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IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE STAR-TELEGRAM CLASSIFIED PEOPLE ADS DIAL ED 2-7722 FOR RESULTSI OVER 2000D3 EVERY DAY Fort Worth Thursday Dscomber 2 1965 section 3 Page 130 IHouses for Sate 75 1 I Houses for Sale 75 I IHouses for Sato 75 Farms-Lands-Rnds 82 I HomeCamper 83 IHouses for Safe 771 I Houses for Sale 75 Southoast SN As 7511Northoast Siti Area 75NNINortheast Side Area 73NH IHouses for Sale 75 11 Houses for Sate 75 1 South Sid Arott SRI i Southotost Sid Aria 751 WANLY 300 acres ahead 100 mile vest of port Worth on Highway -377 Nice home big Darns ideal or Showplace Carl Browder 218 Garrett San Anielo Texes Mobtro hom*o Parka 1965 MOBILE home show merle! S0L26 per month WM accept Bads CI 6-3625 TE 8-8331 BAYS MFG CO 8Porlellze rePaIrs on Mobile hom*om travel trailers campers 3307 SIPA knao TE 8-3271 MA 4-4526 To sell lean or trade Farms ranches and suburban Piner Pow II ED 6-7225 65-ACRE farm 2 miles north Cieorne adlaining Cleburne Industrial 'ark also Santa Fe Railroad Pos ession Robert Whitten Son rancivIew Texas UN 6-2J54 or IN 6-38811 TO SETTLE ESTATE BAKER'S rw A ite kit 1111 Close in and cute a bug Birgain BY Owner 3312 Gay in Popular Riverside 3-bedroom 2-bath contemporaN Can-Estates $8700 FHA 5300 down nal air carpeted double gareqe AT 40681 AT 40721 fenced Must sell this week win con-In Haltom City sicier lease GPtiOrt 15t) 1-2506 PE 11- The owner has re-papered this at- 2245 tractive frame at 2309 Owens and It OAKHURST For ale or Rent Is priced to sell 26500 total 1325 Smiles-32 dm asbestos shin- cool Cram WA 7-2725 Cr ED 5-4975 A 4-04 price A nice one for a retired tie near schools S11500 S350 down HAT 40291 pC LAND HILLS reaitcorated 2 Li-u 1 AT 443670 loW PaY AT 4-7410 drooms fenced garage excellent Helen Johnson Real Estate inept AT 4-0690 3-112 DEN brick central heat 'enc $75 ed pawnents $7111 6536 Avalon Dr 3-bedroom brick 114 baths builMns BU 14487 carpeted fenced redecorated 1300 DOWN assume loan No credit Doyle Real Estate check 3-bedroom near school payTE 4-6305 TE $4114 eu 14842 trent $011 month BU 10246 ITU' BRICK fenc-ids----NoW A S-sTim LOAN S300 down 7055 Her-FHA or $500 for equity disty 11103 month 3-bedroom brick BU 1-3509 AT 4-9663 ILI bath double garage big lot HALTOM City $100 down 3-bed- 1----e--r es LIU 4735 ell 2-1969 room Pitebath gas built-ins Car- NICE 3-bedroom carpets nice pa- pets fib trees GI loan Buv egiiity or Wigwam Realty AT 44359 new FHA loan 5330 Vicki TE I-1595 $75 3-bedroom brick baths built-Ins carpeted fenced redecorated Doyle Reel Estate TE 4-6305 TE 4-4114 BU 14842 ITU' BRICK tencenes New FHA or $500 for equity BU 1-3509 AT 49663 HALTOM City $100 down 3-bedroom 1W-bath eas built-ins Carpets Wigwam Realty AT 49259 CHOICE WEDGWOOD HOMES S14500 NICE 3-bedroom 2-bash heat air Small down assume 4Vs per cent loan $550 DOWN lovely 3-bedrOott 2- bath fireplace $17950 4 BEDROOMS with pleyroom 312 baths so reasonable liteSTORY new brick floating stairway sunken tub firePlace DUPieX brand new luxurious landscaped STAR AGENCY SE 2-7714 6122 3-bedroom 2-bath air conditioned near schools 217200 10 percent down WE TAKE TRADES Also four 5-bedroom homes CARL 0 MoNTGOMERY AX 2-0770 AX 2-0407 WA 3-4835 WEDGW000-5604 Wheaton Dr By owner 3-2 brick kitchen-den 2-car garage carpets Near schools Buy our equity or new FHA loan available AX 2-0122 2500 square feet $23950 2 bedrooms 3 baths den iectric kitchen living end dining area Terrazzo entry we lake trades AX 2-0770 AX 2-0407 WA 3- VW Carl MontgornerY lost Sid Area 751 REDECORATED 6 room Ilvab le horn Fireplace 100 toil trees on extra large lot 2 blocks to Meadowbrook schools Owner GL1-91e6 MEADOwCREIT New 3-bedroom 2-beth brkk '2-c1r garotte den and living room cook too and oven $12700 VA nothing shown FHA WO down 11100 closing GIL 1-6881 P121 BECKWOOD New 3-bedroom 2-beth brick 2-car garage Large den dining end kitchen Cook too and oven 814000 VA nothing down FHA $450 down 8230 closing GL 1-68111 FHA low down rs ent 3329 Canyon Ridge room new condition near everyt ing ED 2-1143 Myatt JE 5-3490 8317 GREENLEE 2-bedroom asbestos siding on Vs acre cyclone fence 85000 A Horwitz GL 1-1757 8175 DOWN 862 month 3-bedroom redecorated separate garage fenced 11067 Fry Owner AX 3-2831 MEAOOWBROOK Assume 875 month 3 bedrooms corner lot carpets attic tan patio Near sthool 'BEDROOM brick and frame home 144-bath 2-car nice yard trees BLOOMFIELD' REALTY ED 64461 GL1-0610 PE 2-7967 PE 2-6766 JE 3-8523 For Professionai And conscientious service in selling your home appraisal without obligation call MARGIE BURCH J1144737 REALTOR 8102 commie RD 00-acre Cattle ranch 20 mllas south Par Is Texas Farm to Market pad Good fences coastal bermuda nd clover Mostly creek bottom 190 per acre Cash or terms 0 tall PattonvIlle Texas Phone Dirt 214-652-3227 ACRES on Hlghway 281 at Moron Mill Texas Several large pecan rees small house not completed Ind shed Puluxy River runs through 'lace 13500 want $250 down $40 rionth WA 6-2306 Fort Worth Tex SALE by owrilir 1083 acres tts Clear Fork of Brazos Fisher Co Improvements on city voter school alectricitY mall route lart minerals $250 acre 21 per down owner carry note at 5 cent No trade Phone WI 7- l835 Rush Callan Rotan Texas NORTH NUS BRICK 5606 DENT ROAD 2-bedroom Ind den 112-bathe electric kitchen MO- 500 low down payment TE 8-7569 SU 1-2451 FORECLOSURES no down Payment 660 up monthly 2 and 3 bedrooms ED 5-3265 weqk day or Gay Martin TE 4-3066 bOUBLE fireplace 3-2 kitchen end den utility rustic entiquo brick perfect condition Many extras landscaped I Walk to schools near Loop 820 Sell equity or new FHA 4729 Redondo BU 1-1655 10 Mobil HornTrey telieri Authorized Agents Hicks Henslee Sheratto WE 3 AY aloe BELKNAP 41499 USED 11112-foot Romer Cabovytz special 3595 USED '64 trunitner 15-foot travel trailer air-conditioned 3995 NEW '65 Trailblazer 13-toot sent self contained 1895 NEW 65 Funliner foot pickup OPT S795 Funliner Mfd Co 3157 Sablre Southeaat Fort Worth JE We Buy Mobile Homes BAKER MOBILE HOME SALES 4218 Belknap TE 4-1493 EABOVER pickup campers $493 and up Buy drect and save Opelershies available Sloat Mtg Co 1111 Lowden Fort Worth Taxas 1 MOBILE HOME transport local 1 CE 7-3131 FOR FUN and adventure take a ROAD RUNNER campers pickup covers travel trailers 3730 28th St 1960 39x3 CONTEMPOR1 excellent condition 2 bedroom WA 4-0858r 5 JE 6011 SEE TEXAN Traller Mfg Co or the best deal in Texas on Travet trailers Cabovers Sleepers covers 5821 Belknap TE 1-1881 Tradewinds CABOVERS and pickup cavera No Beach Box 7352 TE TRAILER spaces for rent 46x96 Near Fort Worth Arlington Kennsw dale and Mansfield Water and patio furnished WA 44734 WA 74162 Haltom City Beautiful corner lot 3bedroom bath brick with luxurious new carpet and other extras $300 moves YOU in