St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

BATURDAY. ARE YOU ASLEEP? Read the Want Ads and LEARN the ANSWER. DECEMBER 21. 1919. Distinguished Service Cross Awards HE following are the official stories of special feats by U.

S. soldiers which have been deemed worthy of the Distinguished Service Cross award by the U. S. War Department. These stories are given out by the War Department after investigation of reports made by regimental officers: Corp.

Joseph A. McAlister, Company Thirty-seventh Infantry, for extraordinary, heroism in action at Chateau Duable, near Fismes, Aug. 27. He personally led his squad in an attempt to capture an enemy machine gun, and after all of his men had been wounded and he himself severely wounded, he withdrew, and, collecting other men, advanced three times to the attack, finally capturing the gun and driving off or killing its crew. Joseph J.

McAllister, father, Corp. James V. Gleason, Company 111th Infantry (A. S. No.

1, 326-For extraordinary heroism action near Fismette, 9-13, when the enemy attacked our line, employing liquid fire. He inspired the troops, of which he formed a to hold the post. During the succeeding three days and nights, without food, he controlled the firing line of the advanced position until badly wounded by shrapnel. Brigadier-General Douglas MacArthur, Eighty-fourth Brigade, Forty -second Division-For the following act of extraordinary heroism in action. Brigadier-General MacArthur is awarded a bronze oak leaf, to be worn on the distinguished service cross awarded him March 25.

As brigade commander Gen. MacArthur personally led his men and by the skillful maneuvering of his brigade made possible the capture of Hills 288, 242 and the Cote de Chatilulon, Oct. 14, 15 and 16. He disindomitable resolution and great courage in rallying broken lines and reforming attacks, thereby making victory possible. On a field where courage was the rule, his courage was the dominant feature.

Mrs. Arthur MacArthur, mother, Santa Bar- bara, Cal. Maj. Lloyd D. Ross, 168th Infan- try-For the following acts of extraordinary heroism in action, Maj.

Ross is awarded a bronze oak leaf, to be worn on the distinguished service cross awarded him March 25. The courage, resolution and resource of Maj. Ross, as battalion commander, made possible the sucuessful capture of Hills 288, 242 and Cote, de Chatillon, Oct. 14, 15 and 1918, which was accomplished only after the most desperate fighting through wire and trenches against a resolute and determined defense involving frequent and bitter counter attacks. His brilliant and determined leadership was an example and inspiration to the entire command.

Mrs. L. D. Ross, wife, Red Oak, Io. Lieutenant-Colonel Emory J.

Pile (deceased). Division Gun Officer, Eighty-second Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Norroy, Sept. 15. Having gone forto reorganize forces which had become disorganized.

Col. Pile was mortally wounded, but he remained on the spot and, even though helpless, continued with great courage and fortitude to direct the reorganization until it was completed and the position held. Martha Agnes Pile, daughter, Des Moines, Io. Corp. Hursey A.

Dakin, Company First Gas Regiment (A. S. No. 847, 688). For extraordinary heroism in action in the Boise de Amure, near Seencourt, Sept.

26. Corp. Dakin volunteered, with another soldier, to attack a machine gun nest which was holding up the advance. They advanced against very heavy machine gun fire and captured the position, killing two Germans and routing the remainder of the gun crew. Mrs.

O. H. Dakin, mother, Freewater, Ore. Private Guy A Nelson, Company 1 First Gas Regiment, (S. A.

No. 2, 157, 873). For extraordinary heroism in action in the Boise de Amure. near Gercourt, Sept. 26.

Private Nelson volunteered with another soldier to attack a machine gun nest which was holding up the advance. They advanced against very heavy machine gun fire and captured the position, killing two Germans and routing the remainder of the gun crew. Mrs. Eva Nelson Storvick, sister, Albert Lea, Minn. Sergt.

Richard H. Vaughan, Company Eleventh Infantry, deceased, (A. S. No. 1, 262, 955).

For extraordinary heroism in action at Fismette Aug. 9-13. Although Sergt. Vaughan had been severely gassed and had received a scalp, wound from shrapnel on Aug. refused to evacuated and after having his wound dressed continued to command his platoon for four days until relieved.

By his bravery and encouragement his men he exemplified the highest a qualities of leadership. Dr. E. M. Vaughan, father, Royersford, Pa.

Corp. Julius Nielson, Company Fifty-third Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Landersbach, Alsace, Oct. 4. Corp.

Nielson was in a detachment of 50 soldiers who were attacked by hostile raiding party composed of a 300 storm a troops. Although wounded, he maintained his position under the heavlest bombardment and refused to leave his post until the enemy was repulsed. Mrs. Christian Christensen, grandmother, Lincoln, Minn. Private, First Class, Vincent Maslowski, Company Fifty-second Infantry.

For extraordinary heroism in action near Munster. Jourdan sector, Vosges front, Lorraine, Sept. 14, Private Maslowski, with other men of his squad, was on duty in a firing trench in the enemy. A grenade thrown by one of the men struck the parapet and fell back into the trench. Private Maslowski seized the grenade and threw it from the trench just as it exploded, thereby saving his comrades and himself from injury and possible death.

Charlie Maslowski, uncle. 288 Sheridan road, Kenosha, Wis. Private James B. Townsend, sanItary detachment, 328th Infantry (A. S.

No. 1, 932, 940), for extraordinary heroism in action near Vandiers, Sept. 15. Private Townsend left Vandiers, went out on the fleld, which was continually under shell Are, collected and brought into Vandiera 16 wounded. He remained with them 32 hours, bringing them food adjusting gas masks and and water, making the wounded comfortable until all had been evacuated.

Mrs. J. B. Townsend, mother, Troy, Ala. Private Alfred R.

Simpson, ComB, 321st Machine Gun Battalpany ion (A. S. No. 223, 0. P.

For extraordinary heroism in action near Somme, Oct. 12. While his company was covering with machine gun fire a temporary withdrawal of the infantry, before a hostile counter attack, Private Simpson secured an abandoned German machine gun and operated it until his own company, as well as the infantry, had retired safely. He remained at his post until ammunition was exhausted and was the last one to leave the position. Through his bravery and skill the advance of the enemy was checked and our own forces were able to organize a fresh.

counter attack. Langstan T. Miller, uncle, Cedar Valley, Tex. Capt. Allen Fletcher.

362d Infantry, for extraordinary heroism in action at Gesnes, Sept. 29. Although he was severely wounded he continued to lead his company in the assault on Gesnes. Then, much weakened by his wound, he reorganized his company and directed its employment as a covering deatchment in the withdrawal. He remained with his company until ordered to leave his post and receive medical treatment.

He showed throughout the engagement a devotion to duty only exceeded by his utter disregard of personal danger. First Lieut. Robert L. Campbell, 368th Infantry, for extraordinary heroism in action near Binarville, Sept. 27.

In the afternoon of Sept. 27, Lieut. Campbell saw a runner fall wounded in the middle of a field swept by heavy machine gun fire. At imminent peril to his own life and in full view of the enemy, he crossed the field and carried the wounded soldier to shelter. Mrs.

Alice B. Campbell, wife, Greensboro, N. C. Hugh W. McNair, private, first class, S.

S. 622, (A. No. 9527), for extraordinary heroism in action 5. Having just been relieved latter 48 hours of strenuous duty, Private McNair volunteered to drive an ambulance to an advanced regimental post under constant and intense fire.

While engaged in this dangerous mission he suffered a wound which necessitated amputation of his right leg. Dr. F. W. McNair, father, Houghton, Mich.

