1. Dania Reymond - Framer Framed
Bevat niet: 1988 | Resultaten tonen met:1988
Franco-Algerian filmmaker Dania Reymond-Boughenou was born in Algiers in 1982. Her family left Algeria in 1994 during the Black Decade to settle in Marseille. She studied at the École des beaux-arts de Marseille and the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, then at Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains, where she received […]
2. Les Tempêtes de Dania Reymond-Boughenou (2023)
D'étranges tempêtes de poussière jaune s'abattent sur la ville. Nacer, journaliste, couvre le phénomène pour son journal. Alors que les évènements ...
Longs Métrages
3. Dania Reymond - Cinebel
Chocolat (1988), Christophe… définitivement, Club Zero, Cocorico, De l'autre ... Dania Reymond. Fermer Films réalisés par Dania Reymond. Le Jardin d'essai. Année ...
Biographie de Dania Reymond
4. [PDF] Press Release Communiqué de Presse - https: //rm. coe. int
27 jun 2022 · Storms - Dania Reymond-Boughenou (France) - €300 000. (France ... Since it was set up in 1988, EURIMAGES has supported 2 320 co-productions for a ...
5. Dania Reymond-Boughenou - Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
Bevat niet: 1988 | Resultaten tonen met:1988
Dania Reymond-Boughenou’s family left Algeria in 1994 during the black decade to settle in Marseille, France. She began studying at the school of fine arts there and continued with the course at the Le Fresnoy – Studio National des Arts Contemporains. Her medium-length film Le jardin d'essai (2016), shot in Algiers, was shown at several festivals, including those in Angers, Brive, Cinemed and Belfort. In 2022, her film Constellation de la Rouguière, shot in Marseille, was shown in the national competition at the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival and was an official selection at the 2023 French Academy Awards.
6. Jeanne de Dania Reymond-Boughenou (2012)
Jeanne est internée dans un hôptial psychiatrique. Elle prétend être Jeanne d'Arc. Générique. Réalisatrice (1). Voir. Dania Reymond-Boughenou.
Papillon, de Florence Miailhe
7. Infrastructural Beings - Labocine
This film series centers on the vital interconnections that form our built environments, from imposing giants to the often intangible elements that shape our ...
This film series centers on the vital interconnections that form our built environments, from imposing giants to the often intangible ele
8. [PDF] artists in the exhibition
Dania Reymond [215]. Sara Sadik [219]. Fethi Sahraoui and. La Chambre Claire ... BORN IN 1988 IN CONSTANTINE,. ALGERIA. LIVES AND WORKS IN. ALGIERS. Page 21 ...
9. March 2023 — News — EAVE
Written by Dania Reymond-Boughenou herself, alongside Virginie Legeay and ... 1988. The selected participants of EAVE Producers Workshop 2023 are ...
The 13th edition of EAVE+ takes place from March 31 – April 5, 2023 at Hotel Mama Shelter in Luxembourg. The workshop will gather 14 experienced producers from 7 countries and 7 seasoned industry professionals to discuss the structure of their companies, best management practices and new business models.
10. Lauréats, finalistes et films 1986-2024 | Les Prix du Scénario Sopadin
Dania REYMOND-BOUGHENOU pour LES TEMPETES Angela TERRAIL pour PAULA. 2019 ... 1988. Pierre-Henri Salfaty,Tolérance Patricia Mazuy, Peaux de vaches
1995Manuel Prada, Marie Baie des AngesDidier le Pecheur, Des nouvelles du bon dieu
11. 2651 films - What's On MUBI?
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 ... The Trial Garden (Le jardin d'essai) · Dania Reymond-Boughenou, 2016, ...
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