immediately Will trade for truck or "What hew you" BU15292 BU 5742 HIGHLAND Ft fLLS NO CREDIT CHECK LOW DOWN payment 3-1 brick central heat and air built Ins screened Patio stockade fence $110 month Ken Cox PU1-5084 MAYViS ICHARDSON AT 4-03021 $100 DOWN 2bedroom hardwood' floors Landscaped cyclone fence: $68 Month all AX 3-1255 ED 2-2459 NO CREDIT check 'assume loan Forest Hill 3-112 frame $250 down $74 month 4200 Bowlingreen JE 6-3180 ASSUME 3-bedroom central heat allached garage Large lot low balance AX 5-1255 ED 2-2459 GLEN PARK Nice 2 bedroom frame attached garage fence Near schools shoving Poly Freeway Small or no down payment $55 month Parker JE 6-1958 NO DOWN PAYMENT BIG SELECTION of 2 and 3-bedroom homes EASTWOOD STOP-SIX ROLLING HILLS MORNING-SIDE Some with DEN kitchen built-ins OFFICE-4401 BERRY ED 5-1234 JE 6-1433 TE 1-1715 FRANK BLISS AND COMPANY moves you in 2-beciroom carpeting central heat 'fenced patio $OS month WA 64761 ED 2-9183 NO DOW deposit like new 3- bedroom garage fenced' $62 monthly Blankenship nights and Sundays JE 6-5609 SMALL OR NO DOWN PAYMENT 3231 LITTLEJOHN Nice 2-bedroom frame cYclono fence Nice shrubbery hardwood floors completely redecorated total price only $6415 About $50 month Parker JE 6-1958 FHA AREA BROKER No Down Payment Homes Call for key and information ED 5-4325 Phil Trew PE 2-0198 PE 8 8565 Gladys Houston ED 5-4325 BRYAN GREGORY TOWNSEN 013 GRIGGS 2-bedroom frame garage BY owner JE6-0210 $35 MONTH If you can't afford high Payments See this 3 rooms and bath at 1820 Hughes Nice lot cyclone fence carport paved street Total price $2750 no down Payment better now Parker JE 6-1958 EASTWOOD Large 2-bedroom garage fenced no down 152 monthly McGarr Agent Open Sundays JE 6- 4221 k100 Cow RANCH 33 miles Fort 'Drill 357000 14 or Mors down Stafford 224 Victorian Dr AX 34690 I Bedford-Euless-Hurst 7511 OWNER-31124 brick central heat near 111 and Sears S375 down $93 405 Cole Ot 1-6024 NEW 3 BEDROOM brick rock trim entry hail paneled den Gas kitchen dining area Prepared for air 2 'baths 2car $94 month in- cludes taxes and Insurance Will trade AX 51255 ED 2-2459 A LOVELY HALLMARK HOME Only 4 blocks from the Fort Worth freeway system 4 bedrooms 2 baths fireplace In den air conditioned enclosed patio In perfect condition JOHN FRANK A0E11 AK 1-4441 WA 3-3089 WA 36564 WA 3-444 IN HALLMARK 216 Franciscan Dr 1 year old brick 3-bedroom 2-bath den fireplace carpets utility room built-Ins fenced 1930 sq ft living area excellent condition priced at $1675 This price Is 12000 below original cost Vacant 1 Tom Carter Real Estate 1 ED 2-9995 GL 15623 CR 4-8471 Z-ARTER PARK-3-11 lc fenc- ad yard central heat 1375 down 1312 Britton WA 7-5556 -HIGHLAND Hills 1436 Roma Lane 3-bedroom brick $400 down FHA Nothing down on VA Vacant Call JE 5-W7 after 5 Pm or Saturday and Sunday NEW ANTIQUE BRICK with colonial charm 10'x22' paneled den fireplace 3 bedrooms 2 baths central air built-In kitchen only $17 900 Freida Jennings AX 20115 Lallah Wright John Campbell WA 4-2258 AREAL home 721 Powell lust west of Hemphill 3-bedroom frame $4250 $400 down Speer JE 6-1939 LOOK $300 buys my equity Assume my loan 3-2-2 Highland Hills JE 6496 NEED A LARGE YARD? NEAR kept five-room older home In "BETTER THAN NEW" condition! CENTRAL HEAT auality bath fixtures PRETTY WOOL CARPETS drapes LOT 75x150 St Augustine grass DOUBLE GARAGE All for $7950 Owner leaving ci ty WA 37608 WA 4-6044 WA 4-2758 HELEN PERKINS ED 6-5776 NO PAYMENT till February Ir Move In before Christmas 2-3 bedrooms bricks frames Many no down Hurst-Euless All Fort Worth area Have 3 paint for down few $50 down no credit check Mildred McGregor WA 3-0661 Piper Powell ED 6-7125 NEED ROOM for entertaining In-tide child roaming outside? See beautiful 3 bedroom 2-bath brick home 30 Brenton Rd AX 3-1386 ED 6-5534 taxes 3-2 brick no down AX 71325 WA 46150 DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS Oecre beautiful wooded renchetfee tear Whitney VISO PPr acre Small own ED 5-1739 JE 6-1415 Fa ACRES on highwaTrit Ivo crsok facellent location Nice home SS6000 ()MIMI Real Estate110 Palo St Weatherford Tex a hone Lar-2170 3-2-2 BRICK buitt-Int large den laundry central air heat fenced $430 dpwn on $15-000 PHA BU HURST Choice location 3-bedroom brick 13W baths 2-car built-Ins Largo eon carpels low down Payment Wigwam Realty AT 4- 9359 'arms and Ranches A Tate 1117 Forest Park Blvd WA 6-2030 RANCHES large and small BOGGS Realty Ins OD 5-9439 land George )uke CR S-4511 CR 4-9571 night unday 210 West St Arlington commercial Property Would rade for farm Location of Prone- in Arlington CR 7-2108 after 6 IMIrcydes Scooters 811 rn FOR LASE-154 acres close tn 40 ecres grain 60 acres coastal bermode Can be irrigated $1500 a year MA 4-4414 or MA 43459 42 ACRE tract north of Keller near 35w now being completed Only 10 miles from downtown Fort Worth A bargain $500 per acre le COWn no trades Hinton Keller 287- 4777 1965 RED Honda 90 Model like neW' Rolled find pleated seats $250 SU 2- 3145 evenings 1965 MUSTANG 3-wheel motorcyCle' Leo Jarnaoin Pontiac Center ED 5627 TARRANT COUNTY'S LARGEST: AND ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR TRIUMPH AND SUZUKI GREEVES seNELL1 PARILLA MOTORCYCLES PARTS AND SERVICE JOHNY ALLEN PreInventory Discount 2 FINE 3 bedroom homes $25000' bracket Garage at rear HI Wog location In beautiful Overton Perk Must sell Immecliateiy Lee Rogers Builder WA 3-5620 2501 DURINGER Rd 3-bedroom' Pis-bath den brick 2-car garage fenced corner 1500 for quity 1 JE 6-7417 1 WEDGW000-5-Year Equity 3-2 brick den air corner AT 4-9366 Violet Broome TE 1-1623 IDEAL location lovely 3-bedroom 1 I block South Hills School and Shoo-ping Center Air conditioned lots of extras assume loan WA 3-2487 NEW 4-BEDROOM WILL TRADE' 1 Formal dining flagstone entry 13W1 x16) master bedroom with raised' dressing area large utility room fireplace In paneled den covered Patio $22500 AX 2-0232 WOW WHAT A CONVENIENT LOCATION! Neat 3-bedroom home large kitchen with dishwasher built-Ins fenced yard with good sized shade trees patio Westcl*tt school district $375 down Minnie Weinstein WA 3-0571 'Allah Wright John Campbell WA4-2258 2-BEDROOM near Seminary Work for down payment with good credit only $50 month AT 4-9227 nights BU 1-4375 4112 Frazier CHOICE SOUTH HILLS 3201 Westfield lovely 3-bedroom 2- bath brick Newly painted separate dining closets galore pier and beam foundation 2-car fenced Carpets and drapes Owner transferred Excellent buy easy financing Peggy Pruett WA 3-5161 BE PARTICULARI OUTSTANDING QUALITY offered In three-bedroom 2-bath HAND-CUT STONE In Wedgwood! Raised hearth FIREPLACE in luxury den tile entry electric kitchen PLUS extra "study" or office room In middle twenty thousand bracket A 6-5776 AT 4-7147 WA 42758 AX 2-0442 WA 4-6044 WA 3-6408 HELEN PERKINS ED 6-5776 $2001 "Moves You