How to Write a Perfect About Me Page With Examples (2024)

An "About Me" page is one of the most important parts of yourportfolio,website, or blog. This page is where prospective employers, potential clients, website users, and other professional and personal connections go to learn about who you are and what you do. It's an ideal resource forpromoting your professional brand.

It can be challenging to write about yourself. However, the good news is if you follow the formula and tips below, you should be able to generate an engaging "About Me" statement without too much of a struggle.

Here’s how to write an "About Me" page you can be proud of.

Key Takeaways

  • You can use an "About Me" page to show prospective employers, clients, and colleagues what you do and what you’ve accomplished.
  • Use images to make your page more personable and engaging.
  • Don’t forget to include your contact information and links to your social media profiles.
  • Be sure to take the time to keep your page updated and current.

What is an 'About Me' Page?

An "About Me" page is a summary (typically two to five paragraphs) on a personal or professional website or a blog describing who you are and what you do.

Why Create an 'About Me' Page

Should you or shouldn't you put the effort into crafting your perfect "About Me" page? Here are a few reasons why you should (and maybe shouldn't) spend the time.


  • It's an ideal way to promote your professional brand and yourself as an authority.

  • Potential clients, employers, and others can go to your "About Me" page to learn more about you.

Why Not?

Getting Started: Step-By-Step Guide

Your ‘About Me’ page should convey:

  • Who you are and what you’re doing
  • How you got there
  • Where you’re looking to go next

Use this space to describe your credentials, expertise, and goals. What’s the best way to start? The following exercises can be helpful in figuring all of that out, and will help you determine what to include based on your target audience.

Spend about five minutes on each question. You can use the example answers to get an idea of what that answer might sound like in its final form, but be sure to use your own words.

1. What are you currently doing (in regard to your career) and how did you get there?

How does your background make you unique?

Madison Blackstone is a director of brand marketing, with experience managing global teams and multimillion-dollar campaigns. Her background in brand strategy, visual design, and account management informs her mindful but competitive approach.

2. In terms of the work you do, what aspects are you most passionate about and why?

Share what you love most about your work.

Madison is fueled by her passion for understanding the nuances of cross-cultural advertising. She considers herself a "forever student," eager to both build on her academic foundations in psychology and sociology, and staysin tune with the latest digital marketing strategies through continued coursework and professional development.

3. What do you consider some of your biggest professional and personal accomplishments?

How did your attributes contribute to those accomplishments? Be as specific as you can.

How did your attributes contribute to those accomplishments? Be as specific as you can.

Madison's hunger for knowledge and determination to turn information into action has contributed to her most recent success at Rockwell Group. There, she led international award-winning campaigns for heavy-hitting brands such as Puma, Gucci, and Rolex.

Meanwhile, she vastly improved the productivity of her department by implementing strategic project management methods and ensuring a work-life balance for her team. Madison believes mindfulness in the workplace is key to success—a tenet she lives out through her interests in yoga, meditation, gardening, and painting.

4. What are you looking for right now?

If you’rejob seeking, considering a careerchange, or looking to take onprojects or gigs, mention it in your statement. Include your email address in the last sentence, so it’s easy to get in touch with you.

Madison is currently working as a freelance marketing director and is always interested in a challenge. Reach out tomadisonblackstone@gmail.comto connect!

Once you’ve completed the exercises above, you’ll have some material to work into your "About Me" page. Ideally, each answer should flow into the next. Again, you want the finished product to convey who you are and what you’re doing, how you got there, and where you’re looking to go next.

'About Me' Page Examples

When you have put the pieces together and your answers are organized into paragraphs, they would read something like this:

Sample 'About Me' Page

Madison Blackstone is a director of brand marketing, with experience managing global teams and multimillion-dollar campaigns. Her background in brand strategy, visual design, and account management informs her mindful but competitive approach. Madison is fueled by her passion for understanding the nuances of cross-cultural advertising. She considers herself a "forever student," eager to both build on her academic foundations in psychology and sociology, and stays in tune with the latest digital marketing strategies through continued coursework.

Madison's hunger for knowledge and determination to turn information into action has contributed to her most recent success at Rockwell Group, where she led international, award-winning campaigns for heavy-hitting brands, such as Puma, Gucci, and Rolex. Meanwhile, she vastly improved the productivity of her team by implementing strategic project management methods and ensuring a work-life balance for her department.

Madison believes mindfulness in the workplace is key to success—a tenet she lives out through her interests in yoga, meditation, gardening, and painting. Madison is currently working as a freelance marketing director and is always interested in a challenge. Reach out tomadisonblackstone@gmail.comto connect!

Example of a Published 'About Me' Page

Here's an example of an "About Me" page with images.