First Lieutenant James G. Hall, Medical Corps, 360th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in -action near Montauville, Sept. 12-15. In spite of severe wounds, Including two broken ribs received he first day of action, Lieut.

Hall continued at his post for three days administering aid to the wounded throughout the combat. Number of lives were saved by his heroism and devotion to duty. Mrs. James G. Hall, Toledo, 0.

DEATHS Death notices. first 6 lines or less. $1: each extra line 20c; memoriama, 25c per line ALPISER Entered into rest on ThursDec. 19. 1918.

at 9:45 a. at day. Kansas City. Paul V. Alpiser.

dearly beloved husband of Nettie Alpiser (nee Henderson), dear brother Leon. Leona. dear Marion and Roland Alpiser. and line. Constance.

Octavia. Octave. Pauour brother-in-law and uncle. in his forty-third year. Remains will lie in state the George til Sunday.

Dec. chapel. 22. 5966 at 8 a. Easton m.

avenue. Interment unPleisch at Centralia. Sunday afternoon. Tampa (Fla.) papers please copy. (c) ANGERMUND- -Entered into rest on Edward W.

Angermund. beloved husband of Thursday. Dec. 19. 1918.

at 11:45, a. Mabel M. Angermund (nee Damm), dear sonin-law of Mr. and Mrs. J.

O. Damm, and our dear brother, brother-in-law. uncle. nephew and cousin, at the age of 20 years and 26 days. Funeral on Sunday.

Dec. 22. at 2:30 from residence. 3200A Miami street. to Park Lawn Cemetery.

Motor. Belleville (Ill.) papers please copy. (cT) BECHT-Entered into rest on Saturday. Dec. 21.

1918. at 8:40 a. Bertha Becht, beloved sister of Lizzie and Henry Becht, Mrs. H. Behrene, Mrs.

W. Friedemann and Mary J. Burgdorf, Mrs. G. Pickhardt and Mrs.

E. Swain (nee Becht). Services at the Kron chapel. 2707 North Interment avenue. Sunday.

Dec. 22, at p. m. at Huntingsburg. Monday.

(c7) BENTZINGER-Entered -Entered into reat on Saturday. Dec. 21. 1:10 a. Robert L.

Bentzinger, dearly beloved son of Ralph and the late Pauline Bentzinger (nee Streit), dear brother of Ralph Bentzinger Jr. and our dear grandchild, cousin and nephew, at the age of 2 years. Funeral on Monday. Dec. 23.

at 3 p. from residence, 3242 Michigan avenue, to New St. Marcus' Cemetery. Motor. (c) BOSWELL- Entered into rest on Thursday, Dec.

19. 1918. at 3 D. Nellie Boswell Boswell. (nee Conway), beloved wife of Edgar sister dear mother of Nellie May Boswell.

of Mrs. E. Bosse, Mary and Wane Conway. and dear daughter-in-law. sisterand nunt.

Funeral Monday. Dec. 23. at 8:80 from family residence. 2621 North Sarah street.

to St. Matthew's Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Motor. (cT) Dec. BOYER 19.

Entered 1918. into rest Thursday, husband of Mrs. Alex Selma F. Boyer Boyer. (nee beloved Lalumondier).

and dear father of Clofas. Linus. Clarence. Gladys. Estella.

Joseph, Mary. John. Irene. Anna Urban and Mrs Lloyd Elbert Boyer and Mrs. John Callahan Thomure, aged 64 years.

Funeral from residence. 858 Providence AVenue. Webster Groves. to St. Michael's Church in Shrewsbury, on Monday, Dec.

1918, at 9 a. m. Interment in SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. (c) CHRIST- -Entered Into rest on Thursday, Dec.

19. 1918. at 8:55 p. Henry Christ. beloved husband of Annie Christ (nee Kesseis).

nephew of August Chather of O'Fallon. 111. Remains will be taken from Arthur J. to Union Station. Interment at 0'FalWash streets, on Sunday.

Dec. 22. at 6 a. nelly's funeral parlors. Twenty-first and Ion.

Monday morning. (c) -On Daniel at Thursday, St. Mary's Dee. 19. Hospital.

1918. pneumonia Coughiin, husband Margaret Crooks Coughiin, father of Mrs. Elizabeth C. Young. Mra.

William A. Reuf and Daniel F. Coughlin brother of the late Mrs. Matthew Courtney and Thomas Coughlin Funeral from Cullinane'8 funeral parlors. 1710 North Grand avenue.

Sunday, Dee. 22. at 2 to St. Teresa's Church. Interment Pa Calvary Cemetery.

Motor. (7) DEUBINSKI- Los Angeles. on Deubinski, mother of Emma L. Deubinski Thursday. Dec.

19. 18 18 Mrs Lillie and Mrs. E. B. Parry of St.

Louis, and grandmother of Lillie P. Parry and the late Edna Malvina Parry. In her eightieth year. (c) DU into rest on Friday. dearly 20.

beloved 1918, husband a. of Ollie Ely Du A. Du Four Four. McIntyre). dear father Jack Du Four and son of Ely and Pauline Du Four.

brother of Adolph and Edna Du Four. in his fortythird year. Funeral on Monday, Dec, 23. at 1:30 p. from family residence.

1014 McCausiand avto Park Lawn Cemetery. Funeral private. Motor FERGUSON -Entered into 'rest on Saturday, Dec. 21. at 8:20 a.

Myron R. Ferguson, beloved husband of Ella Ferguson (nee Zats). dear Harold H. Ferguson. dear son of Mathilda Ferguson, and our dear brother.

brother-in-law and uncle. at the age of 27 years. Funeral on Monday, Dec. 23, at 3 D. from Ziegenhein chapel, 2623 Cherokee street, to St.

Matthew's Cemetery. Motor. Farmington (Mo.) papers please copy. (cT) DEATHS FIELDS -On Friday. Dec.

20. 1918. at 6 a. Julia M. Fields (nee Casserly, beloved wife of Wilber R.

Fields and sister Martin of James and Bridget Casserly and Mrs. Tierney. and our Stuart's sister-in-law. 5537 Funeral Easton from avenue. Time later.

emergency chapel, FISHMAN-Entered Into rest on Fridav. Dec. 20. 1918. Abe Fishman.

aged vears. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fishman, and brother of Minnie.

Esther and Ida Fishman. Funeral from Isaac's chapel. 435 North Euclid avenue. Sunday, Dec. 22.

at 1:30 p. to Chesed" Shel Amach Cemetery. FITZGERALD-On Friday. Dec. 20.

1918. 4:25 a. Louisa Fitzgerald (nee Roesch). beloved wife of William Fitzgerald mother of Hilda Fitzgerald, dear daughter of Mrs. Ann Roesch, dear sister of Mrs.

Lizzie Tiesenbrunn (nee Roesch). Nicholas and Louis Roesch, and daughter-in-law of Wm. Fitzgerald and our dear sister-in-law and aunt. aged 36 vears. Funeral from residence.

710 Gerer avenue, Monday. Dec. 23. a. to SS.

Peter and Paul's Church, thence to SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Motor. (c) FRAZIER-Entered into rest on Tuesday. Dec.

17. 1918. at 5:12 D. Ralph FraFrazier dear son of James A. and Margaret (nee Wiedenkeller).

brother of Arthur Frazier Massur dear nephew and cousin. at Lynn. Burial at Lynn, Mass. FREELAND- Entered into rest on Friday. Dec.