In" 3-BEDROOM 112-bath 2-car air Doyle Fine PE 8-7232 FOR QUICK SALE FHA $15850 WALK TO Bluebonnet McLean schools Beautiful spacious air-conditioned 3-bedroom 2-bath bric Separate dining room log burner luxury carpeting-drapes Selling below FHA appraisal Don't miss this Realtors MLS WA 7-5388 MOTORCYCLE SALEZ 3733 EAST BELKNAP TE 4-2902 220 ACRES with Brazos River frontage good Cultivating land Plenty deer and quail 3 stock tanks pretty building site Located 8 miles west Mineral Wells 112 miles off Highway 180 Price 8185 acre 25 per cent down owner will carry balance 79 acres located 10 miles southwest Springtown fenced wring fed creek Sandy loam soli Vo minerals Price 810000 1 Mile from pavement acres with 2-bedroom frame home good well located on Highway 80 5 miles east Weatherford Price 0500 Bob Lasater L9 4-3751 LY 4-3514 Lasater Land Cattle Co Box 380 Weatherford Texas Ur-ACRE good bleckland farm near Grandview All cultivated 70 cotton allotment Well Improved watered located 8210 acre 012000 cash Good terms Robert Whitten son Grandview TO)(811 UN 6- 3354 North Side Arlie 750 SELL OR TRADE SEE thIS lovely 3-bedroom 212 bath brick and cedar home on tree shaded Martel Street 2600 feet of Hying area plus 2-car garage Model Palle sheltered by large trees Entire 136'000 lot Is beautifully land- scaped Paneled living-dining -00m Is 15x37' with hand hewn ceiling beams The rafters In this home are 456 cedar covered with shake shingles There Is a new 5-ton air conditioner and oodles of closet and bulitin drawer space This MIAMI home was built to last It needs Interior refurbishing Do this to your own taste Buy or trade for my $5500 equity $22000 balance at SA Per cent Consider trade for other property of any kind or late model car or cash offer Parker owner JO 6-1958 34445 Your Christmas Stockings On mantle end yule log In fireplace of this huge paneled den makes you sure of a lovous holiday In this 3-bedroom 2-bath brick Electric kitchen tile entry sPacloue master bedroom Tree covered lot 1613 MIMS PERRY ADAMS HOMES GL 14662 PE 2-5303 LARGE 112-story older horns In the heart of Handle's on Handley Dr rooms glassed In porch PA baths lt acre fenced 12 iarge oak trees Owner leavintzlown GL 1-1787 HERE IT 15111 BEAUTIFUL In every detail! 2-bedroom den 2 baths central air Only $14995 PRED SMITH REAL ESTATE JE 6-2076 MLS J61666 RYANw000 WE INVITE YOUR Inspection 4-2 che n-don this gem has a wealth of tint appointments You will agree It is an excellent buy Owner transferred $18500 FHA THIS IS A BARGAIN 116250 FHA vacant 1600 kitchen-den with fireplace 3-2 central air owner will recarpet call for Information a appointment wooded lot Eastern Hills schools Hazel Marcellus JE 5-8889 Ivy Gummed PE 8-9350 Ray Burch JE 6-3660 MARGIE BURCH CO JE 0737 018 SARGENT Lovely 3 bedrooms $100 down 169 month AX 3-0674 Peggy Pruett WA 3-5161 AK 3-0276 563 MEADOWBROOK Or for sale 15edroom home i block south Eastern Hills High SChool $8250 Owner JE 5-8434 NEW 3-BEDROOM brick Will trade 190 month up GL 1-2131 5324 PURINGTON--3-bedroom brick 121 acre wooded lot cyclone fence 011500 A Horwitz GL 1-1757 NO CREDIT check move In this 2bedroom home 1st 117 payment due in January 11100 Tote GL 1-2131 QRAND AVE home price retluced Frank Clark MA 4-7428 OLD STOCK Have Several homes that builders will sell below cost 3 bedrooms a baths ell-brick Ideal locations DON DAVIS REALTORS BU 2-3236 BU 2-3426 Open Are On841 Edgehl 4-3 sir ild Edgehl 2 contemporary 845 Edgehl 2 split level 844 Edgehl 2 colonial 1 Eli 11636 L) 1-4274 BU 1-5384 ASSUME credit check 2- bedroom garage- $50 month Good condition Lisby JE 6-8387 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT on new 3-bedroom brick near Sell SU 2- M81 or EU 21679- ASSUME LOAN $78 month 724 Cedar 3-bedroom 1-bath double garage fenced yard with trees BU 2- 6735 BU 2-1969 HURST $100 down 3-bedroom lin-bath Built-ins new carpets fence Wigwam Realty AT 4-9359 1301100 Down or rent Euless 1020 Iron (3) $70 month 100-3 trion (3) S70 month Hurst 733 Shady La (3) $75 month Heltorn City 4716 Leverda (3) $75 month WA 6-1643 CI 45-1337 PE 23739 Finer Powell 6-7225 CUSTOM HOMES 19 per foot Build your plans or ours We take trades 1 bu 2-3436 BL1 2-3147 CR 24515 DEN 3-bedroom range 112-bath New carpet like new $200 down Doyle me PE 8-7232 GORGEOUS new 3-bedroom cootemoorery In beautiful Sionegate Trees air fireplace 131-1 10609 BU 13509 1 Huge 3-2-brick panel dem Dishwasher carpet walk-in closets Has everything Only $700 down AT 4-9366 Violet Broome AT 4-7739 FOR SALE by owner 3-bedroom brick 114 bath kitchen-den combi nation large corner lot Payments $104 month EU 3-3572 ASSUME nice 2-bed-room garage small 850 month 1-111bY JE 64387 1100 Credit Clean-Near school 875 month Brick 3-2-built-Ins fence AT 4-9366 Violet Broome BU 2-2913 NEW 3-BEDROOM 2-bath brick air conditioned built-In kitchen 881 month BU 24551 or TE 4-1614 SI00 DOWN $81 month 3-112 hardwood floors fenced trees Conwell UB 2-4251 EU 24427 BU 2-5488 1 BUILDERS MODEL 'Spanish design 3-bedroom spadous kitchen den study formal dining room patio huge wooded lot In restricted area 2300 square feet Dick Chapman BU 2-3236 DON DAVIS REALTOR BU 2-1852 BU 2-3426 COZY FIREPLACE By owner 3-2-2 paneled den carpeted built-ins central heat air white brick on nearly 14 acre with chain fence Patio In convenient Hurst Hills Will FHA $107 monthly 304 Arcadia Hurst AT 4-0905 BEDFORD 3-2 clinker brick redee voted no down or will consider trade 932 Waiter TE 45322 TRADE YOUR BRICK 3 bedroom den 112 bath fenced $ill month '51 TRI-pacer wind damage to front spars needs cover $1395 LY 43438 Weatherford Parker county Airport '60 SnYLANE 880 TTAE zero en: gine MK2-ADF ED 5-9600 AT 44770 FOR 295 Navion 1950 A Dual Omni full panel clean well maintained B113-6231 '65 CESSNA 3101 340 hours TT '65 Skylane 35 hours TT (still In warranty) '65 Skyhawk 150 hours IT lull IFIK package 66 150 commuter 350 hours TT '66 Skyhawk ferry lima only These aircraft are all demonstrators or '66 model trade Ink which must be sold immedialelyi For the best deal you sylli ever get on a new aircraft see us today at Oakgrove Airport FM 1187 East Fort Worth Texas' 817 WA 7-7491 or 817 WA 7-5386 i Gene Head Sales Mgr 213 ACRES Azle Texas-304 Aimed' Dr 312 Ridgecrest 2-bedroom large lots low down small monthly CE 7-3973 FORCED SALE 7-room brick 2 baths carpets electric kitchen fenced yard nut and fruit trees 11 years old Less than $12000 Low takes 3412 25th MA 5-0798 NO DOWN to VETS SMALL DOWN FHA 409 GLOBE Blue condition 3- bedroom $50 Vacant open We trade THELMA HOLLAND JE 4-1083 2103 6 rooms 1007 6 rooms like new Inside end out MA 61923 Landco inc EU 2-29L6 SMALL cozy 2-bedroom cottage Buy like rent as is $45 Month AT 44227 nights BU 1-4375 2 modern homes 100 acres cultIvet Hon deep well stock tank barns hot too road $165 per