How to Write a Perfect About Me Page With Examples (1)

Tips for Writing a Great ‘About Me’ Page

Decide if you want to use the firstorthird person.Should you use the first or third person, what’s the difference, and why does it matter? First person involves the use of "I"statements as in, “I manageteams ...” whereas the third person (as exemplified above) uses “he/him” or “she/her"asin"Shemanagesteams..." You will find "About Me" statements written both ways.

Most important is that you chooseoneandremainconsistent, rather than alternating between the two:

  • If you’re writing the "About" statement on a business website, it’s generally advised to use the third person("Shesupervises...").
  • If your website is a personal portfolio or blog, it’s best to use the first person ("I have 10 years of experience ...").

Don’t ramble.Most likely, your reader’s attention span isn’t going to be very long. Try to keep your statement to between 250 and 500 words. If your "About Me" statement runs long, try using bolding or bullet points to break up the text.

Include an image. If you’re promoting your expertise, consider adding a photo to your page. Aprofessional headshot, like you use on LinkedIn, will work perfectly.


Website and blog visitors like to connect a name with a face, and it will be more personable if your page isn’t all plain text.

If your website or blog is about a product or service, include a related image.

Stay humble.Although it’s important to include your accomplishments and your experience, do so in a reasonable manner, avoiding outlandish statements. Declarations like, “I’m the best marketing professional there is” or “Any company that brings me on board is lucky to have me” will certainly hurt you more than it will help you get hired.

Use your own voice.Don’t use words pluckedfrom the thesaurus or a business book.


Use your natural voice, aiming to strike a balance between conversational and professional.

You won’t be introducing yourself in the same way you would be to,say, someone you’ve just met in a bar, but you also shouldn’t sound like a politician running for president. Use a tonepitch youshould use for networking. Also, be honest about your interests and goals.

Goforhumorratherthantryingtobefunny.In some "About Me" pages, you’ll see that humor can be effective. However, avoid joketelling,especially if it doesn't come naturally.Don’t feel pressure to sound clever and entertaining. Instead,focus on coming across as approachable, friendly, and engaging.

Be honest.Your "About Me" page should reflect your genuine interests, whether they’re personal or work-related. You never know when someone might use the material in your statement to strike up a conversation. For example, if you’re not really into yoga, don’t write you’re into yoga, or if you hate the account management aspect of your job, don’t write that you’re passionate about client experience.

Proofread, print, and read aloud.Typos make you look careless and reduce the professionalism of your page. Carefullyproofread your statementwhen it’s complete and ask a friend to do the same. Then, print it out and read it aloud. Not only will this help you catch typos or grammatical mistakes, butit is alsothe best way to ensure the statement reads naturally and sounds like you.


If anything comes across asawkward, funny, or simply doesn’t seem like something you would say, rework it until it sounds more likeyou.

Include links when possible and relevant.Make sure your email address is a link. If you use the word "experience," you can link that to yourLinkedIn profile. If you mention any specific projects you’ve worked on, add links when you can, whether that’s a link to your portfolio, a positive news article, or even a blog post on your own site that discusses the experience.

Update Your Page Regularly

Remember that your ‘"About Me" page is a living document. Whenever inspiration strikes, you can (and should) come back and update the page to ensure it accurately reflects where you’re at in work and in life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How else can I promote the information on my ‘About Me’ page?

Once you’ve created your "About Me" page, you can use the information you’ve compiled in your LinkedIn bio and on other websites where you have a professional presence. When you share the URL of your personal website with prospective employers and professional connections, they’ll be able to learn more about you and what you have to offer.

Do job seekers need a personal website?

A personal website can help job seekers promote their credentials and portfolio, share information about their skills and attributes, and market their candidacy. It can be an excellent resource to use to provide additional information to prospective employers, but it’s not a requirement. Unless you have the time and resources to create a compelling page, it’s better not to create one.

How to Write a Perfect About Me Page With Examples (2024)


How to Write a Perfect About Me Page With Examples? ›

I am a good timekeeper, always willing to learn new skills. I am friendly, helpful and polite, have a good sense of humour. I am able to work independently in busy environments and also within a team setting. I am outgoing and tactful, and able to listen effectively when solving problems.

How do I write a perfect about me page? ›

Gather ideas
  1. Start with the basics. About pages don't have to be cutesy or clever. ...
  2. Share your experience. What are you most proud of? ...
  3. Show your passion. Don't be afraid to get personal, especially in your bio. ...
  4. Link it up. ...
  5. Tell us what to do next. ...
  6. Make it sound like you. ...
  7. Be honest. ...
  8. Keep it short and sweet.