20. 1918. at 7 p. Anna Freeland (nee, Freeland. Malone).

daughter beloved of wife of William A. Edward and Margaret Malone. our dear sister. sister-in-law and aunt. Funeral will take place from the family residence.

1415A Burd avenue. Due notice of time will be given. Motor. (c) GOEWERT-Asleep in Jesus Saturday, Dec. 21, 1918, at 6:10 a.

Bernhardt Fredrick Goewert. beloved 60N of Lena Goewert (nee Schlingman) and the late August Goewert, and our dear brother, brotherin-law uncle, at the age of 17 years 2 months and 4 days. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 23, at from Beiderweiden-Dunkman parlors, 1934 St. Louis avenue to New Bethlehem Cemetery.

Motor. (c7) GRUBEN- -Entered into rest on Friday, Dec. 20. 1918. at 12:30 p.

Cora Gruben. dearly beloved sister of Helen. Mildred and Martin Gruben. and the late Catherine Gruben. Funeral will take place from Arthur J.

Donnelly's funeral parlors. 3846 Lindell boulevard. on Sunday. Dec. 22.

1918. at 2 D. m. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. (c) HABICH- Entered into rest on Saturday, Dec.

21, 1918. Miss Amelia Habich. beloved daughter of Caroline Habich (nee Lamm). and dear sister of William. Hugo.

Carl and Frances. Louise. Josephine and Frieda Funeral Habich. on Tuesday. Dec.

24. at 2 p. from residence. 4150 Connecticut street. to New St.

Marcus' Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. Motor. (el) HALL--On Thursday, Dec. 19, 1918.

at 10:30 p. Hail, beloved wife of the late Joseph Hall. mother of Oscar Edgar Charles T. Hall. Funeral from Cullinane funeral parlors, 1710 North Grand avenue, on MonDec.

23. at 9 a. m. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Motor.

(7) HOHNECKER-Entered into rest on Friday. Dec. 20. 1918. at 3 a.

Jennie Hohnecker. beloved wife of Ernest Honecker, dear sister of John Jasinski. dear eister-inlaw of Mrs. Mary Jasinski, and dear aunt of Helen and Bruno Jasinski. Funeral Sunday.

Dec. 22. at 3 p. from George L. Pleitsch chapel, 5966 Easton avenue.

to Calvary Cemetery. Motor. HOLDEN---Entered into rest on Friday, Dec. 20. 1918, at 10:30 Alice M.

Holden. beloved daughter of John W. and Julia A. Holden (nee O'Connell). and dear sister of John W.

Service (In France) Harold Holden, and dear granddaughter and niece. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 8:30 8. from family residence, 4760 St. Louis avenue.

to Blessed Sacrament Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Motor. (cl) HUNSTEIN- 19. -Entered 1918. at into 8 a.

rest on John Thurs- H. Hunstein, beloved husband of Mary Hunstein (nee Buchart), dear father of Irving and Melba Hunstein, dear father-in-law of Edna Hunstein (nee Wiese). and our dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, aged 46 years. Funeral from residence, 4600A Pope avenue, Sunday. at 2 p.

thence to New Picker Cemetery. (c7) KABER- into rest on Thursdav. Dec. 19, 1918. at 6:20 p.

Harry J. Kaber. beloved husband of Clara Kaber (nee Brandley). dear father of Marion H. Kaber.

beloved son of Elizabeth Kaber. dear brother of William. Charles and Philip Kaber. and dear son-in-law. brother-in-law and uncle, at the age of 33 years.

Funeral on Monday. Dec. 23. at 8:30 a. from residence.

3620A South Compton avenue, to St. Thomas' Church. Iowa avenue and Osage street. thence to SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery.

Motor. Deceased was a member of Progressive Camp. No. 783. W.

0. W. (cT) KAMP--Entered Into rest on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1918. at 2:05 a.

Minnie Kamp (nee Moehlmann), dear mother of Mrs. Lena Steeler (nee Kamp). Anna Kessler (nee Kamp), Emma lindermann (nee Kamp). Louis and Fred Kamp, dear mother-in-law of Forbus Steeber, Joseph Kessler. John Lindermann, Amella Kamp (nee Wiese), and Lottie Kamp (nee Pohlmann), and our dear mother, sister, sister lv-law and aunt, Starter a brief illness, at the age of 63 years.

Funeral Sunday, Dec. 22. at 2:30 p. from family residence, 2515 Bremen avenue. to Friedens Cemetery.

Motor. (c7) KELAHAN-On Friday, Dec. 20. 1918. at 11 a.

Margerite Kelahan (nee Graham). beloved wife of Frank G. Kelahan. mother of Margerite and Frances J. Kelahan.

daughter of Patrick and Mary Graham sister of James. Edward and Roy Graham and Mrs. Catherine Martin. Mrs. Harry Gram and the late John Graham, our daughter-in-law and sister-in-law.

Funeral from Stuart's chapel. 6525 Easton avenue. Time later. (c) KINEALY-Entered into rest on Friday. Dec.

20. 1918. at 9:25 A. Norma J. beloved wife of Joseph F.

Kinealy, dear mother of John. Harry. Alfred, Marguerite. Eva. Elizabeth Josephine Wolf.

and Mary dear Kinealy, sister daughter of our and sister-in-law. Funeral will take place from residence, 3146 Chouteau on Monday. Dec. 23. at 8:30 a.

Imaculate Conception Church. Interment in SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Motor. (c) LASKI-On Friday, Dec.

20. 1918, Gusta Tobias Laski, beloved son of Max and Laski. and dear brother of Mrs. Fannie Goldetein and George Laski. Funeral private from Berger's Chapel, 4715 McPherson avenue.

on Monday, Dec. 23. at 10 a. m. Motor.

(c) LEE- -Entered into rest on Friday. Dec. 20. 1918. at 8:05 a.

Mary Lee (nee sister of Hattie Tancil. John and Frank Zimmerman, Funeral services from Ziegenhein chapel, 2623 Cherokee street, Saturday, Dec. 21, at 8 n. m. Interment at O'Fallon, Sunday.

Dec. 22. St. Charles County papers please copy. (c7) -Entered into rest on Friday.

Dec. 20. 1918. at 8:35 a. John McHugh.

husband of the late Catherine McHugh (nee Quinn). father of John. Edward and Michael McHugh. Mrs. P.

M. Duffy and the late Daniel McHugh, and our dear grandfather. Funeral will take place from Arthur J. Donnelly's funeral parlors. 3846 Lindell boulevard.

Due notice of time will be given. (c) MORROW- Entered into rest on Friday. Dec. 20. 1918.

at 7:30 P. Edna Morrow (nee Tho*rner), beloved 1 wife of William E. Morrow. dear mother of William J. Morrow.

daughter of Carrie and George Tho*rner. sister of Melvin Alvina Tho*rner. family residence, 2914 Madison street. to St. Funeral Monday.

go Dec. 23, at 2 p. from Teresa Church, thence to Zion Cemetery. Friends invited. Carriages.

(cT) NEWMAN-HEYNIG-Entered Entered Into rest, suddenly. at Harbor Springs. Thurs19, 1918. Martha Newman-Heynig. dearly beloved wife of Al Henie.

dear beloved mother of Charles Albert dear daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman, dear sister or Elizabeth. Walter.

Harry, Albert Newman and Mrs. O. Roark (nee Newman). our dear sister-in-law and aunt. Notice of funeral will be given.