acre Gallagher WA 6-1727 Better Then New I Rustic brick 3-2 central heat and air big fireplace In huge living dining-den area 10x20 covered patio Grass shrubs and perennials have le months growth Assume present loan monthly payment $106 include everything DORIS CHAMPION REALTOR 3001 SANDA0111 WA 4-5441 JE 6-2672 WA 64841 2628 PIONEER Extra nice ril2 rooms fenced trees near school and shopping $300 down 1165 a month JE 5-0534 Estelle Manny WA 38201 TEO PETERS REALTOR SKYVIEW from hill new 3-2-brick lovely den air range vanities Will trade CR 2-6641 CR 2-9251 4404 4500 QUAILS La 3 bedrooms $250 down NO credit check Gass Realty GL 1-4117 1200 MAGNOLIA-2-story brick 3 bedrooms corner lot Trust Dept Continental National Bank ED 5- 3711 BARGAIN nothing down $411 month real nice 2-bedroom carport Lisby JE 6-8387 3 BEDROOM $56 month nothing down garage fence bus redecorated Lisby JE 6-8387 COO DOWN $aS month 3-bedroom brick carpet bunt-ins Lisby JE 6-1387 OPEN late ASSUME LOAN real nice 3-bedroom smell down $61 month Lisby JE 611387 OPEN late SOUT-HPORT 3-bedroom 112beth carpeting Sprinkler system nice Have FHA's all areas Some no down Others $100 Good credit 40 houses all areas S50 down no credit check pay like rent Call anytime Bobbye Dooley Ci 4-1764 Piner Powell ED 6-7225 NO DOWN 2-bedroom separate den patio attached garage on bus Near school and shopoing THIS 3-bedroom 1-bath 1-car has had excellent care Beautiful yard on bus Near school BLOOMFIELD REALTY BD I-4461 GL 10610 PE 2-7967 PE 2-6766 JE 5-8523 NO CREDIT CHECK Lovely 3-bedroom built-ins patio fenced $9500 5500 down S92 Month LOVELY 2-bedroom and den 2 baths fence $9700 $300 down 0 Gallagher WA 6-1727 I Real Estate to Trade 84 I I Boats Motors 91( 5 LOTS on heavily traveled through-fare lust south of toll road on Handley Dr Trade for clean property JE 6-8359 GL 1-7369 I Mobile HemeCasper 851 Mobilo Ramos Path 11htJ SetterilHom $100 DOWN brick 3-114-2 ins Carpets air fence Wigwam Realty AT 4-9359 OWNER transferred must sell $280 for equity In 3-bedroom home Take up payments of $6169 Including taxes and insurance TE EXCLUSIVE Oakhurst brick 2 bedroom air 35 den swimming pool cabana with full bath 2400' luxury living at great sacrifice due to owner's health GRADY CARTER REAL ESTATE I 8-6821 TE 8-2088 Like New 3-2 Brick' Den Dishwasher new carpet Redwood fence central air Small down $93 month AT 4-9366 Violet Broome AT 4-0262 4605 STANLEY Keller Rd 3-2 brick carpet fenced schools 8600 down $69 month TE 4-6679 IN THE TOP TEN! IT WILL BE a hit with you after seeing this 3-bedroom 2-bath brick new carpets large den bulit-in kitchen only $100 down BRICK WITH 3 bedrooms 2 baths den air double garage walk to school Practically new $100 down California Style MOO DOWN 3-bedroom br IC 2 baths den built-ins carpets air double garage small monthly Payments HIGH ON A HILL OVERLOOKING shopping center 3- bedroom 2-bath brick large paneled den air double garage small down payment AX 22447 WA 1-1592 Shobert Real Estate 1109 MARILYN LANE ATTRACTIVE 3-bedroom brick with extras Assume loan SMALL LOAN ASSUMPTION 6609 Jerre) 1001 Bryan 1012 Bryan 1709 BRITTIAN 3 bedrooms 2 baths NEEDHAM REALTY AT 4430 TE 1-1409 MA 42511 3-BEDROOM frame $200 for my equity and assume loan payments $72 monthly 3633 Eastrldge Cali TE 35141 BUILDER MUST SELL New 3-2-2 modern style brick hump located 7228 Lola Or In exclusive Holiday Hts close to schools and Loop 820 BU 1-3509 AT 4-9663 BONNIE BRAE 3 bedrooms and den fireplace carpets 2 baths central heat attached garage Only $8950 iti Gallagher WA 6-1717 JUST! "$79 Month" 3-bedroom 112-bath built-Ins air Doyle Fine PE 8-7232 FHA Area Broker REPOSSESSED 2 end 3-bedroom homes monthly Payments less than rent Cali for price and infolmation PE 8-8565 Gladys Houston TE 1-1869 titIA 3-0930 Jewel Smith ED 5-4325 Bryan Gregory Townsen oFrice ED 5-432S 40 YEARS SERVING PT WORTH Be Glad Tomorrow That you saw this today Unusual and different floor plan 3 4 bed- rooms 2 baths Quarry le living area with huge fireplace central heat and air Luxury carpets and drapes built-ins Elegance Priced In $17000 bracket AT 4-7410 AT 4-0681 Helen Johnson Realtor NO CREDIT CHECK Pick up 2 patmanta of S5S each assume payments on nice 2-bedroom in Richland Hills call BU 2-3436 4-BEDROOM Diamond Oaks Has everything Only $18500 AT 4-9366 Violet Broome TE 1-1623 In Richland Hills Proper: A Delight to See and delightful to live In Well located contemporary with everything Barbecue fireplace on patio 13xI9 hobby room ample storage ready to be lived in AT 4-7410 Cleo Lightfoot AT 4-0681 Priced to Sell Well planned brick In best location large lot close to schools Those extra touches that make a house a home are all In this one AT 4-0681 AT 4-0291 AT 4-7410 AT 4-8670 Room to Grow In Extra good carpets 2 large bedrooms 2 baths large kitchen-den buy equity and move in AT 4-0681 AT 4-0721 Just Begging to Be Lived In This large 2-bedroom den 2-bath frame Is comPletely redecorated It Only needs you to live there One of the prettiest In Richland Hills 6616 Reeves Call Bill at AT 4-8670 AT 4-0681 Helen Johnson Real Estate lOWNER 3-bedroom brick 112- bath 2-car new FHA 2-bedroom frame TO 4-1522 CENTURY 6 Resorter In to shape runs like new 170 hp Interceptor SI650 PE a-6000 17 RED FISH 75 HP Johnson motor Imperial tilt trailer '63 model $1400 CI 6-1933 17' JAYHAWK fiberolas boat 60 1116 Gale motor electric starter trailer and canopy 8895 Cash or terms AT 47444 25' CABIN cruiser like new shown by appointment TE 8-35151 15' INDIAN boat 12-hP motor with controls with tilt trailer 1225 JE 4331 ILake Resort Prop 75K1' LAKE COMO 5117 end 5121 Libbey The Trentman Co ED 2-170 FOR LEASE Charm-6-w 'Cagle Mountain home unfurnished 3-2 choice waterfront 8135 PE 8-4073 CE 6-7168 I Arlington Property 75L I down or rpnt 1635 Connelly Ter (3) $75 month 1112 Mitchell (3) $75 month 1202 Belvedero (3) $80 month WA 4-6796 JE 46931 WA 7-7619 Piner Powell ED 67225 NEW SPANISH brido courtyard den study lovely area no city tams Mrs Bowles JE 6-7714 1313 NAVAHO New 4--bed-room 2- bath brick 2-car garage air-condlHoned cook top and oven $16175 FHA 1575 down GI no down 6300 closing Gt 1-1725 SOUTHEAST Arlington redecorated 3-bedroom brick 1-car garage car Peted living room den fenced trees shrubs Move In this lovely cottage s350 $80 month FHA Immediate occupancy Miller Real Estate Cia 4022 after 630 pm WA 1-1982 I Real Estate Wntd 75M I WILL PAY all cash ter homes Mr Newman El) 6-0831 JE 46183 We Buy Listings Realty WA 6-1453 JORDAN Co (Johnnie) We buy seil trade or rent Northeast area preferred Al 4-0824 WILL PAY CASH for or older hone 1 Parker JE a-195a HAVE BUYERS for homes business property Frank Clark MA 4-7428 Too cash for 81 WWI or old homee Or Will Het Box 1230 Lee Kittredge ED 6-2602 7 days ATTENTION OWNERS We buy sell trade and manage