What is an example of best about me? ›

I am a good timekeeper, always willing to learn new skills. I am friendly, helpful and polite, have a good sense of humour. I am able to work independently in busy environments and also within a team setting. I am outgoing and tactful, and able to listen effectively when solving problems.

How do you start an about me paragraph example? ›

About Me page example

Hi, I'm John! I'm from Atlanta, Georgia, and I am the founder of [business name]. I started [business name] because I have a strong passion for writing and wanted to inspire others to start writing, too.

How to write a killer about page? ›

6 steps to writing a killer About Page
  1. How would you introduce yourself in one sentence?
  2. How did you get your mad skills or big break?
  3. Why do you do what you do? ...
  4. How can you help the person reading this?
  5. Why should they trust you with their time or dolla?
  6. What do you want them to do next?

How do I write a good short about me? ›

Now here's what writing a personable professional bio looks like in greater detail:
  1. Introduce yourself. State your name, occupation, and any notable achievements. ...
  2. Describe your motivations. Why do you do what you do? ...
  3. Describe accomplishments. ...
  4. Highlight some goals. ...
  5. Include contact information.
Jun 19, 2024

What is a good about me statement? ›

Explain how your skills, qualifications and experiences can benefit the reader. Consider closing your "about me" statement by explaining how you can use the skills, qualifications and career achievements you mentioned earlier to benefit the reader.

What is an example of summary about myself? ›

Sample answers:

I am a hard-working and driven individual who isn't afraid to face a challenge. I'm passionate about my work and I know how to get the job done. I would describe myself as an open and honest person who doesn't believe in misleading other people and tries to be fair in everything I do.

How do I write something good about me? ›

Here are some things we should always be able to say about ourselves:
  1. I have followed my heart. I have trusted my inner voice to lead me even when there were easier roads. ...
  2. I have looked for the positive. ...
  3. I am responsible. ...
  4. I am grateful. ...
  5. I have forgiven. ...
  6. I have no regrets. ...
  7. I am honest with myself. ...
  8. I am proud of myself.
Feb 27, 2019

How do you write 10 sentences about yourself? ›

An essay on myself in ten lines could include the following:
  1. My name is [Name].
  2. I am currently [age] years old.
  3. I am a student/professional in [field].
  4. My hobbies include [hobbies].
  5. I am originally from [hometown/country].
  6. I am fluent in [languages].
  7. I have a [positive characteristic, e.g. strong work ethic].
Jan 22, 2023

How should I start writing about myself? ›

To write about yourself effectively, start with a brief introduction, highlighting key personal and professional attributes. Share anecdotes or experiences that showcase your skills and character. Be authentic and concise, focusing on qualities relevant to the context, such as work, academic, or personal achievements.

What is a good starting sentence about yourself? ›

Greeting: Hello, my name is (name). I am a (year in school) studying (major) at Western Michigan University. Goal: I am looking for (internship/full-time position) at (employer name). Interest/passion: I am interested in (interests related to the company/industry).

How do I write a creative about me page? ›

Tips for writing an About Me page
  1. Get clear on your values and mission statement. Since the driving force behind your About Me page are the words on the screen, focus on your copy first and the design second. ...
  2. Use storytelling. ...
  3. Work with a copywriter. ...
  4. Don't forget your personal voice.
Feb 8, 2024

How to write a short introduction about yourself? ›

How to prepare a self-introduction
  1. Summarize your professional standing. The first sentence of your self-introduction should include your name, job title or experience. ...
  2. Briefly explain your work experience and key accomplishments. ...
  3. End with a lead-in to the next part of the conversation.
Apr 8, 2024

How do you write a good profile about yourself? ›

How to write a personal bio
  1. Introduce yourself. Start your bio with a brief introduction that describes who you are. ...
  2. Keep it concise. The length of your personal bio can vary depending on the purpose and focus. ...
  3. Choose a point of view. ...
  4. Write strategically. ...
  5. Include your contact information. ...
  6. Edit thoroughly.
May 31, 2024

How do I write the best about myself? ›

You can write about yourself using the following steps:
  1. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction. ...
  2. Mention your relevant professional experience. ...
  3. Include important awards and achievements. ...
  4. Share relevant personal details. ...
  5. End with a professional yet friendly tone.
Jun 30, 2024

How do I write about my page? ›

How to Write a Winning About Page: A Plug-and-Play Guide
  1. Create a narrative around your story. Every business has a story to tell. ...
  2. Emphasize your “aha!” moment. ...
  3. Talk about your audience. ...
  4. Share your brand values. ...
  5. Humanize your brand with visuals. ...
  6. Use readable fonts. ...
  7. Best About Us Page Examples.
Apr 15, 2024

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.