development. 63 acres. Section 26. UN. R11W.
DeSoto Parish. Call, write or wire: Co. 617 Texas. Shreveport. La.
Phone 5-3491. WANTED production or interest Caddo-Pine Island Confidential. Write Box 182-E, Times-Journal. MONEY TO LEND MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY ARTICLE OF VALUE KAHN LEVINE 516-18 Common St. Phone 2-2404 LOANS All Types and Amounts White System of Shreveport P.
Norgress. Manager 422 Market Phone 2-8718 AUTO LOANS OR REFINANCE -Caddo Finance Corp. 1516 Texas Ave. Phone 3-1623 LOANS $25 to $1,500 Citizens Loan Corp. 525 Marshall St.
Phone 5-5301 CASH TODAY the friendly way; Get $25 to $1,500 Select Your Own Repayment Terms CASH YOU PAYMENTS RECEIVE YOU MAKE 307 20 $16.00 652.80 34.00 998.40 52.00 1,536.00 80.00 Friendly Confidential Service Call 5-8746 or 5-8749 We'll Do the Rest ASSOCIATES 1704 MARKET ST. Free Parking JIM NEWMAN MANAGER PERSONAL LOANS FAMILY FINANCE CORP. OF SHREVEPORT 611 Milam St. Phone 3-2543 LOANS $50 or More! on 1946 to 1957 Autos Trucks We finance all Military Personnel MR. TRULY McCRARY Open Sat.
Till 5 P.M. TRI-STATE FINANCE CORP. 1001 Louisiana 2-1159 LOANS $50 to SI. 500 GENERAL CREDIT CORP. 731 Milam St.
Ph. 5-1543 Easy Money? If yon need any see us. Capital over Three Million. Payments reduced regardless of who you now owe. New er financed 5 used cars slightly higher.
MOTORS SECURITIES 1217 TEXAS AVENUE 715 BARKSDALE. B.C. Money When You Need It People's Finance Co. 728 Milam Phone 4-2673 Loans FOR SEASONAL NEEDS Or for Any Other Purpose EASY TO QUALITY All employed men or women married or single can get a loan under our plan. EXTRA FEATURES You can get the money in ona hour.
Your life insured at no extra cost EASY TO REPAY $5 20 Repays a $60 Loan To Get $10 to $2,000 or Mora CALL 4-4466 Foster Mitchell or Lockard American Loan Service 508 Crockett St. Phone 4-4466 Automobile Financing Auto Loans All Tvpes Shreveport Auto Finance 223 Market Phone 4-3287 ASSOCIATES LOAN CO. LOANS $25 TO $1,500 1704 Market St. Ph. 5-8749.
5-8746 Signature Loans $25 to $1,500 Arrange by PHONE Convenient Monthly Payments Cah You 20-Mo. Cash You Get Pay Get Pay $100 7.00 909 $57.00 291 20.00 1.114 70.00 509 33.00 1.306 82.00 702 44.00 1.496 94 00 Above naymenti Include charge STATE FINANCE CO. Two Convenient Locations: 514 Ricou-Brewster Bldg. Phone 4-7701 1858 Texas Ave. Phone 2-2185 INSTRUCTIONS MEN WOMEN- BE A PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR.
Earn up to $4 hour Work locally or travel New training system. Send name and address for free Application Blank to determine your eligibility. Name Street City State CENTRAL DETECTIVE ACADFMY Write Box 167-E. Times-Journal High School at Home Licensed, Endorsed By Educators Enjoy security. Study and graduate at home in spare time.
New books, study guides and recordings furnished. Fast progress, low payments. Write or call for free booklet. No obligation. Dept.
St. National Home Study School 619 Milam Shreveport La. J. T. Phillips.
2-3923. 2-5751 Radio TV Training Veterans Approved Earn top pay security. Be a graduate technician. Prepare for FCC license. Study at home in spare time.
All text and material furnished for building complete TV set. high school not reauired. if Vet give dte of discharge. For free technician booklet, write or call Dept. St.
Radio TV Training Association 619 Milam Shreveport La. J. T. Phil 1 i ps. 2-3923.
2-5751 ELECTRONICS UNEQUALLED OPPORTUNITY IN THIS HIGH PAYING FIELD OF THE FUTURE. INCREASE EARNINGS BEYOND YOUR EXPECTATIONS. Critical need for graduates to fill immediate openings. 8th grade graduates can. qualify for Electronic Mechanics.
Radio and Television Electronics. High School Graduates as Electronic Associate Engineers, Electronic Draftsmen, Mechanical and Design Drafting. If you have a desire to succefed in this field of the future let us check your qualifications today. short extensive training program will not interfere with present employment. For confidential interview call J.