resident and commercial property throughout city ED 51234 FRANK BLISS co PAY UP TO $1500 For GI-EHA equities- Must be 7 years or older Cash todaY Robert Rondo' WA 6-0115 buy OR list older homes any good location Evans AT 4-0106 HAVE buyers Handley East Southeast Gass Realty GL 1-4117 Listings Needed Commercial end Industrial RAY WYATT REALTOR Off PE 2-5281 Res ED 6-1871 Vacant Lots 71)1 WILL fracas large lot in Watauga for equity on house in northeast area BU 11-111e OFF BERRY 501150 $550 3212 6th Ave MA 4-1870 2 LOTS-4225-35 6th Ave Cor- rier Rosemont facing park PE 2- 2574 1 LOT FOR SALE 60x122 South Seminary Addition $500 MA 4-1924 BEAUTIFUL homesites overlooking the unique community of Roanoke Texas By owner Call BU 1-9952 Fort Worth or WO 3-2336 Roanoke FINE taxes Restricted: Brooks Moreland Addn CI 4-1330 O'Dell Moore PE 7-6303 MORE circulation MORE readers make STAR-TELEGRAM People Ads produce BEST results To place ads dial the EL) -z- I Sub Acreage Imp 771 I ACRE 3-bedroom brick 2 baths 2 garages patio bargain S11500 Lovely 3-bedroom den brick 2 baths carpet drapes will trade Gallagher WA 6-1727 2 ACRES Beautiful 7 rooms brick 112 baths carpeted utility room double garage barn fenced $17500 ACRES LARGE OAKS Rendon 3 bedrooms den brick fireplace barns sheds outbuildings 3 wells Fenced corner Gallagher WA 6-1127 FOR SALE By Owner 110 acres North Richland Hills Large air-conditioned home Good general Purpose barn Lots of large trees end small creek This is choice Property that is getting more val uable each day A realistic cash Price is asked Cell evenings EL) 1- 0153 Ile ACRES 2-bedroom frame Detached garage 67500 au 2-1361 Bob Holder BU 3-3629 NEW 2-bedroom homejentral heat 5 acres good land ractor and caulprnent Tomato Sh irrioation aurerutkegstRgtsigiet liety41050? Pinto St Weatherlor liteces 170 16 ACRES modern concrete cellar fruit trees cows chickens Ford I tractor equipment $20000 V2 down Azle 257-4775 BEST ACRES 15 MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN New beautiful 3 bedroom bricks dens all built-ins central air up to 1850 square feet Wide lots 1 block south Garden Acres Store 1 block west $14500 to $16900 Gallagher WA 6-1727 2512 ACRES 3-bedroom 1 bath 1 large barn 2 small barns Creek and trees South of Burleson AX 5-1211 AX 5-1867 CR 2-6284 A Newman Agency 5-BEDROOM brick 3-bath carpeted 2800 square feet all electric 212 acres west of Fort Worth 821400 AX 2-4803 SubAcreage Unimp 78 92 ACRES Joining Joshua on Northeast a beau Wul developing site WA 3-6686 Sibley AX 3-1865 BOB ISHAM REALTOR WA 6-0219 I Lots Hwy 157 Euless Terms also 2 commercial buildings with I 6 acres Highway 157 Euless Western Homes Co 151) 3-1248 WA 3-1774 CE 7-9461 10 ACRES Weatherford near new Insterstate 20 84000 fenced stock pond Mc0UERRY REALTY SE 53334 Mesa Grande Ranchettes Buy 1 to 20 acres nestled among the live oak trees paved roads and utilities available 13 Nies west of downtown Fort Worth Easy terms Faye Branson Cl 51151 Clifton Hell Real Estate AREA 3 acre tract 14000 5 acre tract $5000 26 acres skin $850 acre WA 4-6521 WA 6-2619 WA 3-7583 TOWN COUNTRY REALTORS 199 ACRES low price for quick deal Only 15 minutes downtown Western Homes Co WA 31774 CE 7-9461 nights FOR HOUSING oevELopm1Td26 ACRES in city paved curbed guttered all utilities New br lc home development across street Meadowbrook section Priced to sell JE 6-1280 REDUCED in price 30 acres of lend near Bowie Texas 212 miles off Fort I Worth highway Excellent building site all mineral rights Included WO 5-3551 Stephenville Tex I 13 MILES from court house beau Mu! 5-acre tract 325' hot top road front $3950 $395 down $30 month McLennan Co CE 7-9727 Nights ll Dean Newha ca rt --2239S1 Wm McAllen Tom Smith CE 7-9593 MORE circulation MORE readers make STARTELEGRAM People Ads produce BEST results To place ride dial the People Ad Phone 1 ED 2-7722 Business Property 80 I COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS Hemphill St Berry St Lancaster St Gallagher WA 6-1727 4901 ROSEDALE 354 acres gentle store almost 200 feet on Rosedale back to the rail- road First 200 feet from Rosedale Commercial 600 feet plus Industrial Dick Coffee JE 5-5746 TAYLOR-MCBRAYER it MANLY 3510 Lancaster JE 6-2E141 BUILDING WITH 5 air conditioned office Plus storge area One 0840 attached warehouse one 20840 detached warehouse lot 75x276 Will take some trade TE 4-1997 TO 11- '9325 IMPERIAL Manufactured by Ra vs Campers special on pickup covers end Campers' To be sold this week 3301 Belknap TE 8-3271 MA 4-4526 Blume Invites his friends to: MOBILE HOME XMAS SALE New 6002 2-bedroom New 60502' 3-bedroom 112 bath New 55TIV combination 2 or 3 bedrooms 2 new 2-bedroom slightly freight damaged used mobile homes All merchandise must be sold by 15th of December We'll trade for any thing of value 7 years bank financing Cash buyers make offer PE 5715 PAPOOSE 5824 WESSEX Three bedroom 2-bath brick full kitchen Fireplace etc $650 down JE 4-3379 Move In Before Xmas 1111500 to $24000 In Wedgwood and South Hills Or let us custom build your home Choice locations available Trades welcomed CARL MONTGOMERY AX 2-0770 AX 2-0407 WA3-4835 CUSTOM HOMES (veiny built by Sabine Valley Smith TE 1-1205 owner 3-bedroom 2-bath over 2000 square feet elec irk kitchen central air fenced yard AX 2-2171 some real say-In-011n '65 model boats and Evinrude motors A few inboard-outboard models Richland H30 ills Marina 6601 Hwy 183 AT 4- 1 CLOSEOUT on all '65 Mercury motors and HydraSwift Starcratt and Glass Magic boats Belknap Marine Sales 2870 BelknaP THIS IS THE ONE YOU'VE WAITED PORI Rod brick with FROSTY WHIT trim overlooking GOLF COU RE El Three Wrooms 2 baths Paneled den fireplace! Centrel heat and air of course lovely yard huge Patio GORGEOUS VIEW All the only SIII950 ED 6-S776 Nancy Fletcher OL 172S9 Helen Perkins ED 6-5776 1 Aato Service Parts 93 I Southwest Side Area 751 WEDGWOOD BY owmr Trans tarred 3-2 brick den breakfast dining bulit-ins central air breezeway patio fenced $650 down S93 month FHA or assume present loan 5005 Trail Lake Dr AX 2-0679 PHA AREA BROKER Call Us first for Information on 2 and 3bedroom homes No down aymint HORTON REAL ESTATE WA 7-8584 PE 1-1154 WA 77036 YouTH flat brick 32 den 8600 down below FHA wA 3-0918 WEDGWOOD 4-bedroom 2-bath drapes fenced near schools Shown anytime 5621 Wimbleton Way AX 2- TANGLEWOOD 3-3-den Playroont study fenced Schools WA 3-5100 BY OWNER ctntemporary Westcliff home 3-2-2 200' beautiful rear view Lire oak ond fruit trees galore low own quick potsession WA 6-0665 Mrs Milam ED 2-2327 DAILEY agent for FHAVA reconditioned resales More 80 to 8100 down AX 3-3121 CE 7-4234 $45 LOAN Nice 2bedroom fireplace excellent area 875 month McgOWAN REAL ESTATE WA 3-0231 WA 40164 3-2 DEN fireplace electric kitchen sir garage In rear t4eibenstein AX 2-0808 SOME know a reel bargain