(c) PETERS On Johanna Friday. Peters Dec. 20. (nee 1918, at Schulze). dear wife of Frank Peters, beloved daughter of William and Louise Schulze.

dear sister of Oscar. Edward and Nellie Schulze. Remains at Moydell parlors, Mississippi and Allen avenues. until Sunday, Dec. 22.

at 5 p. m. Burial at Washington, Monday Afternoon. (cT) PETERS -Entered Into rest on Friday. Dec.

20. 1918. at 8:06 Catherine Peters (nee Nagel), beloved mother of Sergt. Georke Peters and our dear motherIn-law and grandmother. Funeral Monday morning.

Deo. 23, at 8:30 a. from residence of her son. 2904A Sullivan avenue. to St.

Augustine Church. thence to Calvary Cemetery. Sodality, St. Augustine Parish. Motor.

(a) Deceased was a member Married ROSEN KATTEK-At New York. Dec 18. 1918. Michael Rosentretter. beloved husband of Annie Wieder Rosentretter.

Funeral from Isaacs' chapel. 435 North Euclid avenue. Dec. at 10 a. m.

Interment private. (c) Thursday. Entersis, at 5:30 p. on SANGUINETTE- into rest August B. Sanguinette.

relict of Kate Sanguinette William. (nee Garbarino). dear father of August N. and Corporal Lloyd Sanguinette (in France). Mrs.

N. Bering Jr. Funeral and from the late residence Paschal Sanguinette. 2022A of his daughter. 8:30 Obear avenue.

on Monday. Dec. 23, at a. Calvary to the Holy Name Church, thence to Cemetery. Motor.

(c7) Dee 20. -Entered 1918. into rest on Friday. A Schill Schill. tnee beloved husband Blanche a at 12:40 a.

Eugene Schill Miller). son of Charles A. and Emma (nee Kraatz). and our dear brother and brother-in-law. in his twentysixth year.

Remains In state at residence. 936A Rutger street. Funeral Monday, Dec. 23. at p.

from St. Stephan's Church, Sixth and Rutger streets. to New Picker Cemeterv. Motor. Perryville (Mo.) papers please co copy.

(c7) SCHNEIDERHAHN Dec. DUENWALD On Saturday, 21, -1918, at 4:10 a. dear Anna beloved Mary wife of Schneiderhahn Leo (nee Duenwald), Schneiderhahn and dear mother of Leo Gertrude. Mary. Edward.

Hildegarde, Beatrice and Anna Schneiderhahn, and daughter of Gertrude Duenwald, and our dear sister, sister-in-law and aunt, aged 38 years. Funeral on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 8 a. from family Francis residence. 2220 Vienna avenue, to St.

de Sale's thence to SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Motor. Please omit flowers. Louisville (Ky.) grand Chicago papers please copy.

(c) Entered into rest Wednesday. Dec. 18. 1918, at 4 p. Linus Schultz.

dearly beloved husband of Augusta Schultz (nee Hagemeier). beloved father of Linus Schultz dear son of Frederick and Augusta Schultz (nee Schmidtke). dear brother of Fred. Frank and William Schultz, and our dear son-in-law. brother-in-law and uncle.

in his thirty-first year. Funeral on Sunday. Dec. 22. 3 from residence.

3111 Rolla place, New St. p. Marcus' Cemetery. Motor. Deceased was a member of 1.

M. 59. and Fern Tent No. 106, K. 0.

T. M. (c) SEUFERT-On Friday, Dec. 20. 1918, at 11:30 p.

Oscar H. Seufert, beloved husband of Jane Seufert (nee Stephens), dear son of Bernard and Katherine Seufert (nee Grau), dear brother of Emma Kossmann and Minnie Wieners (nee Seufert), dear son-inlaw of Mrs. Mary Stephens and the late James W. Stephens, and our dear brother-inlaw and uncle, aged 25 years and 6 months. Funeral from residence, 3167 South Jefferson avenue, Monday, Dec.

23, at 1 p. to New St. Marcus' Cemetery. Motor. (c7) DEATHS Entered into rest on Friday, Dec.

20, 1918, at 5:10 p. at St. John's Hospital, from pneumonia, Edith Seyfried (nee Snyder), beloved wife of Roman H. Seyfried, dear mother Alberta and Gertrude Seyfried, beloved daughter of Ella Snyder, dear sister of Virginia. Grace and Roberta Snyder and dear sister and daughterin-law, aged 24 years.

Due notice of funeral from 954 Beach avenue. SPRINGER--Entered into rest on Friday. Dec. 20. 1918, at 1:30 p.

Harry H. Springer. dear beloved husband of Dorothy M. Springer (nee Hackmann), dear father of Ruth M. Springer.

dear son of Louise Springer. our dear brother. son-in-law, brother-in-law and uncle. in his 29th year. Funeral on Monday.

Dec. at 3 D. from the family residence. 1308A Kentucky avenue. to SS.

Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Chauffeur's Local. No. 600. and the Columbia Transfer Aid Society.

Motor. (cT) STOECKEL-Passed away. peacefully, FriDec. 20. 1918.

at 12:10 p. Lydia Stoeckel. beloved daughter of Louise Stoeckand the late Andrew Stoeckel. dear sister of Andrew Stoeckel. Ida Fanter (nee Stoeckel).

Sophia Honold (nee Stockel). Ida Kemps (nee Stoeckel). and our dear aunt and sisterin-law of Marie Stoeckel and Mathews Honold. aged 30 years. Funeral on Sunday.

Dec. 22. at 1:30 D. from family residence. 2716 Burd avenue.

Services at residence promptly at 1:30 D. thence to St. Peter's Cemetery. Motor. (c7) SUDMEYER- Entered Into rest on Friday, Dec 20.

1918. at 1:35 a. Henry Sudmeyer. dearly beloved husband of Whilemina Sudmeyer (nee Stille). dear father of Mrs.

Louise Burgess, Mrs. Hannah Evans and Fred Sudmeyer, and our dear brother. father-in-law and grandfather, at the age of 69 years. Funeral Sunday, Dec. at 2 D.

from family residence. 214 Dade avenue. Ferguson. to Black Jack Cemetery. Motor.

Automobiles will leave a George L. 1:15 p. m. (c) Pleitsch's a office. 5966 Easton avenue.

at -Entered into rest on ThursTHORNT! Dec. 19, 1918, at 10:15 D. James A. Thornton, son of the late John and Alice Ryan Thornton, and dear brother of Margaret Thornton. Funeral will take place from residence, 4011A Maffitt avenue, on Monday.

Dec. 23. at 9:30 a. to St. Matthew's Church.

thence to Calvary Cemetery. Motor. Deceased was a member of De Andries Council. No. 800, K.

of St. Theresa's Council. No. 7. Knights of Father Matthew.

and St. Teresa's Branch of the Holy Name Society. (c7) WALSH-On Friday, Dec. 20. 1918, after 8 lingering illness.

Elizabeth Walsh (nee Regan). beloved wife of Richard H. Walsh of 5843 Cote Brilliante avenue. sister of the late Mary Regan, cousin of Thomas McKeon. Funeral from the residence of her consin.

Thomas Bambrick. 1339 Montclair avenue. on Monday. Dec. 23.

at 8.30 a. to St. Edward's Church. thence to Calvary Cemetery. Friends invited.

Motor. (c) WEIR-Entered Into rest, suddenly, on Thursday, Dec. dearly 19, 1918. beloved at 8:45 husband p. of John H.