A. Thomas. Room 324. Captain Shreve Hotel. 2-9351.
L. TULLY, REP. International Correspondence School. Phone 7-4272 or 8-1586. Box 618.
Shreveport. La. YOU COULD BE A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE By simply putting in a few hours of your spare time each week right in your own home. You'll be amazed at your progress. You know the advantages of being a high school graduate better jobs, more pay.
greater opportunities. investigate today! We will prove how easily you too can learn, whether your aee is 16 or 6tf Write or phone for descriptive bulletin or for local representative to call on you. No obligation. ESTABLISHED 1897 Thousands of Successful Graduates Attending Over 500 Different Colleges 163 SUBJECTS To Select From RADIO TV ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING BUSINESS ADM. DIPLOMA AWARDED AMERICAN SCHOOL 320 College Phone 4-8994 Shreveport.
La. Norton Business College Complete or Review Courses Medical and Legal Shorthand Day or Night School 720 Travis St Phone 2-R739 SPENCER-DRAUGHON Business College Complete Business Courses including medical and legal dictation Day Night V4 day. 1323 Texas Ave. Phone 2-5778 SAVE weeks of time. Cost so reasonable.
Day or night classes. Enter any time. AVERS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Town House Phone 3-1853 '45' Music and Art POPULAR and classical piano. At home or studio. Adult beeinners a specialty.
Phyllis Wav. 3-8107. REMEDIAL READING CLASSES. Phonics. Mrs.
James. 7-1713. (46) Dance, Kindergarten Boddie Kindergarten Summer Term Handicraft 4-9626 Licensed 8-3975 BUS. OPPORTUNITY Dairy Whip Going business, air condition. Information at 3814 Linwood.
Must sell for reasons of health. BOSSIER CITY Stauffer Salon franchise for sale. Phone day 2-5465, night 8-6853. FOR SALE OR LEASE 2-story commercial building on new pavement of Line Ave. 7-1812.
FOR SALE CLEANING plant with shirt unit. Nice location. Reasonable terms. Write Box 181-C. Times-J ou rn a 1 OWN A SERVICE BUSINESS Very small investment.
Must sell my dealership in nation wide cooperative chain of Rug and Upholstery Cleaners. Modern service rendered in homes, offices, etc. No shop needed. Easy to learn. Operate full or part time.
Large hourly profit. Opportunity for growing lifetime income. 2-0589. BOSSIER PACKAGE STORE Across from Bossier Big Chain. Forced to sell because of other interests.
Nothing to buy but stock. Low $150 month rental Includes all fixtures. Profitable active business. Air conditioned. 1706 Barksdale Phone 5-2277 SPEED QUEEN Coin Operated Launderies.
Sales and Financing. Consolidated Machinery Sales 5535 Columbia. Dallas. Texas. Phone Taylor 6-5122.
F0R SALE Small air-conditioned cafe, well established. Reasonable. Phone 2-8519 after 6 p.m. all day Saturday and Sunday. NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT AND BOILERS.
EASY TERMS CLEANERS LAUNDRY EQU1P-518 Lake St. Phone 3-0693 PARKING LOT For lease 50' 200' at 829 Cotton St. Front and rear entrance. $100 month. 5-3491.
FOR RENT Small confectionery. Good location. Stock and fixtures. For sale. Furnished apartment on premises.
Ideal for elderly couple. 65-5931 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. FOR SALE Lake Cliff Tourist Courts and Bar. No phone calls please.
Set Rags Wilder, 3201 Milam. LIST YOUR BUSINESS WITH IKE LOWENTHAL. 8-2669 WlLL BUY entire stock of dry goods, shoes, etc. Also partial stocks. D.
A. Bookstaff. 608 Com-merce. Shreveport. 3-0319.
2-9503 store with fixtures. Stock at inventory. $50 month. 7-4292. 6-8604.
Phone before. UP TO 32000 noon for your i Cosh You 24 Monthly money later Receive Payments the same dayl 364.80 $20.00 Youselectyour 510.72 28.00 own repayment 729.60 40.00 Planl 912.00 50.00 1.185.60 65.00 1.459.20 $80.00 -j FA 0 LY FINANCE CORPORATION Of Shreveport, Inc. 611 Milam Street. Phone: Calls for extra money to meet extra expenses. The quick, easy way to raise the cash you need is to sell, rent or offer services with an inexpensive TIMES-JOURNAL Classified Ad.
Wanted Experienced ACCOUNTANT For Position Assistant to Controller ACCOUNTING GRADUATE with several years public or private practice. Capable handling general books, financial reports, auditing and office personnel supervision. EXCELLENT SALARY AND OPPORTUNITY for young man with local well established firm offering security for person seeking advancement. SUBMIT RESUME in handwriting. Out-of-town applicants fully considered.
Replies confidential. P.O. Box 457, Shreveport, La. Phone Your An Experienced Ad Dial 3-7131 or 2-0381 And Say "CHARGE IT!" BOTH PAPERS. Low Cost.