only those who do and need large 5-bedroom home need call Widow must sell Good Investment $600 clown WA 3-7583 WA 4-6521 WA 3-0327 TOWN COUNTRY WA 624lf NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 1 LEFT 3-bedroom 2beth brick fireplaces all built-ins air patio cover fence double garage BY builder CR 5-3293 or JE $4334 MO DOWN LARGE air conditioned brick bedrooms den electric kitchen 2 baths new carnets doubli garage fenced beautiful woode lot S110 month CUB BEAR REALTOR EU 2-3546 BU 136' THE RELIABLE Camper Covers 8' and 10 cabovers standard and self-contained BURKHART TRAILER MFG CO woo Riverside Ft Worth Tax JE 4-1745 FACTORY OUTLET Buy direct save high commissions expensive freight high overhead Take furniture or anything of value as down payment 2-bedroom 50)00 S67 month Town Country Mobile Homes Office 3328 Belknap TE 1-1771 No 2-5511 Belknap TB 1-1072 LET US fix your car for Christmatt Sale prices on fabrics custom seat covers mats CARPETS and TRUCK seats Some Installed while you wan AL'S SEAT COVERS GLASS 3105 6th S38911 FACTORY original front floor car: pet 1959 and 1960 Chevrolet DM' List $2495 close out 8977 seat Covers 1798 East Lancaster TRANSMISSIONS Standard only' 815 UM 1800 hLW 28th MA 4-0721 TRANSMISSIONS STANDARD )49 mrough 'SS models Fora Chevrolet Plymouth $25 exchange instatleer free Free tow-In 30-day guarantee Coffey's Transmission ExChanfle' Lortey's transmission a es' CUSTOM BUILT 2-bedroom cottage nestled among stately native Oaks near Mon nie's East RMS FHA ED 2-7104 Dorothy Moser JE 44371 OLD SHOE COMFORT Can Bo Yours In this pretty roomy 2-bedroom den 2-bath brick and Austin stone near Nolan High and Toll Road Quiet tree shaded street Assume loan and move right in or new FHA available ED101 Dgrothy Moser JE 64371 FANTASY HOMES 3-bedroom 7-bath bricks fireplace air builtins carpets $12000 up will build your plan or ours Simpson Builder AL 2-S954 Southeast Side Area 7511 4337 QUAILS LANE nice 3-bedroom brick trim large kitchen lots of cabinets carpetino serape fenced $100 moves you In $71 per month CR 2-5122 A 4-0891 NO CREDIT check move In this fine 2-bedroom frame 1st $45 payment In January GL 1-2131 4-ROOM house A-1 condition WS Glade 21f Twin Oaks Drive 3412 Terrace Trail The Trentmen Co ED 31757 3100 DOWN like new 2709 Berry Fenced 335 month will trade AX 3-1255 ED 2-2459 Under FFIA Evaluation 3-BEDROOM frame redone 3100 down $62 month TE 42201 TE 4-3091 LOVELY-2-bedroom garage fenced no down $25 deposit first 844 ment due Feb 1964 Blankenship JE 6-5609 BEFORE you buy see Mayfair Follow signs from 183 or 121 69 STONFGATE DR 3-bedroom 2-bath alPcondit toned fenced back yard Double on rage New FHA loan will accept some trade 96 STONFGATE DR 3-bedroom 2-bath air-conditioned Fenced back yard Trees small down assume GI chan Pk per cent interest no credi ock Ford Real Es- tate 8-1459 BRAND new corner lot shade trees 3 bedrooms 2 baths fireplace carpels patio Owner transferred sacrifice down Payment qualified buyer take over new contract BU 3-2096 BU 3-5292 TRADE equity 2bedroom home for mob 2020 Seminary JE 6-7148 ile home PE 2-1064 4' to spec i alist who do nothing se el AIRSTREAM Holiday Rambler TAKE your automatic transmission Shesla others new end used Clots- on ed Sunday 2929 Fort Worth Ave rGereaeln: Dallas FE 1-6484 gimmicks no come Mort St UST sa crifice 1964 Jetliner 82695 ons Just good honest transmission WA 3-8766 111 Lowden EDAu6174572maik Service 3005 CAMPER loading lacks VI 2509 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISIIOR 1 NE 36th St oft Sylvania All cast iron powerglide evrolet transmissions '51 through '62 models 12 ACRE beautiful treller site free $75 exchange Coffey's Transmission water barn fence S30 CR 2-5120 Exchinge JE 6-1148 JE 6-3541 -i Northwst Side Area 750 BY OWNER Custom built large kitchen-den living room dining room 2 baths 2 bedrooms utility room central air and heat Covered patio Landscaped yard WA 3- 5522 MA 4-7429 RIVER dandy! 2-bed- room carport $95 move In $72 month No closing Owner PE 7-6080 LAST opportunity for exceptional buy on 3-bedroom clinker brick MA 5-0959 BY loan cute 2- bedroom 1-bath redwood home in River Oaks 313 Cahill Oval paneled living room with fireplace enclosed patio with redwood furniture electric stove refrigerator drapes carpets 2 window air conditioners central heat beautiful fenced yard with many trees lawn mower edger end all yard equipment 210200 $8600 loan balance payments 276 PE 2-3588 PE a-soo 4 bedrooms $18500 2-bath den fireplace VA no down FHA small down Ci Fore Realty CI 6-1687 2616 NW 23RD Nice 2-bedroom frame carport chain link fence hardwood floors completely redeco rated Nice neighborhood near Carswell and GD Small or no down payment about 850 per month Parker JE 6-1958 WHITE SETTLEMENT near school bedroom 1-bath 2-car see this tfie Teague PE 1-1540 FOR A THRIFtY FAMILY 3-bedroom brick carPort $7950 2250 down FHA payments everythino $57 Wooded lot 100x200 CLYDE ROCHELLE CE 74391 RIVER OAKS! 0-bedroom 2-car Corner lot like new $72 month Doyle Fine RE 8-7232 MORE circulation MORE readers make STAR-TELEGRAM People Ada Produce BEST results To Pace eds dial the People Ad phone TIGHTWADS HE R77'S your chancel Paint this 3-bedroom 2-bath brick for down payment Nice neighborhood and fenced yard with trees (42) WINTERS-EVANS INC Realtors DU 3-3341 AT 4-951T BU 2-3932 By Eugene Shefferr: CROSSWORD NI OP OS $100 DOWN 3-2-2 air carpet dish washer nice lawn Cnnweli PealtY 131) 2-4231 AU 2-3431 TE 4-6878 South Sid Aroa 75C 3-Room frame garage corner $37so Bargain duplex 3 rooms each side good location $5000 Nice older 10-rooms 2-story 2 baths garage only $7500 7iAahlar WA 741214 Gallagher WA 6-1727 NO deposit like new 3 bedroom garage fenced 658 month ly McGarr Agent Open Sundays JE 6-4721 RYAN ADDN 3-bedroom 2-bath 2 lots on corner equity and assume loan 2845 6th Ave WA 6-3264 2-BEDROOM frame central heat-air corner lot Take up bayrnents WA 3-4054 5300 Odell Dr BuRLEsoN $100 down Story and 42 3-bedroom 2 baths den built-1ns 1800 square feet living area Close to school AX 5-1211 AX 5-1867 CR 2-6284 A Newman Agency Polk SALE 3 bedroom 2 bath SA00 down assume payments 5625 Oak Grove Rd WA 4-9912 1114 HAMMOND 3 Bedroom den Ws bath will trade McGOWAN REAL ESTATE WA 30231 WA 4-0164 2-bedroom fenced nothing down first payment due Feb 1966 Blankenship JE 6-5609 FAIRFAX 2 bedrooms 855 Month McGOWAN REAL ESTATE WA 3-0231 WA 4-0164 I DupixsAptsiale 75LI 1012 Wesleyan 3-bedortf 2-story across from Texas esleyan College Will trade for equity or car No credit check BU 3-5292 BU 3-5742 Kay Brown NO PAYMENTS 'III JANUAIRTS-t Eastwood AdditIon Small Down 3-BEDROOM attached garage central heat fenced yard redecorated $67 month 2-BEDROOM on corner real nice Only $55 month 2-BEDROOM and den redecorated US month McGOWAN REAL ESTATE WA 