Weir, Jennie E. Weir (nee Farrow). dear stepfather of Cora, Rose. Carl and Private Frank L. Baker (in France).

my dear son, brother and our brother-in-law. in his fiftythird year. Remains at residence, 4332 Hunt avenue, on Saturday, Dec. 21, after 3 Interment at Pacific. Sunday, Dec.

22. at m. Deceased was member Pacific Camp, No. 582, W. 0.

W. ZIEROFF- Entered Into rest on Thursday, Dec 19. 10 a. Marie Marguerite Zieroff, dear daughter of Joseph and Marguerite Zieroff (nee Hartung). sister of Cecelia, Olivia.

Joseph and Clemens Zieroff Funeral Monday, at 8:30 a. from residence, 1719 Russell avenue. to SS. Peter and Paul's Church. thence to SS.

Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Deceased WAS a member the Young Ladies' Sodality. Motor. (c7) LOST and FOUND Solid agate. 15c line.

minimum 30c. Discount 1c per line on three of more insertions. LOST FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN COUPON LOST- -Nos. 26044. 29271.

36430. 36775. 45470. 58080. 72717.

80196. 80276. 80624, 85844. 88793. 94071.

94839. 98121. 99386. 102233. 102768.

115867. 123787. 124930. 136420. 139372 139373.

141121. 144341. 148360. 154172. 161254.

163173. 163145. 173791. 180019. 190935.

194455. 195508. 201727. 201883. 205116.

208281. 209888, 210327. 210405. 211558. 213228.

318058. 221319. 221466. 225205. 228874.

229099. 230896. 236452. 237661. 239184.

244011. 248368, 250278. FOUND -Nos. 35980, 53286. 122072.

144549. STOLEN Nos. 24312. 72702. 212518.

130777. 173640. 250309, 255308. BANKS WILL NOT HONOR Nos. 13223.

23073. 36084. 63935. 67853. 68260.

83983. 87493. 88806. 68260. 83983.

87493. 88806. 88814. 155670. 259003.

239021. Books FOUND should be Immediately sent or delivered to room 1685 Railway Exchange. LIBERTY LOAN ASSOCIATION. (c8) BOOKS--Lost. A.

A. I. S. and T. W.

scale book. time book and Liberty Bond; reward if returned to Wm. Handy, 4466 BROOCH- of sunburst, dead set with keepsake mother: liberal reward. 4416 McPnerson. Forest 4361M.

(cT) DOG -Lost, pup, shepard. brown: has black face and white feet; reward. 3639 A Russell: Victor 1947X. (c6) DOG--Strayed; Boston bull: ecrew tall. spotted face.

white front name Kelly: reward: after 4:30. 1718 Nebraska av. (7) Monday, containing German gas mask. British flag and other articles of no value. except to owner.

Return to 8842 Windsor: reward. (c6) KEYS -Lost. 6 or Thursday. Return to 418. N.

12th, Tyler 1171R (c) ANSWERS TO QUERIES LAW POINTS. W. Savings Stamps are exempt from taxation. Missouri law has no exemption of personal property of single person. M.

A. lawyer may be doing the best that can be done; or it may be otherwise. We could not undertake to advise in a case of which we know so little. READER-What success you may have in a suit to get possession because of refusal to pay increase of rent, depends upon whether you went about it in the proper way, facts of which you have omitted. H.

0. stand court would take as to your appointment we cannot say; may grant you the guardianship of your nieces and nephews. If over 14 years they may chose their own guardian. If you are a married woman you could not act as administratrix, but may as guardian. Best to consult an attorney before applying at Probate Court, and do so without delay, as public administrator may hear of your case, step in and take charge.

this Missouri marriage license: Marriage license (good 30 days): Office of Recorder of Deeds, State of Missouri, City of St. Louis, ss: This license authorizes any judge of a court li- of record, justice of the peace, or censed or ordained preacher of the tween of St. Louis, State of gospel to solemnize ze marriage beMissouri, who is over the age of 21 years, and of St. Louis, State of years. Missouri, Witness who is my over hand the as er with the seal of office hereto af.

fixed, at my office in the City of St. Louis, this day of 1918. State of Missouri, City of St. Louis, 9s: Marriage certificate: This is to certify that the undersigned did, at in the State of Missouri, the day of 1918, unite in marriage the above named persons. (Signature.) (A Justice of the Peace will tell you about that increase of board.) WAR TALK.

W. Division. As we nave no safermation bureau, it is impossible to answer queries by mail or telephone shells into Paris was not captured by the allies, so far as we know. War Risk Insurance Bureau, Illinois Washington, outlawed D. in C.

5 (Bill in years.) A. R. postal money order to soldier in France, the same a as if you were sending money in this country. could we get the information and the colored military plates you need, we could not get space for them. ANX.

Few if any American prisoners now In German camps. 162d Inf. 41st Div. Watch news columns. candy can be mailed to the soldier who 1s in France if his request signed by his commandants; not otherwise.

X. Y. you advise me in what manner the American boys were buried who died on the battlefields of France? Were they buried caskets or in a trench without caskets? Did each soldier receive military burial and will all bodies be sent home?" In coffins, in trenches with military honors. It is planned to return all bodies. A.

Theo policy of the War Department to encourage an enlisted man in the army to purchase his discharge. But if there is a special reason to allow such purchase, the price is follows: After 1 year's service, $120; 2 years' service, $100; 3 years', $90; 4, $85; 5. $30: 6, 0550. $60; 8, $55; 9, $40; 10, $35: 11, is derived from Caesar, which was originally a surname of the Julian family at Rome, and which, after being dignified in the person of the dictator, C. Julius Caesar, was assumed by successive Roman emerors, and it finally came to be applied to the heir presumptive of the throne.

The title was perpetuated in the Kaiser of the Holy Roman Empire, a dignity first assumed by Charlemagne. The term has the same meaning as emperor, and is used by both the German Emperor and the Emperor of Austria. JEANNE man enlists in navy he is immediately placed upon the payroll, but an apprentice seaman does not draw all his pay- for any month during the training period. This is given him when he completes his course of instruction; thereafter he draws all the pay due him each month. The pay of an apprentice seaman is of $32.60 a during the period the war and for six months thereafter.

The first raise in the seaman branch is to $35.90. and this advance usually comes before the recruits are sent to sea. The next advance, after assignment to general service. is to the rank of seaman at $38.40. A seaman is eligible for advancement to third-class petty officer at $41 and so on to chief petty of-, ficer at $83 with permanent appointment.

Pay In the artificer class ranges from $36.20 to $83 a month, and for yeomen, musicians, Hospital Corps, and commissary branch from $32.60 to $83 a month. Further allowances are made for special duties. MISCELLANEOUS. the warts on your hands, try touching with glacial acetic acid. Your Washington and eagle "penonly a German spiel mark, used as a counter in card games.

No value. You may reply either to the mother or to Mrs. Blank, and underneath put Miss Blank. (2) As 800n as possible. Yes, it is considered good manners to do so.

yrs. AgO this was published: "The statement of the Provident Association indicates that for every dollar spent in the relief of distress, tne administrative expense is a fraction over 31 while administrative expenses amount to more than 1-3 of the receints from contributors." MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES GAS PIPES blown out for $3. Sidney 115. Victor 3452L. 2605 A S.

Broadway. (8) LIBERTY BONDS Coupon books. partly paid bonds bought: bring us your book, bonds, and get the cash: no red tape: don't delay: highest price paid by anyone. See quotations dally under stocks and bonds. Brown 317-31 Title Guaranty 706 Chestnut st.