3-0231 WA 4-0164 ROLLING HILLS-3-bedroom garage fence low down Also have FHA repossessions most areas 3- bedroom SI00 down 2 bedrooms no down Have several $504100 clown no closing Doris Smith JE 5-3566 Pinar Powell ED 6-7225 PAINT FOR DOWN PAYMENT 3-BEDROOM living room 2-bath air conditioned nice carpets double garage and double carport fenced well landscaped 895 month 5221 Nolan $4000 EQUITY CHEAP NICE 3-BEDROOM paneled den hardwood floors carpets fenced well landscaped $63 month Fitzhugh Open Sunday CUE BEAR REALTY BU 2-3546 BU 2-3361 SOUTH SIDE 10-unit ant house furnished con pletely redecorated Virginia Lee WA 3-059 HADW IC REALTOR First Offering 4 Bedrooms 212 Baths 1 New Wedgwood all built-Ins carpet' Mg tile entry Paneled den patio' on corner 11-00S3 RE 7-5842 "LIZ" JENSEN PE 7-5655 Come By 3:30 to 530 Open House In Mistletoe Hts 3-bedroom 2-bath with 1700 square' feet West ot Forest Park Blvd Priced to sell today WM RIGO Co ED 2-2307 WA 7-2851 SEMI-CONTEMPORARY Ivory brick In a perfectionally land-soaped setting 3 bedrooms den with fireplace 2 tile baths gorgeous screened-In oudoor living area central heat end air Near Wedgwood shopping center $24500 PETRIE CO Rea 3506 Blue Bonnet Circle WA 4-2201 "BUILDER" will trade FOR SMALLER HOUSE ON THIS lovely new 112-story Colonial In heart of Wedgwood 4 bedrooms 2 baths den fireplace sepa- day rate utility Caloric kitchen Call to Realtors MIS WA 7-43811 ED 2-7722 3050 Rogers No better location available for income property Tripies with 2 furnished apartments Across the street from TCU Only $13900 Helen Painter Rea 'for WA 3-7321 Nationwide Real Estate Ser vice Itt Northeast Side Arita 75NN 111111111( IMF AEU 1111111111FAINIVAMINE 11111111111111111111VAIIMMI VArA111111111r411 MIME Millillarall11111VArAr FIEF iummuommui 0 alrimmor wumlimummrAlanno vAr zamilmvidgionso ona 40 moraimarAri immuniviamounani mow aminuinum manarAmminsinnul AIR-2-bedroom carpeted 3 blocks Carter High TE 4-0967 OWNER transferred lovely 3 bedrooms 2-bath home Spacious den beautiful grounds Bargain COPE REAL ESTATE TE 8-0144 MESSER BUILT MUCK 3 Bedrooms 134 tile baths bunting vear-round conditioning 2-car garage fenced i ayments $96 Will trade VA an FHA FRANCES CAP PS TE 8-7325 $IN DOWN PAYMENT LIKE NEW three-bedroom 2-bath bricks Haltom City Richland Hills 'Hurst ED Hills pe 8-5692 TE 11715 FRANK BLISS AND COMPANY ASSUME LOAN $76 month 4520 Jane Ann 2-bedroom 1-bath den 1 car garage Electric built-ins BO 2-6735 BU 2-1969 $100 IN 4140 McKIBBEN 2-bedroom frame large fenced yard Bargain $5750 155 month Jackie McKibben TE 8-8568 8100 DOWN Richland Hills Like new 3-bedroom brick lovely yard $92 per month NORTH RICHLAND HILLS $100 down 3-2 brick built-ins car Pets air A beauty at $95 per month HORTON REAL ESTATE AT 4-9257 WA 7-7034 WA 7-5849 $62 Month ALL BRICK BEDROOMS 112 BATHS Browning Hts North Joe Ward DUI-410e DU 10120 RIVERSIDE frame duplex 4 rooms per side hardwood floors well fun naces closets $8500 $IOCI for clog Ins $68 month Dunkin 8 Dunkin Realty $-8461 9 ROOMS 3 private apts near everything 86000 total Della Fos Real Estate 1E5-3240 DUPLEX like newt COO down Set month Riverside Good ocation Pearce PE1-6080 JE60441 ARL equity In 4-unit rented apt house Income about S265 Would accept Black Anew cows In trade BU 1-0697 pm40A011 etteM0m RIVERSIDE duptax like new $10 down $69 month Christian Ti 8-0502 TO 12229 ARL NTS DUPLEX EXCELLENT location only 12 bloc) from bus and shopping center Priced et $8500 with an Income a better then $200 month PERRY CALDWELL AGENCY PE 2-4419 VERTICAL 10 competent 1 breach 1111sten 2 be mistaken 16 electrified particle Gemde 20 winglike 4 Spanish 21 elevate city 22 one time 5 enclosure 23 inorsela 6 collection 24 dis7 ravaged courage 8 duller 26 scarcities 9 sacred 27 daybreak A Canal 31 singer: 29 lairs a A cgo Perry NI GAR gl 4001-4003 Aye home and Income lSee this erg 6-room 2-bath brick duplex Fully remodeled also 2-car garage plus storage and small coracle apartment These 3 apartments will rent for 8150 In this excellent rental location Corner lot 75x175 includes fenced fruit orchard Total Price for this desirable property Is only $5500 Some terms or make cash offer Parker JE 6-19513 1311PLEX 4 rooms each side Poly so so down PE 8-9762 Repair for Down Payment YoU can be Milne here by Christmas 4717 Mickey 3-2 den built-ins 7212 Br IleY 3-1 large living room AT 4-0681 AT 4-7410 AT 4-0221 AT 4-8670 Helen Johnson Real Estate PHA AREA BROKER Call us first for information on 2 and 3-bedroom homes No down payment HORTON REAL ESTATE AT 4-9257 WA 77036 WA 7-3849 New Offerings by Helen Johnson: Reedy for Four Bedrooms? Get large living room dining area and huge kitchen-den as well This home was lust meant for thildren It hat a $1000 playhouse In the back yardi Come See II A 4-0681 AT 4-0721 Comfortable Inside and out Wonderfully located on corner lot marvelous back yard 2 sets of glass doors open to well planned patiol 1 Sunken deft has woodburning tire-Place Marvelous for entertaining all ages AT 4-8670 Cell Joan Lusk AT 4-0681 See This One and You'll Buy It 3-bedroom -bath brlck kitchen-den Attractive floor plan gOod 'ocalion AT 4-0681 AT 4-8670 AT 4-0721 AT 4-7410 AT 4-0291 Helen Johnson Real Estate IT'S ALL or lease 3-1-1 1500' bargain BU 1-5248 SMALL DOWN $65 month assume loan no credit check Specious frame 2 very large bedrooms Ilyino room-dining area Fenced garage Near shopping and schools BU 1-3450 Alma HIPPS JE 4-2738 FOR 01 ONLY NO DOWN PAYMENT WILL PAY $100 MOVING EXPENSES This lovely 3-bedroom 2 tile bath clinker brick needs an owner reel bad It's on a 100400t corner tot In beautiful Richland Park completely redecorated inside end out Orig 'nails sold for $13500 POW only 112- 000 Gleaming hardwood floors Central heat ducted for air-conditioning 1419 feet of living Space PIUS large upstairs storage room About 889 per month Come a-runnin' Owner JE 4-1958 JE 5-5445 MUST 5ELL-3-2 brick airi new Interior close to school ShOPPInfle LOOP 820 AT 4-7079 EU 2-1215 4944 MADELLA 3 and den 2-2 fireplace $100 down Dailey AX 3-3121 $72 MOT new 3-bedroom brick den 2 baths 2-car will trade AX 5-1255 ED 2-2459 $200 DOWN $304 MANSEL LANE 3-bedroom brick double garage a bargain no red tape assume loan Call owner PE 8-1080 UNDER -CONSTRUCTION 3-bed: room brick entry hail prepared for air Oven and range 2 baths Patio den utility 2-car garage OS month Includes taxes and insuronce Will trade AX 5-1255 ED 2- 2459 SMALL OR NO DOWN PAYMENT Highland HIlis 5328 Hensley Dr lovely 3 bedroom brick gleaming hardwood floors tile bath cyclone fence Convenient to Loop 820 and Freeway 81 Only $10700 about 185 Month consider trade Parker JE 6-1958 3533 neighbor-bocci 2 bedrooms den fenced 2-car garage 4250 down 663 a month a 5-0534 Estelle Manny WA 3-8208 TED PETERS REALTOR BURLESON Owner sacrifice 3-bedroom 112 bath built Ins close to school fenced yard Low down payment assume S78411 monthly payments AX 5-1211 AX 3-1867 CR 2-6284 A Newman Agency Hallmark Owner Trannierred lovely 3-2 den fireplace $600 down FHA AX 3-0674 AX 3-0276 Peggy Pruett WA 3-5161 MORN INGSIDE Like new 2-bedroom garage fenced $53 monthly No down $25 deposit McGarr Agent JE 6-4721 $50 Moves You in 5191 Erath St Lovely 2-bedroom frame 1 bath 1 carport Loan now established monthly payments $62 immediate possession Young WA lore CR 2-5122 Al' 4-0891 No DOWN PAYMENT Neat 2-bedroom cottage giant size den near Seminary South Per month MOO DOWN PAYMENT Lovely 3 bedrooms extra large den corner lot $68 per month HORTON REAL ESTATE WA 7-8584 PE 1-1154 WA 7-7036 WA 341" NO DOWN-0I SMALL DOWN PHA 4101 COLE Near Seminary South nice 3-bedroom 152 month Will sacrifice eolith en existing Vs per cent loan 16-year balance for $750 cash we trade THELMA HOLLAND JE 4-1083 2-BEDROOM frame low down pay merit vacant: Near school- Howard Salt AT 4-8079 yesterday's puzzle c'dare Puzzle IWO 0 3 open de ly Low low taxes 12 minutes from downtown An addition of 3-bedroom 2-bath double garage brick homes Blint-in kitchen air carpeted and fenced on wooded lots Will consider trading your house for down payment As low as $400 down S95 per month No down to 90 day vets on FHA Loop 820 tO Anglin exit South 3 blocks to 020 WoodY Lane JOHN FRANK AGEE AX 2-4441 PE 8-5747 WA 38644 WA 3-1644 NORTH OF Rosedale newly redecorated 3-bedroom 1-bath large lot Effie Teague PE 1-1540 Ave new 3-bedroom brick and frame Near shopping small down Star Agency JE 6-7714 3709 HUGHES-2-bedroom house new carpet newlv decorated inside and out best kept yard and garden In neighborhood WA 6-3301 AX 24717 for appointment REDECORATED This 3-bedroom or 2-bedroom and den home will sell for $55 per month New carpet end cabinets 2433 LOWRIEMORE 2-bedroom home on corner lot Carpeted Covered patio Nice fenced yard FHA $7000 1424 STAFFORD A lovely 3-bedroom Highland Hills home Carpeted living room and den home Air conditioning 4101 EASTOVER 3-bedroom 2-bath home in nice condition In a lovely neighborhood 140 PER MONTH For this 2-bedroom home woe living room central heat nice fenced yard JOHN FRANK AGEE AX 94441 WA 18664 WA 3-3089 PE 8-5147 NO DOWN PAYMENfnd down payment homes South Southeast and Stop Six Payments of 852 month Pays everything Rtbert Randoi WA 6-0115 ASSUME LOAN-3309 Cutter 2-1 f140 down $55 month MA 6-2846 (after 5 pm BU 124221 1)FF MILLER smell down 2-bedroom large paneled den separate dining It2 bath carpeting garage fence bus school Mooning A iso one 3-bedroom small equity $70 month Anita I vie Jg 44951 Piner Powell ED ors DUPLEX 4 rooms each side Poly $350 down Pe 8-9762 11 Lint P0 0 3 open dell Low low taxes 12 min WILL HOUSE CAR ETC BRICK 3 bedrooms 2 baths kitcheri den like new $97 month Jewel Smith WA 3-0930 BRYAN GREGORY TOWNSEN OFFICE ED 3-4315 Secluded and Serene It this 3-bedroom 2-bath attractive home situated on TWO most desirable lots in Westcliff So much Man' inside AND outt WA 34201 Mrs Gau Igen WA 42375 Beautiful Trees Surround this COZY 2-bedroom brick In immaculate conditiont A PRIZE buy in "close-in" WEST home Is "BRAND NEW" on the market WA 3-8201 Mrs Gaulden WA 42375 Owner Wants Action On this lovelk 3-bedroom 2-bath home In South Hills Den has woodburning fireplace all -electric kitchen central air Excellent floor plan FHA loan avail able WA 3-8201 Mn Gauiden WA 4-2375 SNUG HARBOR This attractive 2-bedroom "Solo gn Span" cottage is offered by out of town owner at VERY low pricel $6175 on easy EASY terms? Immediate possession Near steel mills WA 3-8201 Maxine Kellogg WA 6-6889 GRAY SIDING With white trim Nice corner lot with trees Is the setting for this spacious 2-bedroom home with separate dining room PLUS paneled TV room Nylon caroeting 3 window units Near Westcliff Shopping Only S95001 WA 18201 Mexino Kelloon WA 6-MIR9 noltrzoNTAL 42 matured 1 seed 431ists 5 headwear 48 cord 8 Iranian 49 goddess ruler of dawn 12 operatic 50 ice melody cream 13 blackbird container 14 part of ear 51 heath 15 spend- b2 health thrift resort 11 Spanish Jar 61 beverage 18 fish eggs 19 attorney Answer to 21 bird 24 valley griA A 25 feminine 8- go 4 name 28 respected 30 perform ee A I 31 provide triri I food 82 exist CUM 33 reneWed GM! 35 double 0 35 Arabian I 5i ruler MI A I Ai 37 Tom lialaN 38 French am) statesman 41 male Ayonisa time oi adult (0 1965 Meg Answer to YTRTO I ee a tgark um MINI ee E- 0 I SIS C2IMIA 1 A 116119 Average time of (310 1366 Xing 71 0 GY- 'D A REIS I UOMT MOWNS 0 TESG ONAIARMO MONVMOL OW I Lake Resort Prop 75K $88 MONTH AIR AND BUILT-INS The newest concept finest all brick 2 garages Full paneling a ti entrance ball adiacent to 121A In Richland Hills Drive out Hwy 183 (Baker Blvd) to 7100 block and follow arrow signs south to model at 7744 Birch Park Becmor AT 4-9727 nights BU 2-4375 AT 44838 NM ifinrAND Rosen Hwy 183 143-foot frontaoe Frank Clark MA 47428 LARGE Corner 1 block off White Settlement zoned Too site for light commercial plus income from 6room house TOP DOWNTOWN LOCATION Corner 100)000' excellent location yireinia Lee WA 3-0597 CHADWICK REALTOR COlTRALLY located 505 Main 87x210 surfaced 1300 square foot office WA 11695 MIK ME 34 compas MI oiromm sionate Inn' 35 elixirs Lamm 37 jelly 5 tib A rr 38frantleil 39 exchange 41m I premium 0 1 UR FOAL 40cityin RlE10 1 IIM 0 Nevada iiikaGs 4tplatelua glEil 12112M 44 nerpass 43menageri solution' 93 mtemtme 441Intets Features Syntl Inc) 470Ceen MECT Ezi adimmm NIUM INUOM 4Im I I UR AL IMMO EUMM MiilE DIUM KEY RANCH ESTATES CEDAR CR EEK LAKE TARRANT COUNTY'S newest Water agootY Largest man made lake In Texas SPECIAL OFFER Free Homesite With every purchase Limited time LITTLE AS $87 down $450 week A wise of traffic anti away from busy where YoU ride horses hunt deer quail dove fish swim ski and relax-- THIS romantic recreation center Is lust 11A1 hours from port Worth where sea breezes wipe away the tears caused by the toxic city air Live lonely' Imlay life more at the Key Ranch- Estates on Cedar Creek Lake Fret rnal and exciting or Como! by RODNEY FLETCHER 3014 Sandave WA 6-5453 RICHLAND HILLS NEW LISTING NEAR RICHLAND HIGH only one year old dr-room 2-bath brick fireplace air carpets and drapes down own er transferred Merge Smith JE 4-290111 MAYVIS RICHARDSON AT 4-01071 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING of 50000 on fen acres Rail sprinklered heavy wiring pE 1-6583 TOM WHITLEY CO REALTORS 2000 SQUARE FOOT house on commercial arbaerty on Hwy 1a3 Can be used as doctors clinic dentist or offices 97-foot frontage 400 feet deep DON DAVIS REALTOR BU 2-1852 BU 2-3236 BU 2-3426 --rsiNtsult NORTH ICHLAND t4111s 8195 move In 3-2-2 brick air $28 month Owner RE 7-6080 JE 6-0441 I.
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