(c8) LIBERTY BONDS- you must sell. vou are entitled to full market cash prices: look in the Post-Dispatch want ad columns under heading. Stocks and Bonds. for our dally spot cash prices. Mark C.

Stelnberg 201-222 Boatmen's Bank Broadway and Olive st. (c8) LOFTIS BROS. the Store of "Worthwhile'" Gifts on Credit-Genuine diamond rings from $25 up: diamond la vallieres. $10 up: diamond brooches $7.50 up: diamond cuff links $5 up: diamond scarf pins $8 up: all mountings are solid gold: credit terms. LOFTIS BROS.

2d 308 N. 6th at. (c8) BUY YOUR XMAS CANDY At the Crest Candy Shop, 517 N. Grand. Our own make.

Our candies the best in the city. Farcy boxes and baskets. 50c to $15. Xmas candies and French mixed. 30c per test STORAGE AND MOVING to $3 joad.

Olive bonded. Delmar 3860. Lindell 4889. (6) SOUTH SIDE STORAGE AND MOVING 1903 Sidney st. Fireproof warehouse.

Vic607. Sidney 235. contract. Phone Bomont 2610. Central CRAWFORD'S moving van, $4.50 10.

load, or 2620. (4) ADVANCE Moving 34.50 10d contract: furniture In exchange. Bomont 1829. (c8) BRASCH'S $25,000 bonded warehouse; separate iron rooms, motor service; furniture taken in exchange for moving. BomontCentral 2978.

(8) STOVE REPAIRS REPAIRS for stove." Forshaw. 111 N. 12th Central 8491R. Main 2048. (c8) A.

G. BRAUER SUPPLY CO. Stove repairs. 316-318 N. 34 st.

(ch) CARPET CLEANING- -UPHOLST'G GLOBE Carpet Cleaning renovating 2624 Olive st. Both phones. (c8) CHICAGO Carvet Cleaning carpets ovated like new. 3829 Finney. Lindell 2030: Delinar 2451.

(AC) PROFESSIONAL Solid agate, 15c line, minimum lines; Toilet Articles. 25c; Medical. 25c. Discount 1c per line on more insertions. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CENTRAL LAW BUREAD.

806 Chestnut: Jerel collections: experienced advice free. DANCING DANCING at the Cave Hall, Olive and 29th Christmas afternoon and night and New Year's afternoon and night. (c1) NOW is the time to learn dancing: lessons strictly private: latest music. Lindell 4745. Adams, 3965 West Pine bi.

(c1) LEARN to dance all dances correctly and quickly Arcadia: 25 instructors: private any hour; classes every evening. Olive Phone Lindell 4358. (cal CAVE Dancing Academy. Olive and 29th: lessons every afternoon. except Sundays: private or in class.

Call or phone Bomont (ca DANCING- -NOW open Sundar after. DoOR and every evening except Mondays: lessons every Tuesday and Friday evening: admission (including war tax). gentlemen 40c, ladles 20c: no extra charge for dancInstructions or checkroom privileges: orchestra and latest music: finest ballroom floor and accommodations. Dancing Academy. Olive and H.

anarer ARCADIA DANCE PALACE Dancing tonight: largest and finest dance place in St. Louis: extraordinary music and superb floor. Olive street pear Grand. (c82) DETECTIVES shadowing Phone Central investirating. EX-OFFICER 313 Fullerton Bide.

does (8) 5768. INSTRUCTION months' COLLEGE COURSE- course, for $35. 9 N. 8th. business college (cer THEATRICAL COSTUMES -For rent Clarke, for SANTA Christmas entertainments.

M. J. CLAUS 315 N. 10th. Bell Main 1101.

(c2) costumer, EMPLOYMENT WANTED Solid agute. first three lines each or LEss 20c; additional lines 10c Discount 1c per line on 3 or more insertions. MEN, BOYS BAKER SUPPLY SALESMAN well acquainted with off. compound, trade; to butter, sell baker supplies, flour, eggs, butterine, or what have you to offer? Box W-399. Post-Dispatch.

(7) colored: good, careful references. Bomont 1287. CHAUFFEUR white, married. Box and repair man: 9 rears' experlence. G-129.

Post-Dispatch. (7) CHEF--SIt. by first Post- best city references. Box W-270. Dispatch.

(7) CLERICAL man with broad expertence. travel and college manufacturing training. desires position in office of or electrical house, where prospects are good for advancement. Box W-258. Post-Dispatch.

(7) CLERICAL--Young man. high school educatraveled, intelligent, adaptable. desires position in office of corporation or bank. where future is assured: bookkeeping. purchasing and shipping experience.

Box W. 297. Post -Dispatch. (7) COOK--Sit. by first-class colored.

1318 Linden. Allis. COOK--Sit. by Japanese: first-class cook and butler: private family; city, country. Box W-174.

Post-Dispatch. (1) CREDIT MANAGER- thoroughly reliable: can furnish best of reference: can also complete charge of office. Box W-242. Post- (7) -Sit. 18 years' experience: frat-class on Installing: both A.

c. and or wiring. nob and tube or conduit. Box W-93. Post -Dispatch, (1) GROCERY CLERK- with some experience; in country town.

Box H-100, (7) GROCERY CLERK-Sit. experienced: can furnish references. Call Walter King, Ritz Hotel. St. Louis.

(7) HANDY MAN- work of any kind. Henry Boss. 2620A S. Jefferson av. (7) MAN- elderly: sobriety, Integrity.

Box W-210. Post-Dispatch. (7) MAN- Young. 19 years old, willing work. wants to learn trade.

Box W- 395. Post -Dispatch. (1) honorably discharged soldier desires position. driving Overland or Ford. 2846 Locust.

young: wants clerical position in some promising office. Box W-396, PostDispatch. (7) MAN- with Ford truck wishes job. light hauling. Call Hoffman: Delmar 37111.

(1) MAN- Thoroughly experienced in all kinds of office work, capable taking charge, destres connection with reliable firm; high- references. Box W-299. Post (1) MAN- Young. 21 years of age. wishes posttion: can speak German or English: also can handle men.

Phone Victor 2656L. 1916 Provenchere pl. (7) MAN sober. reliable, steady, wants steady position; 8 years' ence in general store business: hardware business preferred. Box W-275, P.

-D. (7) 20. years old; chauffeur's helper, mechanic's helper, door man, or any other work not too heavy. pay at least $15 per week. Box W-406.

Post-Dis. (6) MEN- Two young men out of employment: will consider work or proposition of any kind: will consider a farming or a business proposition to work on shares or percent: we will furnish the labor if vou have the work. Address C. A. Bender, 2009 Olive st.

(1) OFFICE MANAGER -Experienced. desires position, clerical or office work. Address 7405A Lohmeyer. Maplewood, Mo. (7) SALESMAN- desires posttion traveling in country with concern who can furnish car: can sell anything: references.

Box W-410. Post-Dis. (6) TRAFFIC MAN or in traffic department. with chance of advancement: 15 years' railroad experlence: good reference. Box W-393.

Post-Dispatch. (7) SITUATIONS -WOMEN. GIRLS ELEVATOR GIRL--Experienced. wants work downtown. Call 1402 Pine st GIRL- Sit.

by colored: housecleaning two days Minnie. Bomont 1411W. I.ADY-Stenographic position by competent young lady: neat. accurate. Cabany 3451M.

(7) LAUNDRESS -First-class. colored: Thursdav and Friday. Call Cabanv 1387J. STENOGRAPHER Sit. by young girl.

capable, experlenced. M. 2804 Russell Grand 635 W. TYPIST -Desires copy work to do at home, or clerical and typist position in office. Box W-257.

Post-Dispatch. (7) HELP WANTED Solid agate, 15c line. minimum 10c. Out of -town rate 5c per line extra on Agents. Salesmen, Canvassers.

Solicitors, Trade Schools and Mail Orders. Discount 1c per line on three or more insertions. MEN, BOYS ARTIFICIAL LIMB MAKER--On a 50 per basis, or partnership. Call evenings. at 7:30.

1625 S. Jefferson. (c7) BAKER- -Good first -hand. 2511 N. 14th (7) BARBER- Saturday afternoon: $6: 70 per cent over $8.

2019 N. 14th. BLACKSMITH HELPERS Wagon: gocd wages. Schuster's. 1627 Wash st.

(c7) BLOWPIPE MEN- -Two first steady work: best pay: must be reliable, sobemen and capable mechanics. Memphis Blow Pipe Memphis, Tenn. (2) BOOKKEEPER Young man. by small Washington av. jobber: billing on typewriter; must furnish references and bond: opportunity for right man.

Box W-247. Post-Dispatch. (7) BOOKKEEPER--To To take charge of A small department in A commercial house: must be good in figures and apt to learn a system new to him. Address. giving age, experience and salary pected, Box W-273.

Post-Dispatch. POY In plumbing shop. 1607 Olive st, BOY-16 to 18. In grocery: must know meat cutting. 4201 Easton.

BOY- To learn in finishing room: must be years. Boyd- Welsh Shoe 4007 Cook. (cT) BOY--To work in meat market: one willing to learn trade and drive Ford truck. Box W-286. Post-Dispatch.

BOY--For office work: 17 years good chance for advancement. Apply Wrought Iron Range 5601 Natural Bridge. le7) BOYS- -Pleasant surroundings, short hours, good pay: fine opportunity. Apply foreman pressroom. Post-Dispatch.

(1) BOY- To wait on table and assist in general housework: West End residence: reference required. Apply E. J. Marx. 1300 Washington av.

BUSBOYS 3 experienced: no Sunday work. 509 N. 9th. (c6) BUYER- fur, with road experience, Eastern and Western territory: steady entployment with large New York concern: state qualifications and full particulars in letter: strictly confidential. Box J-222, Post- -Dispatch.

(el) CAKE -Experienced, to act as foreman in near-by large country town. Apply United Baker Supply, 109 S. 11th st. (cT) CLERK- bank: state Age, experience salary expected. Box Post- Dim.

CLERK- Experienced in freight claim work and profit Neuring preferred: state rience and salary expected. Box H-135. Post-Dispatch. (c?) CONCRETE FLOOR FINISHERS- Two first -class: also four 700d concrete borers. Apply 4092 Bingham.

Botts. COOK--Man. experienced, at McKinley Station. High and Lucas (c) COOK--One capable of holding second cook's place. Wohler's Restaurant.

103 N. 6th st. (c7) COOPERS -All kinds stack barrels. J. D.

Hollingshead Thebes, COPYISTS -Two, on Underwood machines; must be rapid. SHAPLEIGH HDW. 4th and Washington. See Mr. Zell.

(c1) CUTTER- -Experienced on milk dresses. ADply at once, 002 Washington. (eG) DINING ROOM AND HOUSEMAN White. once. Lindell 3460.

4286 Washington. DISHWASHER -United Railways Bids. (el) HELP -MEN, BOYS DRAFTSMEN--Machine designers. Apply Liberty machine Systems and typewriter 2310 ERRAND BOYS Good pay. and Stationery 412 N.

6th st. A GATOR at FIREMAN Forest Park Experienced: College, handy corse with work: take Market street car. room. HOUSEMAN- Maryland Experienced. Apply Hotel.

9th and Pine, ence, JANITOR- to fire reference and 225 Boatmen's Bank after boilers at night. Call JANITORS 1 p. ENCED. GOOD COLORED. HOME TWO EXPI DAY REFERENCES AFTERNOON REQUIRED APPLY GOOD OR MONDAY NOON, PRINCIPIA SCHOOL, 6529 KITCHEN MIN Experienced, to cooks.

507 N. 9th st. MAN--Young an.1 middle-aged, to trains. Apply 016 S. 21st.

MAN--Young, neat appearing. to room job pays 502 I'rincess to Studio $5 per Bide. day, MAN--Young. for, clerical work in dustry: high school education: knowledge of mechanical drawing rule: 2 or more years experience in Box work: state experience and salary H-270. Post -Dispatch.

once. 2198 Colles MEATCUTTER Box W-262 Dispatch. MEAT CUTTER- First-class. once. Public Market.

5656 Easton. MEN- Or young then, to run on tr. news agents: long runs. 22 S. 18th ct METAL PATTERN FILERS Good steady work: open shop.

Box Post- -Dispat MOTORMEN B. Inf. is In 5th Div. MRS. V.

D. -363d 91st Div. -We have no record of 32d Inf. Inf. is in 42d Div.

R. C. -Probably not attached to any. -4th Engineers are in 4th Division. E.

308th Field Artillery, 78th Div. A War Department. INTERESTED news columns. that we ever heard of. MRS.

H. news columns for troop movements. J. G. K.

in the 33d Div. Watch news columns. Div. No allied troops are marching to Berlin. GERTRUDE Div.

Watch news columns for troop movements. AL. 89th Div. is with Army of Occupation, but not at Coblenz. ANXIOUS F.

A. is in 87th Div. No record of Bakery Co. B. might mail the letter to the city editor, for examination.

A WORRIED WIFE-(a) 41st DIvision; (b)-See Red Cross, Frisco Bldg. WORRIED MOTHER Cross official was unable to answer your card query. A. 327th SOLDIER'S A. E.

F. Company Infantry, 82d Division. MRS. G. -He is in the 88th Div.

See Red Cross and watch news columns. is in 88th Div. number, of CONSTANT READER: -352d Inf. your brother's regiment? A. Krupp gun that threw LOST AND FOUND LOST KEYS Lost, on ring.

about 11, Friday: reward. Call Forest 3017 or 8074R. KEYS bunch of keys, with T. P. A.

plate. Friday, North St. Louis. Phone Forest 6077. (c) -Lost, on St.

Louis and Marcus, Thursday evening, $7. Return to A. Martin, 2314 Cass: reward. (c) PIN- Lost. Pythian; name Frieda Ulrich on back: reward.

4207W Page. PURSE- -Lost: containing bank book. money. name in back. Grand 2743M: reward.

PURSE -Lost. leather. containing money and East St. Louis street bridge book: reward. Phone Delmar 3370L.

(c) PURSE -Lost; black: on west bound Tage car. containing Government checks, note, reward. Forest 6344M. 1216A Aubert. (c6) PURSE Lost: Thursday: black leather; in Olive or Grand car: containing change and bill.

Olive 3119; Central 4447; reward. (c7) PURSE Lost; black. on northbound Broadway car. Friday morning. around 7 o'clock.

Return same Itaska and receive reward. PURSE- Lost. black leather, containing money, medals, keys, on Natural Bridge or Taylor cars, between 5:30 and 6:30 p. Dec. 19.

Return to 4421 Farlin, or Colfax 980: reward. (c7) RING solitaire, engagement ring. near Grand and Olive on Wednesday: reward. W. K.

Woods, Purina Mills. Main 3857. (c) RING- -Lost. heavy old-fashioned gold ring with garnet setting: arms of Harvard College and an engraved on inside. lieturn to 800 Security reward.

(-6) -Lost. lady's. black handled. Friday. in Woolworth's or Kreske's.

Finder please return to 5333 Wells or phone Forest 4508. (c) 17-jewel Ingerson Trenton; chain. Return to 2603A St. Vincent reward. WATCH -Lost.

Dec. 17, lady's cold monogram watch. coin fob, Union, Olive or Page car downtown district: valued keepsake: reward. Box Y-60. Post-Dispatch.

(c7) WRIST WATCH--Lost: gold, with M. F. N. on back of same: on Park av. car; reward.

Return to 4132 Flad. (c) FOUND DOG- -Found, small Boston bull, with crippled hind legs. Telephone Lindell 536. LADY'S PURSE -Found. Friday evening: describe contents.

Main 1699. (c) PURSE- containing some money and memoranda; owner can have same by describing purse and contents and paying for this ad. Box Y-61. Post-Dispatch. (c6) PERSONAL Personal and Special Notices, 20c line: out-of-town orders 50 per extra.

Adoption, Coming Evento. Bids, Legal and Dividend Notices, 150 a line -solid agate. Minimum 2 lines. Discount 1c per line on three or more insertions. PERSONAL PERSONAL Emily: Have letter from Stewart for you.

Tillie. (cT) PERSONAL Emily: Must see you; Important: mail at general delivery. Victor 1224R or Riverside 1857J. Mollie. (7) SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE- -Notice is hereby riven that I responsible for Any debts contracted by my wife.

Francis C. Werner, on and after this date. WERNER Dec. (6) 20. 1918.

PAUL O. BUSINESS CARDS Solid agate. 15c line. minimum 30c. Discount Ic per line on three more insertions.

WALL PAPER CLEANING, ETC. BUNDLE LOTS of wall DaDer less than factory price. Send for samples. Miller Wall Paper and Paint v06 Franklin. (c15) Experienced street car motormen: on: good wages: must be experienced at once.

MICHELS. 926 Market st. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wed. of making own repairs: good salary. manent position with quick ndvanceme give full information about yourself.

R-234. Post-Dispatch. OFFICE BOY- Liquid Carbon'o 1813 Olive. PATTERN FITTER- And follow stove plate shop: steady Job: give ences. Box W-276.

Post- Dispatch. PIANO POLISHER-First-class: none HOT experienced need apply. 1111 PORTER- in men's furnishing store. -Martin, 1720 Market. PORTER- Colored.

Mavrako's Candy 4949 Delmar. PORTER- For barber shop. at once. De Giverville. Delmar 355.

ton PORTER--And window washer, by large mercantile house: atate. ences and past experience in full: position to right man. Box R-245. PRINTER- For weekly newspaper; nut able to do jobwork, set advertiseme feed cylinder and every urday. Herald.

Mascoutah, Ill. RUBBING BED BANDS- Also hand steady work. Pickel Marble Gramte 1901 N. Broadway. SHOVELERS At once, union wages: advanced every night: long jog.

1730 Washington Jacob Schaefer Co. STABLE HELPER- -References recut steady position for good man. Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Stabla, N. 12th. STENOGRAPHER- -Young man for office work: capable and willing.

mann Heat Power 2300 Morcaa. SUPERINTENDENT OR FOREMANper can factory, outside of St. Louts. want a me.n to take full working char AL growing paper can factory making for coffee, tea and spice trade of the highest class; must thoroughly under cover presses and spiral winders. swering state age and full experience: plies confidential: no references interview.

Box J-221. WASHERMAN- laundry, at once Gamble st. WRINGER MAN Experienced. United Hotel Laundry. 1409 8th WE WANT 2.

YOUNG MEN. 20 YEARS OF AGE. AS SALESMA To men possessing Initiative. taco good judgment and willingness to a future, we offer a permanent position a good salary. Apply MR.

N. J. ALLY ON 937 Boatmen's Bank Bldg, YOUNG MAN- As, stenographer and keeper: must have general office rience: give reference and salary good chance for advancement, Box R- Post-Dispatch. SHOEWORKERS Boyd- Welsh 4407 Cook. CANVASSERS AND SOLICITORS CANVASSERS -Newly patented article great merit: fast seller: tremendous its.

Call 317 Title Guaranty Bldg. Chestnut. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES TRADE SCHOOLS TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Wanted, ladies and men; tuition, wages paid: catalogue free; chair. strictly 611 mol electric massage: hydraulic ket St.

Louis, Me. PARTNERS WANTED PARTNER Business opportunity local concern. a competent mechanic to full charge of an auto repair shop and manufacturing plant. of which $1300 is to well $2000 lished: an investment quired: this is a real opportunity: gate. Box Y-62, Post-Dispatch.

SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN-High-grade; to selt paper, twine, paper boxes, Louis; must be experienced and Box H-101. Post-Dispatch. BALESMAN- CIty And suburbs, world's souvenir: sells on eight: commission dally big income to live wire. Title Guaranty 700 Chestnut. SALESMAN- To sell specialty on commie devoting all time or carry articien side line.

Ready sale: liberal commie pocket sample. Beckman- Dawson Co. M. C. A.

Chicano. 8 SALESMEN first-class business concern. having -Stock salesmen, to sell expand to take care of increasing buchi references required: give name and adon Box W-300. Post-Dispatch. SALESMAN-Resident, for quick side line; men's fine welt shoes: 12 ples.

$4 to $5: Be per cent commissiorts this city and adincent towns. For del write H. K. L. 10 Ionia Rapids.

SALESMEN- -Inexperienced or experience city or traveling: free employment members: send for list of opening full particulars. Address National men's Tr. Dept. 332, Chicago, ROUTE SALESMAN For old estable route: must be capable of operating salary and commission, $35 to $45 par to right party with route salesman ence: bring referendea. Apply Meletie Food 418 Morgan.

HELP WANTED -WOMEN, GIRL BELL. GIRL--Colored, Apply at Ingham Hotel. BOOK be able 10 operate typewriter. Third st. CARETAKER For childre Episcopal Orphans' Home, 1711 8.

CHECK GIRL -Experienced, for club and cafe. West End National Cafe. Olive. CHECKER--For cafeteria: state references and salary wanted. Box PostCOOK- 3524 woman Franklin for restau waitress.

Experienced: white. 5805 Cabany COOK- White: good references quired. 5138 Washtheton. COOK- colored. 808t cooking good wages.

Chamber COOK- at once. for cooking and eral housework. 826 N. Euclid. 3d north.

CO0K-Colored preferred. for housework. No Sunday work. Delmar. DEMONSTRATORS Ladies: positions year around: nationally tised necessity: salary and expenses: references required: traveling work: be unincumbered.

Purina Mills. Gratiot. St. Louis, Mo. DISHWASHER- Girl: colored.

at 1433 Franklin. GIRLS- to sell toy soldiers. Supply 3607 Hebert, GIRL For kitchen arid dining roots: 2022 N. soda fountain. Enderie Drus 6th and Chestnut.

GIRL--Young. for wrapping chocolate, once. Mavra ko's Candy 4940 GIRL Young. to with 4235 Lindell Lindell 1321, GIRL. White elevator.

experience sary. Apply at once. Westmoreland ment. 140 Pershine GIRL For cooking and lower-floer Fort 5479 Clemens. Delmar 2074, GIRL -Experienced, to work in tia ment one who orate typewriter preferred.

Box: Post-.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.